Personally I'd like bastiladond to drop down in points by 40-80, other than that I think they are fine as is.
So, predictions rather than hopes: Battleline options: There will be a subfaction that allows either our flyers, stegadons or bastiladons to be battleline. As a result, their profiles will still be a bit lacking. Slann won't be giving up spells to summon anymore. Hopefully it doesn't become part of our (dispellable!) Lore. The Starseer will have 2 casts and something to do with manipulating the constellations. I fear our lore will largely mirror what's in the General's Handbook. Mount traits will be an interesting one. Given the amount glyphs (tech?) strapped to most of our big guys, I really hope it isn't all 'sharp claws', 'fast legs', but a bit more inspired. The troglodon's oracle will become a Skink Hero. It ought to. Some form of 'shrug' extending around our EoTGs. Like a gungan shield-bubble. Okay, I'm wish listing now...
he would have to drop at least 80 to be competitively worth his points and thats only if thunderquake doesn't get nurfed
Think we'll get new units? Based on the warscroll card thing thats been going around, or do you think it's just for alternate scrolls for the "Coalesed?"
If they had any sense they would create a new plastic kit for building Razordons. And it would be fine if it could also build Salamanders. Last time I checked Razordons were hard to get/super expensive.
IMHO Razordons look pretty okay, they are not that old after all. I would prefer new kits for Salamanders and Cold ones, that would refresh the army a lot...
definitely Saurus knights and kroxigors need a lot of change. - first of all, how is it possible for a raptor sooooo damn slow? Cavallery are not slow! - kroxigors are terrifying giant Croc-Lizards. The opponent should be afraid of them and not just wipe them out in a wink. - Saurus Guards are elite warriors to protect the secrets. how can the elite of the elite so bad? - A starseer should be a REAL master of magic, not 2000 points of doing nothing - Carno without rend? really? how can a basic shield hold of a house sized carno, with jaws like swords? last but not least, we need more Dread Saurier on every field
No worries, Dread Saurian will be revamped and playable so we can fight against the giants. Last book to be refreshed but the first one to have a real titan vs the incoming giants
sorry guys the dread isn't in our book its a forge world monster and a part of monstrous arcanum no update for him
actually, Forgeworld announced they were updated their books... I just don't know if its only their 40k ones
+3 on Carno would be sweet would also like to see it gain 2 wounds. Most other monster are 14wounds why not ours?. Would like our shields to reduce rend by 1 instead of ignore rend of 1.
Some guesses: - Skinks loose 1" movement. - Saurus Knights gains 2" or 3" movement - Saurus "Knights" is renamed to Saurus Raiders or something similar. - Some attack profiles that include rolls for weapons and rolls for bites/claws are simplified and merged together. - A Slann-centric subfaction for Old World survivors keeps on with the summoning/teleporting. But the mechanics are twitched a little bit not to be 100% Slann-dependant. - New subfactions open for different battleline options and other bonuses, but with less summoning and teleporting. - Saurus Guard is renamed, buffed and not battleline anymore. - Skink braves get their own warscroll - Hunting packs are treated as one warscroll, like the Stormcast ballista. Razordons get more focused in closed ranged/melee, and sallies get the chance to spit firebolts further than today. - Most of specific anti-Chaos rules disappear, but maybe we get specific anti-Chaos spells.
It is the single model cost that is the problem...needs to be a unit box like Chaos hounds, gryphhounds or monstrous Cavalry.
It would make it more of a threat for sure, it's main issue is staying power and rend. Maybe easier to wound but I shouldn't jinx it