Wouldnt it be neat if we got some Kroxigor hero like in the total war game. Maybe he could make Kroxigor and bigger dinos battleline. Of course the Kroxigor would need an overhaul, but since everything needs an overhaul I think that would be cool.
Of course I hope so, but I try not to get overly excited about it and instead focus on painting my lizards. It's a bit draining to always to get through this cycle of hope, excitement and finally disappointment.
That's what I think as well. Yes it would be nice if new models came out. But ultimately it would feel better to have a completed army of current Seraphon models, then a bunch of new grey plastic.
I hope so, but I'm tempering myself from disappointment. The Warhammer Community site has given us an extremely dry couple weeks for Age of Sigmar news, since they're pushing those nuns with guns haaard (not that I blame them; they're badass), so I'd be surprised if we didn't see some kind of announcement for AoS at the LVO. At this point, I just want to know something. GW seems to love leaving their audience in the dark and be as non-transparent of a company as possible when it comes to their release schedules and plans for the future, and that gives me a tremendous amount of anxiety (which is ultimately on me, not them).
With some luck it could be, and February is not far off, which is the supposed release time of our new battletome. Let’s hope for something because the waiting is killing us all. As for the actual battletome results...
the monsters are slow inacriat cant fly cant take a punch and have low attacks per model. they are finaly cheep enough to use and just barly beat out our trogladon for worst monster in the game. the entire army die supper easy their hammers are either to expensive or just bad(looking at you bull gores a 4 to hit is bad) their good units work better in other peoples armies so good players don't play BoC. the entire army is based around high rend in an environment where after saves are the biggest defense. their alligence abilities are meh not bad but meh. and they are sitting on a 39 % win rate in the tournament seen even if you don't trust that metric that's baaaaad
Huh, where did that statistic pull from, if you don't mind me asking? I don't mean to be confrontational, of course, but these are the stats that I last saw on BoC in the tournament scene, and it sits them at an incredibly solid ~53%. I think they took 2nd in the last Grant Tourney as well.
Awesome, I hadn't seen this table yet, thanks! That is a shame about BoC, but it does make sense that they're getting worse over time. The magic of constant power-creep, I suppose
it's more what was doing good then anything else as i said the people who play BoC play them in khorn slanesh or STD since they don't do very well in the current meta that should change as high armor comes back
Looking at the results from the chart, Seraphon are surprisingly doing decently. If we got a few reworks such asknights and warriors getting a 4+ and skinks getting a 5+ and some more rend on our monsters we could be doing really well. also something of note is the absurd win rate of HoS and OB, with well over 60% win rates