Also, the changes to weapons. So they don't get +1 attack PER WEAPON anymore, cuz they aren't listed as separate anymore? If so, are woe staves worth taking over the rerolls from duel blades anymore?
but you said 2 furnaces and a gray sear witch would be 80 point more then one of each and i ment the bell is harder to kill then a sear on foot
Aight new question: For a 2k list, would a pure pestilens list work better, or taking clanrats as battleline tax to allow for a warpseer and maybe a few other things (bell, maybe some range support etc) Also, are Jezzails worth taking without an engineer, or are they only really viable with the buffs
Better not to think-dwell on these skaven. Even better-yet, certainly don't think-plan ways to defeat them.
Now you've all done it. I'm trying to figure out a Doomwheel-heavy Skaven list. 4 Doomwheels, as many Doom-Flayers as I can get, maybe see if I can scrounge up some Acolytes and a unit of Stormfiends for a Warpcog Convocation... Ugh...
Need opinions on a 1k list Screaming Bell (240pts) 3x40 Clanrats (200 pts each) and another 160 pts to play around with
it curently lacks damage but will be hard to shift 120 wounds in a 1000 point game maby take a claw lord for extra attacks
Yeah the lack of damage is defs a problem... but objective capping will b fun Also, I just love the idea of covering the board with rats.
For monster hunting/character sniping, you can't go wrong with a unit of warplock jezzails. The only buff they really need is a nearby warlock-engineer or warlock-bombardier to hand out warpstone sparks for that +1 damage characteristic.