I think if it ends up going to preorder this weekend I am going to spend a fortune, need to get me some krox and saurus guard!
Yeah Im thinking of ordering a Sunblood alongside the rest, even though it is Finecast, I want that damn Mini!
Actually, the old (current) battletome has been available in the US until today. I've casually checked that on the GW site since they teased the new tome.
but it was, we have constellations named after him we even have humans who worship sotek in the forests of chamon
Ah, guess it must've just been out of stock that time. My bad! ...guess the stars may align on Sunday indeed.
not saying you can't have a headcanon, I've got one too; just trying to get where the belief started to pop up and why. but so far the only reason I found is due to GW's retarded decision to have almost no worldbuilding at the start of AoS that would connect the new dots in the fluff. I thought maybe people were getting it from someone making erroneous recaps of AoS lore, like it happened with people thinking Sigmar created the realms himself.
people dislike that nothing about seraphon is like lizard men the 2 gods are simuler enough for people to bring back the best part of lizard men
Like has been said by @Erta Wanderer, the two gods are fairly similar, plus it's not uncommon for God's to have multiple names and facets. Look at Nagash for example. In the Lore he stated to be multiple gods of death and has different facets that are worshipped by almost all of the different peoples of the realms. likening of Dracothian to Sotek was because Dracothian not only led Sigmar to the realms but also blessed the seraphon and led them to the Realms and made them keepers of the celestial skies, so to speak. The symbolism of the twin tailed comet, as well as the twin-tail serpent is also a running theme and pattern in these two gods.
are there now?! hmmm...sounds like a good use of the "princess on raptor" mini from the AMAZONS! kickstarter that happened a few months back. Or any of the other Amazon minis for that matter. Man I wish I'd backed this one, even without a 3D printer at the moment lol.
They're in a book from Black Library called Hallowed Knights: Black Pyramid. haven't read it, but from what I've read it doesn't got into much detail about them. Though I'd love GW to sell us Mortal Followers of the Old Ones and the Seraphon. I even had a project at one time dedicated to making up rules for them, but have sense lost a lot of my work for them. Maybe a revivication of the project is in order....
I would hold my expectations a bit, cause the next week preorder could easily be rest of sisters+rest of warcry/aeronautica/BSF. But let's hope for the best.
I recently found out that GW did release some Amazon minis for Mordheim back in the day. They weren't necessarily followers of the Old Ones I believe, but they lived in Lustria and definitely have the whole MesoAmerican tribal look. You could maybe dig around and find their rules for Mordheim and try to extrapolate...if that's a thing lol
O was mostly using the old Maurader rules as a staging point for line troops, with things like Raiders and Jaguar warriors being more 'celestial jungle' flavored. I also had Terror Bird riding Cavalry, stone golems of the Old Gods, and a Warscroll for a giant stone Quetzequatal in the veign of Sotek's Rage.