@Ivor when you wrote ingame which game did you mean? Are you a Warhammer Total War computer gamer? If anything labeled “Behemat” turns out to be giants, they might be reusing an old page from an old playbook. See below: There was a point around 7th edition(?) where they brought out a new giants kit. Along with it they published rules/guidelines for “...incorporating a giant into your army...” Nearly every army could have a giant, but a handful of armies could not. I think Lizards were on the could not list.
Nope I play the ever depressed Space Elves of Ulthwe! Come at me Tau! Which you wont, because you stay away and shoot me to bits ^^
@pendrake He's 'was' also known as the Father/Originator of the Aleguzzler Gargants. I'd also venture that @Ivor meant ingame as in "part of the game". Because there is a Warscroll Battalion called the Sons of Behemat. And this will be the equalizer. In AoS, melee will bog down Giants, unless they do an obscene amount of melee damage, and throw boulders that do just as much....
The times of Knights dominating 40k have been over for quite some time now, and they were trash tier for a longer period (before they got their Codex). So the sky will not be falling. Especially considering the different wound mechanics in 40k and AoS (no Toughness 8 to help protect you). And they are running around half naked, so 4+ at most, basic versions might end up with a 5+. So will die horribly to what we are bringing anyways (Rippers + Razordons saying hi).
I used one Imperial Knight in my game against chaos space marines last weekend. One unit of 3 Obliterators blew it up in the first turn, so I didnt even get to use it. They are not that though to be honest.
Well, Fyreslayers are also running half-naked, but this doesn't deny them a title of one of the most durable armies in AoS (if not the most durable). GW can easily bring a lot of stupid rules to make them nigh-unkillable even without high save or wounds - ward save, halfing the damage, "cannot suffer more than X damage per turn" stuff, -1 to-wound as allegience, cannot modify save, etc.etc.
I mean, an army of giants would be pretty hard to hurt while on foot. But I can see them as in a similar state as ogors. High wounds, lowish save
Agreed. Even in Horus Heresy, I've seen my fair share of lords of war getting lit up by heavy ordnance (and well-placed meltas if they don't have armoured ceramite) because of their obvious threat potential. The few that don't are often the ones used as long-range artillery platforms.
Obviously they're AOS anwser to dreadnoughts, we already have fantasy marines, intern one in a giant and you got fantasy dreadnoughts
Tracking the container gave a few hints : hts4911.91 Pictures, designs and photographs: (So the warscrolls obviously) hts9503.00.00 Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars and similar wheeled toys; dollsʼ carriages; dolls, other toys; reduced-scale (“scaleˮ) models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds; parts and accessories thereof (Miniatures!! Perhaps scenery) Tracking details for Container CMAU0884797 20 ST Export PDF HONG KONG (HK) LOS ANGELES, CA (US) Arrived at POD Tue 21 Jan 2020 19:35 So it arrived in the US! It is incredible what informations you can get out of those documents!
Since Terrain and ES are made in China, perhaps we will be getting some. Very curious to know how many cards are in the Warscroll packs.
An employee at the local GW-Store said today that the Seraphon are coming very very soon. Of course, this is not something tangible, but as you know, hope dies last!