i gues? but take our "hammers" and compare them with any other armies damage dealers and they come out as unweildly and weak. i agree that guard and bastiladons have fallen behind if they could actualy take a punch then we would be doing a lot better
Ripperdactyls have stood up to the test of time. Especially when inside of the Shadowstrike Starhost. They probably need rend -1 on their bites or feet to continue in relevancy in the era of Bonereapers and Fyreslayers though. They are no Morsar Guard as far as cav are concerned though.
or pigs or brass stamped and they don't need a toad to work. thats the problem with all of our hammers and anvils they finicky
Agreed. In Shadow strike, I tend to feel they are better than the other units. Simply because of the flexibility it offers for putting your unit exactly where it can accomplish the most. Outside of the battalion they are pretty out classed though. Especially if you want to reliably run multiple units of Ripperdactyls. If only we could LoSaT the Bloat Toad
I think the Bloat toad needs its own datasheet, but maintains it's "Not an enemy model and cannot be targetted" status. Would be hilarious to me.
Wait a second.... I think the TWW2 chameleon skinks had the right idea.... "Covers saurus in blot toads as armor"
I asked one game if I could put a bloat toad on my slann’s palanquin. They said no so they were subjected to 5 turns of shooting spam
Ripperdactyls are also extremely squishy compared to other hammers. Which makes them far too reliant on the shadowstrike host's ability to dump them on top of an enemy without getting shot to bits. It also means they nearly always get annihilated immeadiatly after landing if there are any survivors. Also, they're too dependent on their toad. They're among the worst units statwise in the catagory "elite 3 models units". Only really outperforming screamers of tzeentch (which are currently terrible) & flamers of tzeentch (which are artillery). But all the other 3 model units serving a similar purpose as a (glass)hammer have vastly better stats. Nearly always boasting more wounds, a better save (or at least an additional alternative form of protection like a ward-save or healing), more attacks without needing a toad, often having rend or mortal wounds (or both), and occasionally bringing some ranged attacks for good measure. Basicly they rely on the toad & the shadowstrikes ability to guarantee 1 good round of combat in a prepared position and that's it. You can't use them like you would a normal hammer and just smash them into a vulnerable part of your opponents line, wherever & whenever that may be. plus, they're our only option that even resembles a hammer, without immeadiatly needing to rely on behemoths. If nothing else we need some alternative options, terradons, knights, kroxigor, razordons, at least one of those should be useable as a hammer as well.
I think the thing about us is we do have decent hammer opinions if buffed, but compared to other factions shock cavalry our stuff utterly falls behind.
Of course our stuff is good when we fully Buff it everybody stuff is good when they fully Buff it that's not the thing. The thing is we don't always have those bonuses available and we certainly can't put it more than one place if the unit is good before that then we can project power to more than one place
Everything is so weak because we have to rely so much on summoning. It sucks but that's the reality of Seraphon right now. Best we can hope for is a new book that reworks our army to give us powerful units.
Looking at the kind of units other factions have been getting, I could see us getting a new Scar-Vet on Cold One with new Knights and Warriors to round out a new Start Collecting box. It seems every faction needs an up-to-date 'Lord-Celestant on Dracoth' equivalent - Deepkin got their King, Gloomspite got a new Loonboss on Squig, Bonereapers got their Liege and Slaves to Darkness of course got that new Karkadrak. A new mid-size mounted Saurus hero with an entourage of new cavalry and foot soldiers (hopefully with more inspired names than 'Knights' and 'Warriors') would be ideal and would probably sell like hotcakes. I only know this is not going to happen any time soon because otherwise it would be Seraphon being hinted at and not 'pointy aelves'. A more realistic prediction would be one of these 'surprise battletomes' that is announced two weeks before it is released and is inevitably a half-arsed shitshow.
That's definitely what a few fear. But because we've been pushed back so far.... There is a glimmer of hope.
Don't forget that codex are sent to the printers months in advance. So there's a good chance the book has been done for a while and that they're waiting on their release date or there's some sort of issue with the printing company.