It wouldn’t be too difficult to remake saurus warriors and skinks and chameleons. They did half the work with the bloodbowl models, just gotta change the arms to have weapons and the heads to lose the face guards. So I’m hopeful for some resculpts.
I'm not sure how I would feel about the Bloodbowl skinks becoming the new default skink aesthetic. They're good models and have a lot of character, but they're a little too cartoony for my tastes, and wouldn't fit in with our other skink models like the Stegadon, Bastiladon and the flyers. I actually don't have any issues with the current skink range at all. It's just Saurus that are butt-ugly IMO
I maintain that Slaanesh's warscrolls aren't what makes them strong. The entire army rests on the shoulders of their allegiance abilities and the Keepers of Secrets. All their other units are kind of mediocre. Better than Seraphon, to be sure, but nothing to write home about when you look at warscrolls from other armies. I also think that Slaanesh has been brought back in line pretty nicely with the recent FAQs.
Daemonettes are laughably pathetic. A buffed up unit of saurus warriors in a sunclaw can wipe the floor with them.
As long as they're not running three keepers, you can totally fight Slaanesh. I also agree that the skink range doesn't need a redo. Only the finecast Skinks, such as chameleons and handlers, needs to be done in plastic. Sauras need the most work across the board.
I hate GW, they don't say or show anything about us, but then they post pictures with our minis as if nothing happens. Uhmm, Although reading what they put in the post I don't know what to think anymore
I actually think the saurus guard look fine, they're s little small and dated but other saurus units look much worse lol
Agreed. The plastic guard came out well after the regular kit, so they were better. If they were to give them a kit that looked like the TW Guard... I'd probably take out a loan.
Here is something to point out, saurus warriors may look fine, but next to a simple bloodbowl conversion they look rather derpy and unimpressive. Another key point is that they are not in scale with lore which claims that they are massive lizards as muscular as an ork
I will never get tired of seeing TW Saurus being lauded. I would sacrifice my child's college fund for a model range drawing inspiration from CA's art direction for Saurus. I wouldn't be alone either - there is an untapped goldmine that GW is too stubborn or too stupid to acknowledge.
It takes a lot of time to get the models ready and sent to the printers. So hopefully they will give us new models soon enough
I take some umbrage with that, since they have had 3 years I believe. More if Woogity was doing concept works years before the game was released. Now that the models are completed and in game, and have motions and animated poses, I'm fairly sure they could port them to CAD without to much difficulty, adjust any issues that would come up, and then start the undercutting process. That would take, what, a few months of work for a few kits? Depends on resources and who is doing the undercutting. There are some real geniuses out there when it comes to that. Setting up sprues would happen alongside the undercutting, so they fit fine. After that, it's just slapping it off to the production facility in house, printing loads to put on pallets and store for release day, which is not soon by their own admition.
There's the very simple issue that GW probably doesn't own those designs and thus simply can't. Or at least not without giving sega/CA a lot of royalties. Also, depending on how exactly the models are made for the game it's actually still quite a lot of effort to port them into something printeable. And that's of course ignoring that it shouldn't just be printeable, but also easy to assemble. Admittadly, not 3 years worth of work. But it's definitly not as straightforward as a lot of people would assume.
Simple question: overlords and tzeentch got updated.... are we really the last faction or am i missing something?
Nope you are not missing anything, we seem to be the last faction. You could count Nurgle since they were the first 2.0 Faction but out of all of them we are the last.