It will likely go up next week, I think. I'm hoping for some news this weekend though. Preferably while I stand in line for over an hour at my local EB games to pre-order the animal crossing console
So just seen a review of the wrath of the everchosen book. It appears we get seige abilities in it but I couldn't read what they were. May give us a clue about whats in our new book
Be a little patient with the pre orders and news, as we all know something very big went down in the UK
From what I can make out I believe it says for the siege abilities of Seraphon, Attacker: When returning Seraphon reinforcements to the battle field with the command ability, set them up anywhere on the battlefield outside of 9" of enemy models instead of wholly withing 6" of the board edge. Defender: Subtract 1 from tunnel rolls made by the attacker in the seige phase
So nothing there really points to anything in our new book other then we keep a teleport which most guessed we would keep especially for the starborne
well it implies that we will still be the kings of teleportation and that we might have our summoning changed to bringing back units instead of entire new ones where are all the leaks from?
I think the bringing back unit thing is just a generic command ability available to all attacking armies in a siege game. Just watching a review on Guerrilla Miniature Gaming on Youtube, paused at around 12:55
That nonsense was only previewed a couple of days ago - surely GW couldn't be so callous as to leapfrog the Seraphon release with that bilge? Kudos to you for the Monty Python meme, but Seraphon have already been previewed once - especially given that it's just a week-release, it's incredibly improbable that GW will dedicate another event to something that's already going to happen soon.
Well if the update is coming soon I might as well attempt to give a somewhat accurate prediction, we should see stuff after wrath of the everchosen drops. We might get delayed for a day or two by the pointy eared dick heads, so I’m gonna estimate around the 8th or 10th is when they start doing faction focus and stuff
I think the Lumineth Lowdown will be going on for quite a few weeks until March, but I imagine the week that Seraphon will be released will also feature the faction focus articles alongside these, rather than one instead of the other, as Seraphon are a shorter project and Lumineth are a longer one. If, for instance, Seraphon are being released this Saturday, we'll be getting a Faction Focus for them this week alongside the next Lumineth Lowdown article (assuming GW are releasing one a week until March).
On the warhammer community site Im sure I read athe lumineth are getting news every 2 weeks which will point to a march release. Hope is still high to our announcement today. Only about 2 hours to go