GSC vs Tau is rumored to be one of the matchups, but nothing substantial yet afaik. Would be rather strange, Tau vs Death Guard would make way more sense given recent events in 40k lore. Next book is Dark Angels vs Thousand Sons. And two years (well 18 months really) is a blink of an eye for GW trying to cram more and more stuff into an already bloated and mismanaged release cycle. Even Black Templars got no new model to go with their PA book (rather unusual for a Space Marine faction), and Nids didn't get anything either (will be six years without a new model in April). But yeah, would be weird for GSC to get a new model. But GW's gonna GW (I am trying to establish "consistently inconsistent" as their new motto), so who knows.
The promo shots for Shadowsun, and her video, have GSC genestealers in the background. Clearly it's GSC. Otherwise we would have seen Plague Marines or poxwalkers.
yeah, hence fleshing out catachan to phase out the cadians seems a bit weird. plus, the cadians look far more distinct, or well their uniform is fairly universly recognized as the 40K guard uniform. The catachans are just burly men in camo-pants. Wasn't that one basicly confirmed?
On a sidenote, has anyone gotten a hold of the rohan fortifications? I can't convince anyone to show me how an AoS model would look on top of it and I'm curious if it'd fit. AoS uses larger models, but not massivly larger. And it's about the only "normal" fortifaction GW has ever released without skulls & spikes and such, so I'd like to use it.
Yes, as @Carnikang says, you can see Genestealers in the background of the picture of Shadowsun and her lackeys in the ruined cityscape
Gonna go out on a limb here and say Tau will likely have the advantage owing to the awesome power of rail rifles
- The height of the wall - The width of the walkway - The size of the tower platform And preferably a picture of some AoS models next to and on it. The two sizes I'd be interested in would be a liberator-sized model on the walkway, next to the wall and on the platform and a kairic acolyte in the same positions. As those sizes seem to cover most infantry in AoS. If that looks normal-ish I'd consider getting them. I mean obviously they're going to be too large, but I can't accuratly judge if it'd look fine or stupid. I mean, they're taller than the Rohan soldiers, but it's not like a liberator is the same size as a cave troll model from lotr either. A lot of AoS stuff is ultimatly still supposed to be super-human so there is some leeway.
Can't shoot your fancy Rail Rifle if you got cut into (at least) two pieces by the deadliest weapon known to men and mutants everywhere, the allmighty ROCK SAW, highest of high tech instruments of carnage and mayhem. Tau vs GSC is still an odd pairing.
To quote a famous movie.... I should also point out, that there is supposedly a Tau Ethreal that is infected by genestealer Cult.
I wanted to sell one of my 40k armies, but Tau and GSC are two of them and Necrons are the 3rd. Looks like all 3 could get an update this year
To go back to the new armybook concept, I like the idea of bringing back the Scaly Skin save. 5th edition Skinks used to be awesome! They had short bows (so worse than a blowgun but a little stronger), poisoned arrows (auto-wounding sometimes), and a 6+ Scaly Skin save. You could drop a HOUSE on a skink back then and it would survive on a 6+! Then it would turn around and fire it's pathetic short bow and on a 6 to-wound it would poison your opponent, auto-wounding anything that could be poisoned (like, say, a Dragon or other high toughness model)! Back then an All-Skink army wasn't... really feasible, don't get me wrong, but there was a hint of a possibility!
Some of the new books seem to be taking inspiration from old efb books. So we could see some old things like scaly skin return. But what if this time it was a 6+ after save. You could have the saurus guard on a5+ but boosted to 4+ if wholly within 12 of a slann (simulating only the toughest get chosen to protect the slann.) Poison on skink would be a welcome return. Sacred spawnings would be sweet aswell