8th Ed. A few things that came up versus Skaven...

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Karnus, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    1. Can you challenge the plague priest character (sorry I do not know the names) in a unit of plague monks if they have taken a plague furnace as a mount?

    2. If you kill the rider of said plague furnace mount in a challenge, what happens to the "mount"?

    3. If all plague monks in a unit that contains a plague furnace have been killed, What happens to the plague furnace if it loses combat? It cannot "move" if all plague monks are dead for example.

    4. When you enter a forest and roll to see what type of forest it is, does the forest stay as that type for the whole game or do you re-roll if someone exits then enters it again?

    5. What spell type is The Dreaded 13th?

    6. What spell type are the rest of the Skaven specific spells?

    7. For the lore attribute of death magic - if a character with 2 wounds dies from the fate of bjuna, do you roll 2 dice for extra power dice or do you roll a number of dice equal to the number of unsaved wounds caused by the spell if it was more than 2?

    8. Can my opponent pull out an assassin of his model box and say "he's for later" only to find out he isn't included in his army at all :p ?

    It was our first game in ages and these were a few things we ran into that couldn't find an immediate answer to. (8 is a joke, I encourage this kind of thing xD) Cheers in advance!
  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    A bit rusty, so take these with a small pinch of salt but I think I got these.

    1. Yes you can, no reason why you would not be able to.

    2. It dies. Only monsters that are used as mounts continue living, and they have to take a test.

    3. I think it dies as soon as the unit dies, but I am not sure on this.

    4. It stays whatever the forest is, you only roll once.

    5. It is a direct damage spell, as was in the FAQ.

    6. A lot to list here just in my commute, I would check the FAQ/errata for that. Most of them are what you think they are.

    7. It counts wounds caused, so wounds that overkill do not count. Do keep in mind you also have to roll a 5+ to actually get the dice.

    8. Totally allowed. This is an ancient and hallowed tactic mostly employed by the orcs and goblins, put those fanatics on the table even if you have 0 on your list ;).

    In hind sight, I am pretty sure on all of them, the only thing I would be surprised to be wrong on is 3. If other people can chime in, that would be great, love to be proven wrong! Nice to have gotten a game in Karnus!
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  3. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the info - I have both the 1.9 BRB FAQsnd the skaven faq but Iā€™m having a hard time finding the spell types
  4. Sneek Verminspy
    Jungle Swarm

    Sneek Verminspy New Member

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    I'd argue-debate point number 2 & 3. torn from the page of the latest skaven faq, it states "Q: Does anything special happen to a Screaming Bell or Plague Furnace if the Grey Seer or Plague Priest is killed? (p43 & p48) A: No."

    Along with, so says the great horned rat: Q: If the rider is killed, what happens to the Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace? (p43 & p48) A: It continues to function normally inside its unit. The only difference is that all ranged attacks against it will hit the Bell/Furnace ā€“ no need to randomise.

    Likewise the only mention of a penalty for losing the unit is a gradual loss of movement value, down to zero, as plague monks die-die.
    Karnus likes this.
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for your input. Seems I was wrong in 2, the FAQ overrules general rules here I presume!
    Sneek Verminspy likes this.

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