I like the idea of a 2K army list with 4 Doomwheels. Add in some of those smaller Doom-Flayers for even more whirling death madness, probably some Clanrats to people don't ask where your battleline troops are, and let the chaos commence!
SQUEAK! What? Rat-things? Here? Perish the thought! No rat-things here, only us leezards! Squeak! Er, I mean HISS!
Dont we all like to dabble a little with the dark side? Joke aside, a lot of the members have more than their Lizardmen/Seraphon army, the only one that will be punished if you decide to get another army is your wallet... Also dont be afraid to ask questions about any army, or post progress in a paint log for other army models While the forum is mainly based around Lizardmen/Seraphon, we encourage any discussion around the game, no matter the army. Finally, Skaven is a very fun army to play since it can do very well, but also fail catastrophically. So I recommend you to give them a try
If I can talk about my Renegades and Heretics, you can talk about Tau. Can't guarantee people will listen, mind you...
Tau are Amazing. We can discuss about the Greater Good, or we can blast you to dust. Your choice. All the other factions in 40k won't give you the same deal.
Absolutely Also quite true As a shield-carrying member of the Round Table (long live Bretonnia) it is a lot of fun to collect a second army. Hurts to have lots of unfinished projects sitting around too That is a beautiful dino
I have Chaos Marines, Renegades and Heretics, and a Grot-Themed Ork army for 40K, Skaven and Seraphon (of course) for AoS, and am working on 2 armies for 8th/whatever edition WFB. Most of us have at least one army other than Seraphon. Some of those armies are Chaotic. Remember: It is Chaos. It doesn't HAVE to make sense. [Insert obligatory maniacal laughter here]
What's people's opinion on Clawlords? His command ability seems pretty good, and combined with Skavenbrew, that's a lot of attacks
Clawlords are very helpful and surprisingly dangerous, but you want to keep him safe so you can make use of his command ability. Clanrats are kind of ok by themselves, but like most battleline, remember: the more dice you roll, the more dangerous they are.
He's best used in a claw horde warscroll battalion, in which his command ability becomes a 13" bubble aura. I frequently run mine with 3 full hordes of clanrats and a 20-strong unit of stormvermin (the latter are admittedly a tax) for a single drop of 141 rats.
Yeah if it wasnt for the Stormvermin tax I'd be auto including it... but alas, stormvermin... Even at 2x20 clanrats, and 20 stormvermin thats 760 pts
You know, people knock Stormvermin, and I will admit they're kind of pricey for what you get. But here's the thing. 5+ base save, and with the Clawlord's ability they have 3 attacks each with a 2" range and better to-hit and to-wound than unbuffed Clanrats. Mind you, there are downsides. Stormvermin aren't cost-effective in big units, and without the big units you don't get the Leadership buff, to-hit buff, or to-wound buff that are easier to pull off with Clanrats. Still, they look cool...
Yeah i love the models, and by no means is their stat line bad, just they're very expensive, and you kind of need a big unit so they're just hard to fit in.
I've lately considered dropping the stormvermin to minimum size (10 models) and reallocating those points elsewhere, since I don't usually put them on my front line. By and large however, stormvermin are far from the least efficient battleline unit that Skaven have access to. That title really goes to the stormfiends of Skryre lists, with 260pts for 22 wounds shared between 3 models on 60mm bases, each of whom requiring one of two specific weapon load-outs that aren't shared with the rest of the trio. For all the flexibility that a stormfiend unit can have, it is unable to effectively commit to any of the battlefield roles in which individual stormfiends could excel, making it a mediocre jack-of-all-trades at best, and their large bases actively work against them if fielded in unit sizes larger than the 3-model minimum.