6th Ed. My 1st Tournament - 3 games

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Gary_M, Oct 13, 2019.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    On Saturday my local club in UK hosted a 6th WHFB Competition.
    18 players turned up. 3 games.
    We played Meeting Engagement, Capture and Pitched Battle.
    First game was against Beastmen.
    Very close. Lost by 42 points (I think, definitely 40something).
    No massive mistakes on my part, although I didn’t realise how strong centigors were when I sent my Terradons into them. My deployment could have been better but my skink shaped speed bumps decided to stand and fight rather than make way for the army.
    I’m sure this came from one skink killing a centigor in combat!
    The Salamanders did manage to get kill two chaos spawn.
    Key point was a charge by 4 minotaurs into my old blood, which was also charged by some ambushing dogs. He survived, and next turn I would have a charge on the dogs with another unit to make that a key combat.
    Unfortunately my oppo arrived late so we were late starting, and one more turn was beyond us.
    Given MOV, game was a draw.

    Game 2 was against Empire. He had a Steam Tank, some cannon, hell blaster, 3 knight units (10/5/5) and some infantry.
    Table was a bit open which helped the artillery, but I did manage to get some units behind a wood and out of sight.
    I lost a couple of units early on. Terradons trying to get to the cannons, and a unit of skinks to the hell blaster.
    Cold one cav was taken below half strength by the cannons and steam tank.
    But the old blood with great weapon managed to take it down over two turns to only 6 wounds remaining.
    My oppo decided to try to shoot the tanks cannon, but managed to blow up instead.
    He also moved a character out to threaten the kroxigor still behind the wood.
    Not having the tank to fight the old blood and a couple of cav charged the flank of 5 knights, they fled.
    The sole character was killed by skink skirmishers, despite a 2+ Armour save. (I rolled a lot of sixes, he rolled at least to 1s).
    The knights who had fled rallied and faced the old blood and cold ones.
    He got unlucky, rolling two misfires, followed by two 1s. One cannon and the hell blaster were gone.
    In my turn, The Salamanders finished off barbecuing some spear/swordsmen. The kroxigor were able to charge his big knight unit which was sitting on the objective. I got a couple didn't lose any. They held.
    The Oldblood etc charged the knights who had rallied. They stood.
    Unfortunately things did not go well and a combined factors meant I’d lost combat. Then failed the morale test, then got run down.
    This put the remaining knights in a perfect position to charge the rear of the kroxigor in his turn.
    This they did. The outcome from the combined combats was the loss of the kroxigor but also the loss of the smaller knights unit as I fought them trying to wipe them out to get points.
    Time was again my enemy as the Saurus Warriors we’re ready t charge the flank f the big knight bus. But time was called.
    A loss as he had the objective, MOV on points was c320 in his favour (a minor loss for me)

    Third game was against High Elves, and a player from my club who I knew well.
    His army was something like 2 bolt throwers, 2 x 10 archers, 2 eagles, 1 unit of 5 cav with a 2+ a/s, another one (not sure if that was 2+ or 3+), 20 ish two handed weapon infantry and 20ish spearmen. Two wizards, a BSB and maybe another Lord/hero.
    My oppo was unlucky with some rolls. Early on, I got 5 or 6 poisoned hits on his unit of 5 knights (they had 2+ Armour save). He rolled three 1s. One unit of skinks killed an eagle. The Terradons killed the other.
    The other knights charged my Saurus. Despite the ranks etc I lost combat, failed the morale test and fled. Fortunately I was run down. Rallied next turn.
    The Salamanders killed the spearmen over a couple of turns.
    His knights charged the Saurus again, with the same result. Only this time I had run out of table. The knights followed off table. I had moved the kroxigor to charge them if the Saurus held (I had thought that lightning couldn’t strike twice - D’Oh!).
    When the knights came back on, he tried to move them away but couldn’t manage it, so they were charged by the kroxigor towards the end of the game.
    Throughout the game the bolt throwers and archers had been firing and plinking wounds/figures here and there.
    I did end up losing the Terradons, two units of skinks, a unit of 6 chameleons and the Saurus.
    However, I did get a lot of his units, and his BSB.
    Ended up with a minor win, with a MOV of c400 points.

    So, ended the day with one of each. A win, a draw and a loss.

    Overall placed 9th out of 18 players. For my first tournament, I’m very happy.

    Some pics attached, but forgot to take any of 2nd game.

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    Last edited: Oct 18, 2019
    LizardWizard, airjamy and Warden like this.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Nice report! Glad to know the tournament went well overall (despite the Imperials getting a victory). And thanks for the pictures, love your lizards!

    Glad he survived, a minotaur charge to the face is never a good thing :wideyed::D
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @Warden thanks.
    Really enjoyed it. Played three really good people.

    I didn't mention magic. Three games. I got Urannons Thunderbolt (no armour saves) in two. The one I didn't....Against the Empire and their 1+ knights!

    If I'd have had that, at least once, that game could have been so different. Oh well. I think I got it twice against the Beatsmen and once against the High Elves.

    The High Elf magic was frightening - He had something like 12 dice. A combination of three dispel scrolls and some lucky rolls meant hismagic was not as devastating as it could have been

    Re the oldblood vs Minotaur charge, my oppo, who until that time had reasonable dice (nothing brilliant or bad) kind of whiffed his attacks. I think I got one high A/S, saved another 1 or 2 with a 4+ ward, and only took one wound.

    I forgot to mention that out of three lizardmen players, I was second. The first ranked player took a very magic heavy list. A Slann, at least one priest, 16 saurus to protect the slann (made immune to psychology), 3 sallies and skinks. The third placed, I think had two biggish units of saurus, few skinks and two steggies, plus some other bits.

    And thanks for the comment about the painting. Hardly Golden Demon standard, but at arms length, on a table, I'm happy with them. Only got the movement bases flocked the night before the competition!
    Warden likes this.
  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Look really cool man. What kind off loopy land do you live in where 18 people show up for a tournament of 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy, I love it!
    Warden likes this.
  5. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @airjamy thanks. The town of Shepperton, in the county of Middlesex, in the far off land of Blighty!
    If you're ever in the UK, we meet on Monday night,, and we're quite close to Heathrow.
    Warden and airjamy like this.
  6. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Nice, could have expected it to be in the UK. Many clubs still playing 8th there as well? Might take my army if i go on a holiday there.
    Warden and LizardWizard like this.
  7. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    That I'm not sure about. Locally it appears to be mainly 6th, and to be honest, I think I prefer it!
    airjamy and Warden like this.

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