What I failed to understand is that the battle volume is still in sales if practically nothing can be used. It's like a scam to the ignorant, the new player ... On the part of GW it seems a bit abusive. It doesn't matter if they take two months or more to renew, what can't be is that they sell you an obsolete and meaningless product ...
Yeah, I agree with you, but Seraphon are an army in their roster and them not having a tome is not an option either, sure they could direct you to buying the GHB but buisness wise that wouldn't be that great aswell. Well, so both options are really shitty, selling an army without a book or telling you well they have rules but they are in this book which is updated annualy, download the warscrolls from the internet and print them out. Which is exactly what I have done, I do not own the battletome, nor do I intend to do so untill it is updated. No matter how you look at it, it's not great.
wait... we are dinos riding dinos.... if we getting merged with SCE we are dinos riding dinos riding a stardrake.... for example: - a Sunblood on Salamander on Stardrake. or would it be the other way around? - Oldblood on Dracoth on Dread Saurian?
It will be a SCE on the shoulders of a Sunblood on the back of a Salamander on the back of a Stardrake. Continue stacking dinos and SCE until it's so silly that everything explodes again.
Oh I do hope so, I'd go as far as to say that the Sunblood uses one SCE as a shield and another as a weapon!
I just saw there is a Nurgle chaos warrior tutorial, from Mengel, on the GW site. So, my guess is the Nurgle is the next book.
The book still has the lore, and people like to buy outdated books to follow the lore. look at how many old lizardmen tomes are on ebay and other sites. I don't think its a scam, I do think they could put a banner on the page on their site that indicates theb attletome is out of date, or for lore purposes only.
One thing I would like to see in AoS, is a cavalry unit that actually does what its suppose to do. Large units of Saurus knights 10+ should do D3 mortal wounds on charge for every extra 5 models they have in them. The charge effect should be massive. One thing about AoS is they put 50 million keywords in, but they don't put ones for infantry or cavalry. At the moment, the Saurus knights, lazily walk towards enemies going at the same speed as a donkey dragging a cart full of scrap metal. And then they swing with the impact of dish cloth.
Yeah Saurus Cavalry are weird. - Skinks are faster, and those are infantry. - Gore-Gruntas are faster, and those are super heavy. - they do mortal wounds when they have charged with their Lances, but on the wound roll of 6+ while almost everyone else does such things on the hit roll. - they look like they should have a range of 2" but it is only 1" (same goes for Black Knights though)
Saurus knights might not be the best, but they aren’t the worst. You can march them for a solid 14” making them faster than skinks or gore gruntas. I would say that their primary attraction isn’t the Lances, but the bites of the cold ones. 20 attacks from a unit of 10 is scary, the closest thing we can get to melee razordons. Burn a cp and that unit of 10 can make 30 cold one attacks. A unit of ten can be making 50 total attacks with a cp used. With the right constellation of rerolling hits of 1, these attacks have potential. I would think of saurus knights more as a melee cavalry, with a chance for a few mortal wounds
If only they had a 4+ they would be very useable, but unfortunately they were designed for a different era
I just wish they were tankier, and had more oomph as a unit of 5, which would make them exceptional for summoning. Of course, this issue with their buff piece is that he uses his command ability in the hero phase, meaning if you use it before you summon them, the first half doesn't work, and if you summon him along side them, he doesn't get to use it. I'd love to see them become heavy cav for real, being able to move 10 and charge. That'd be a 22" threat range not counting pile ins.
Good luck getting 10 saurus knights all into combat and with all those buffs. That's a lot of requirements to make them decent. Story of our army...
The thing to note with 10 knights is not their durability, but the stupid amount of attacks they can put out for a low price. Against a big unit getting 10 knights into combat isn’t that hard, and giving them a scar vet on cold one nearby relatively easy