Hey everyone, i want to ask you about your other projects beside the Seraphon. So what is your second favorite army and why? I‘m asking because i‘m thinking of a little sideproject and have different factions in mind. but this is mostly because of the models
Ogors? What do you like about them? played a couple of Matches against, yes they are strong but the models are not the best imo.
I'm relatively new so I only have Seraphon, from what I've seen my 2nd favourite might just be Fyreslayers
well I have a full Seraphon army, 1150 pts of Fyreslayers, and 800 points of BCR. if I had to choose id say I like my FS second best, but really that's because I love the Hearthguard berserkers… they are insane lol
I do still have a lot of units for Slaves to Darkness (Godsworn Warband, Archaon, Slambo, Chaos Varanguard) as I really like their looks. But I just don't get anything done right now, so...they'll be used quite some time down the road.
You know the weird thing is, all my armies are 2nd armies. I don't own any army that I really love. I always buy models that i think are good value. The person I play with wanted to have seraphon so I bought that. Ironically i always end up playing night haunt, one of my least favourite factions. The armies I like best in AoS are, Maggot Kin #1, Kharadon overlords, beast claw raiders, gloomspite gitzs. Maybe its good I don't collect them now, as it gives me something to look forward to. My 2nd army then I suppose is Stormcast.
My next favorite army after Seraphon is a tie between Skaven and Slaves to Darkness. I love Skaven for their models and personality. Chaos Warriors, Knights, and Manticore are great models. I am continually enamored with Faustian bargains. S2D opens the way to exploring what would push someone out of desperation or ambition to take a wager which is almost certainly against their own interested.
My second favourite army is Blades of Khorne, the models are almost as good looking as our dinos for the most part. I really like the aesthetic of the daemons, the mortals not so much (except maybe the blood warriors which look quite good) and that godly Forgeworld model which doesn't need introduction.
None really, I just like the monsters from some of the other armies and specific models and that's about it. It wouldn't be a lie that if Lizardmen/Seraphon stopped being in the game I would most likely quit the hobby; Nothing beats the Lizards and nothing even comes close, at least for me. That is not to say that I don't have other projects, I do have a small High Elf army (cause Dragons, Phoenixes, Eagles and Lions), plan a Dark Elves army (Due to Hydras and Kharibdyss) and I have an idea for a Daemons of Tzeentch army, that won't actually be about Tzeentch at all.
My second favorite army would be Bretonnia. But they aren’t really playable right now. So the 2nd army I play is Nagash and friends. Just really like the feeling of having a God on the table with lots of minions. Or playing 2 Zombie dragons =D
When you say the models are not the best I'll assume you mean the sculpts. Which I can understand, the amount of resin in the line is annoying, but for a lot of the core units how the sculpts are is really useful. It is incredibly easy to convert models from others, as most of the time the only difference is the amount of armor and the weapons. The big monsters from BCR are amazing, and some of my favorites from GW. For gameplay I love that they hit hard and people are hesitant to let me charge them. After playing seraphon it's nice to see stuff actually die when I fight it. And sure Gluttons only have a 5+ save, and only 2 models have better then a 4+ naturally. But I dont mind it to much, when my basic dudes have atleast 4 wounds each. The rules for them are both fun and flavorful. Being hard to take off objectives and being fast? I enjoy it. Even the lore for them is great. Especially if you go back to the old Warhammer Fantasy/Old World Ogre Kingdom stuff. Final bit would have to be that BCR were real close to becoming my first army in AoS. Only thing that stopped me was the idea of having a Magic Space dinosaur, riding another dinosaur. And that BCR was far to elite for my liking. But yeah, that's why I love my Mawtribes. That and I feel a bit attached to them, as I'm basically a living ogor as is.
I have a cobbled together less than half painted Chaos Army. Also, I have a completely painted Skaven Army. (It was painted when I bought it.)
Honestly? I love Skaven. They taste good, aren't good at fighting, and breed rapidly so husbandry is e- Oh, I thought you meant to eat... I do like the Skaven as a model range. I plan on doing a CoS army in a year or so that will be all converted Skaven/KO/Ad Mech models.
The only army I had besides Seraphon was a small amount of Nighthaunt units. Was planning on building that army but I got bored of them. I really like the Tzeentch models. Plan to start building that army in the near future. Depends on how the Seraphon update will turn out and what stuff I need to buy to get my army up to date.
Flesheater courts. Their lore its awesome. They are basically crazy vampires and ghouls that think they are Bretonian knights and peasants in their minds and, even though they are a Death army, in their minds they are an Order army, virtuous knights that are freeing peasants from the corrupt hands of Chaos, Destruction and Death. Their models are not the best (some of them are quite ugly) and they are all just the same (ghouls, bigger ghouls and ghouls with wings), but the lore is fantastic and fun.
yup, that‘s what i meant Nice Point. I‘m definitly afraid of their rush ^^ Does anybody have general tipps on starting a second army. I‘m mostly interested in slaanesh, nurgle and fyreslayers. Mostly because of the models. I‘m Not That much into lore in general. I think i should first go to another allegiance before starting another army from Order. And for nurgle, is it right that their battletome is nearly that old like the seraphons? If so, that would probably be a point against them. and btw thanks for all your nice comments
Their battletome will be the oldest when we receive our book, but theirs came out 3 years after ours so it's not nearly as old as ours