aconauts are much cheaper ships are more expencive to fit there new abilities and the 4/3+ saves beond that you would have to ask a KO player
ah nevermind, misread, thought you said "KO points going nuts" so was expecting something unbalanced.
Sisters discussion is pointless, back to topic I guess. So two Aelves factions this year? Not really hyped about that.
Same. All the rumors haven't said anything definitive about Seraphon, but stuff like the Elves have been confirmed true. Makes me wonder if they really have anything planned at all. All the rumors surrounding Seraphon basically come down to "It's been so long, they HAVE to do something, right?"
The announcement of another elf army has really just made me want to drop AoS altogether, I keep hoping that something, anything get announced for seraphon but nope,nothing for 4 years, I'll probably just go back to just 40k because I'm tired of waiting
If you do that, don't pick any Xenos army because then you will be waiting again, I came from 40k to AoS for that exact reason only to pick a faction that has the same problem
That sword they posted in the rumor engine, it had a grail symbol right? It could be a high elve sword, or bear with me: Bretonnians! Dun! Dun! Duuuuuuun! With that the Seraphon get their update, well get a throwback battlebox to 5th edition WHFB Bretonnians vs Seraphon, the same day Old World will be released, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!
Isn’t the old world going to take a few years to revamp? It seems like would have a LOT of waiting to do.
Necrons are not so bad... but sadly competitive lists are stuck to "3 doomsday Arks with lord" in a nihilakh detachment, then "3 Sautekh doom scythes" in an air detachment, and a battalion with immortal squads with tesla....there's very little room for something else.
Well there was a rumour from a solid source that Seraphon update was in January. Thing is, Seraphon are like Gloom spite gitz. They are big money spinner. Everyone loves Squigs. Even people who don't choose gloomspite as a first army, would still like to have them as maybe a 2nd or a 3rd. Look at all the sold out models for Seraphon over Christmas. I would not be surprised, if they make some huge new dinos, as they will sell a lot of them.
I expect a Seraphon book to appear maybe feb. but at the latest sometime in mar. They are getting Tzeentch and KO out now, then they will milk the new sisters for all it's worth, as the amount of teasers and staggered release for them has been crazy. After that I would highly expect Seraphon before the new Aelves... Unless they do a Ogor/OBR kind of thing double release, but I seriously doubt that this time.
don't forget nurgle DoK and IDK they can delay us quite a wile if they have a mind for it. throw SCE in there for good meshur
Considering every faction got their unique hero in a battlebox so far, I expect 3 scenarios: 1) we are not getting any new models other than spells and/or terrain; 2) we are getting new Start Collecting!; 3) we are getting dual battlebox. The problem with third case is that all other factions are released and I doubt greatly that we are goin against Hysh Aelves (but who really knows what's on GW's mind). And the problem with first is rumor engine with saurian tail. Once again, it could be dead monster on primaris terminator base, but I'd still stick with seraphon variant. Or it can be a tail of a new Saurus Rider from new SC box?
Imagine it being a tag-team alliance and not opposing factions for once if it is a double-release. Seraphon could do with at least one allegiance outside of SCE.
Maybe GW is miffed b/c people keep asking about Seraphon? I see people mentioning us on virtually every rumor engine post, regardless of what it looks like. Lol.