That's a heck of a lot of chaos allegiances. They said something "allegiance abilities for every Grand Alliance", which is intriguing. I would like to see something new for the grand alliance allegiance abilities that's updated to the current level of rules escalation that AoS is at right now. GA: Order's old 'just reroll battleshocks' trait just doesn't really mean anything any more.
I simply love the Airbrush, for almost everything, even highlighting, but I don't have that much experience with it overall. I dreaded every large model before I had one, but now they became a joy to paint, even tanks... I hated tanks and avoided them in every Army I had. Of course there will be an update in my Paintlog when I have finished a battle ready unit and you can see "my" battle ready standard.
Let’s look on the bright side of this; when we get our new battletome we can use this chaos stuff as a punching bag!
I still have high hopes for the battletome. Updated factions tend to see a significant boost in power, which is really what I've wanted most. While it would be nice to see new models, being able to play well with the ones we have is most important
Given the recent track record, getting a useable battletome is like rolling a d6. 1: worse than the previous 2-4: same as the previous 5: better than the previous 6: we just broke the game (again) With 2-4 not doing much for us, I don't really like my chances.
I’d be more optimistic than that. Considering our current state and where we are now, we will almost certainly be better than we previously were. Also considering that multiple battletome in 2019 were crazy powerful. I would assume that for a popular faction such as us that hasn’t reviewed updates for so long will likely receive a big overhaul, for the better.
What I think is really unfair, is that Seraphon didn't get included in the latest Warcry card release. So we have to wait for the next cycle!
While normally I'd agree, the level of competency in the non nagash 3-3 players is very high with 3 of us finishing top 30 in last year's rankings and 2 of us receiving masters invites. OBR is strong, but they struggle in the objective game, especially with popular armies running high MW output armies and shooting with rend, obr can struggle, whereas with nagash, you have the offensive power as well as the easier spell denial and being able to soak mw
Not sure about the new chaos book but I figure it might be more for non match play like the forgotten realms book.
I doubt it. The Battalions will likely have points and the Allegiance Abilities will be just another choice of allegiance in Matched Play.
Uhmm i have started to see the zigurat again, and i found The skinks curious, all skinks have mace and shield, its only a crazy teory but a new profile with a good melee? For me is strange don't use pipe ir javelin
To be fair, Games Workshop probably doesn't care whether the models they showcase in previews are good or not. That being said, I would LOVE it if we had a reason to kit Skinks out for melee. One attack at 4+/4+/-/1 doesn't seem like too much to ask for a melee profile... although if we could buff the number of attacks and/or hit and wound rolls I definitely wouldn't complain. How cool would it be if there was a battalion that let us attack in melee AND use Wary Fighters in the same combat phase?
Nah. Like I said previously, they will probably break most of our battalions, and break Rippers. Then they will sprinkle in some random inconsequential minor buffs on random units, and we will be lucky to break even. And for a popular faction they managed to make us wait the longest, and are overshadowing our release with glitter elves previews. No new models, no Endless Spells, only faction terrain. Bare minimum effort. Bringing up to speed the last Battletome to AoS 2.0 rounding up the current lineup should be considered a real milestone for marketing purposes. Instead our release comes in with a whimper, not with a bang.
Join the club - Fyreslayers didn't get included either! And yet Tzeentch got 2 different packs even though their roster isn't that big...
I empathize with your perspective, as it's very frustrating being left until last and only getting a terrain piece. But I try to spin it as an increase in the likelihood that our next update will come with a lot of new stuff. Unfortunately... that probably means waiting for another few years... As for breaking Rippers, I'm not sure that's justifiable considering the strength of some other units in the game right now. Six Rippers, for instance, would probably be lucky to kill a unit of ten Petrifex Mortek. If anything, I can actually see them getting rid of the toad mechanic and giving them three bite attacks as a baseline. Shadowstrike, on the other hand, is almost certainly getting nerfed to a 9" deployment. In any case, it would be great to be given a better reason to use Terradons over Rippers. I'm sort of tired of Rippers and Razors being the offensive crutch of our army.
Well, Kharadron didn't even get that, and Tzeentch got Endless Spells but no scenery piece, so I'd consider myself lucky if I were you, especially as it's such a spectacular piece (surely every Lizardman collector here has been dreaming of a plastic temple piece from GW?).
But with the Kharadron I kinda understand why they dont have a terrain piece or endless spells, but it sure is lazy. Their ships kinda act as a terrain piece in a way with the new rules, a terrain piece that costs points, but is a teleporting garrison. They are dwarves that don't rely on magic that much. But they can buy an endless spell in a bottle. So in a fluff kinda way its understandable but lazy nonetheless. That they didn't get any dice I cannot understand, or justify, everybody should at least have the option for fancy dice if they want some!