This idea of coalescing makes Slann as powerful as gods, they are creating life out of their memories. Really hope their god tier power is represented in the rules. At this rate Kroak should be able to go toe to toe with Nagash no problem.
Yeah I converted my own, but they don't fit in with anything... I'm just calling them an elite squad of saurus who found their mounts from outside of Lustria (or something. I mostly made them because I think they are cool lol)
Some aelven-eyes spotted another rumour engine belonging to the new aelvenfolk: Still of the enouncement video, first artwork shot. Got this from the update of WarbossKurgan Gr, Imrahil
Only just got round to posting on here and... CALLED IT! I TOLD you Seraphon would arrive alongside High Elves 2.0! However, what I didn't call was that you'd be getting a massive great pyramid as a scenery piece. That thing looks great, if probably expensive. Really pleased for you all! Your patience paid off! Let's hope that GW finally make it possible to win without a Slann... ...and certainly if this idea of the Coalesced is correct, it could well be possible! These are just... AWESOME! The new takes on Spearmen and Silver Helms are just gorgeous, with Corinthian helmets aplenty yet also remaining quite faithful to the old High Elf aesthetics, especially if they're painted with colours more similar to the old High Elf palette (with silver armour and blue and white outfits). I have quite a few of the old High Elf Spearmen and Silver Helms already, but the cavalry would look good as Dragon Prince proxies, and I imagine the infantry could also be put to good use. I had a momentary blackout on who the enchanted suit of armour was supposed to be for, but having realised that it's for Eltharion the Grim, I agree that's a really nice touch. Wonder if GW will do something like this for other Fantasy heroes? The new Teclis miniature is just mind-blowing. He's probably going to be both horrendously expensive and horrendously fragile, so I won't be getting him anytime soon, but he is magnificent nonetheless. And the best part is that this was merely a teaser, and we'll be seeing a lot more of these chaps closer to March. I am thoroughly impressed with these, and I look forward to seeing what else GW does with them in anticipation. And @Canas, while they do look fairly different from the old High Elves, their army structure at the moment means that if you wanted to start gaming with their army list without having to spend too much, you could still probably use old High Elves as proxies for them - old High Elf spearmen could be used as the new Spearmen, and Silver Helms could be used to represent the new cavalry. After all, they are the ancestors of these chaps. Perhaps an army of High Elves using the rules for these Lumineth Realmlords could be a sect of traditionalists preserving all the old High Elf equipment they took with them from the world-that-was? Skaven got Stormfiends during the End Times, before AoS even arrived. Just wanted to correct that for you. And one more thing... CALLED PLASTIC GHAZGHKULL! I know, what they tease here is a little Gretchin called Makari, but he was Gazghkull's pet and assistant, meaning Gazghkull himself won't be far behind. Back in the days when White Dwarf was weekly, they had an 'Ask Grombrindal' column where the legendary Grudge-God would answer questions posed to him by hobbyists in an entertaining, yet also useful, fashion. When the Orks received their 7th Edition Codex in around May-June 2014, White Dwarf went green (as it usually does when Orks/Orcs get new stuff), and Grombrindal was replaced by none other than Gazghkull Thraka himself. The question the reader mailing in that week asked him about Makari, and Gazghkull replied that he had sat on him. Obviously, this was either a big fat lie, or Gazghkull had sat on another hapless Gretchin and Makari had disappeared in completely unrelated circumstances.
Oh, I thought the plastic Stormfiends were new models, I stand corrected. Thanks for clarifying this, then we are just some endless spells away from a Skavenesque release.
The old blood on foot better have more than 2 attacks with 3+/4+/-1/d3! The guy is absolutely pathetic right now
If we get some carnosaurs similar to what @Erta Wanderer and I designed, they should be pretty awesome!
There are so many things I want to go right with this. My hype is starting to eclipse my pessimistic tendencies...
Hmpf. I still don't like the face on that sphinx. Maybe I can find some Chaos player who has a spare head from one of those cat monsters and it fits.... No. I will not start another Order army. ....yet.
Guys, guys, don't worry! I know we've been preparing ourselves to get massively disappointed, but this is GW we're talking about. They have been doing amazing jobs with every single faction and models theyvey released. 2019 releases were amazing, and they know Seraphon are a massively popular faction, specially with Total War. New book and a pyramid? They're teasing us. Look at the Blood Bowl Saurus. They're identical to the Saurus in the Battletome cover, and nothing to do with the current ones. Cold ones are ugly af, and they wouldn't update them without updating Saurus. So they will do so. We will get new Saurus models, plastic Slann and heroes, and a very cool Battletome. Endless spells will come as well. This is a preview. A tease. Be prepared for what is to come, and save up some money. This isn't over. This has barely started. I predict a remodeled Scar-Vet on cold one with cold one knights for a dual box vs Pointy Aelves or possibly Nurgle. Saurus are being remodeled everywhere, to think the Saurus warriors won't be remodeled isn't correct. Also, probably new razordons and salamanders models, certainly sold in boxes with 3 of them each. Be ready and save money. We won't be disappointed.
They said at the end of the seraphon part that more previews are coming, what that are we don't know yet,but still very hopeful.
They're similar enough to tell they're related. But I feel the differences are too large for a mixed force to make much sense. It'd kinda be like playing a roman army with hastati next to proper legionaires. I mean, yeah they're very similar, and they fulfill much the same role in combat, but clearly one of the two has better equiped. having said that, if you have an old high elf army that's so large you proxy (nearly) everything then it's probably fine. It's mostly the mixing and matching that doesn't seem like it'd work very well.
That was so inspiring! If they release new models, I might actually buy directly from GW for the first time in about 10 years