Crendor is also fairly amusing as he's pretty new to AoS, so he's looking at it fresh compared to those of us that have been in a while.
I noticed in Crendors video on the warscrolls... the chronomantic cogs rules are changed from what they read on the cards i have. now only the CASTER can manipulate the cogs and the effects still last until the next hero phase. and the speed up time still affects all units on the battlefield. this makes it so that we cannot have kroak cast balewind and still benefit from the cogs in the same phase.
Guard aren't really something to spam. They're pretty much like chaos warriors or liberators in terms of profile, so they're decent, but not spectacular. Bringing 5-15 with a slann is fine, but I don't think there's much you can do with building a list focused around them; they just don't get as much out of buffs as other units and don't have a battalion. For a friendly match, you can run them in any list, since they also don't need buffs to be particularly useful, and are good enough to run on their own. You may as well run a Slann/Kroak with them because of the 2+ redirect on wounds/mortal wounds.
Is there no way the guard can be as good in competitive? I love the models and was hoping they’d be Saurus Warriors but better. I love the new book changes so far so even if they aren’t as good it’s an ok thing. Maybe the powerful minds here can figure out some tricks with them.
sorry no they arn't better in fact they are worse then warriors having worse defecive worth 100 for 10 wounds and a 4+ save as aposed to 90 for 10 wounds at a 4+ save. but they also have worse damage when buffed as wariors have twise as many attacks. they do work in small numbers as they are better unbuffed then warriors are and we can only buff 1-2 units reliably
Hi guys, I would have a question, what is the different between a Balewind Vortex on a Bound Balewind Vortex, because I could not find a good picture of the bound version?
Bound one costs 10 points more for no reason. That's the only difference. I think, GW will either increase all endless spells costs in GHB or force us to use Bound ones.
Probably the only difference is that the new Slann spell that shuts down all regular endless spells doesn't have effect on the bound version.
Yes, I see now. But how many factions really use more than 1-2 endless spells? Tzeentch and LoN, maybe?
So is it just me or have they made the engine of the gods just hot garbage now? The fact that it can damage itself is just so off theme, leave that to the Skaven. Also removing the summoning component or nerfing it anyway makes this model way less interesting. Some of these changes just feel like such a massive over correction. They could have done it in a better way. At least before you had a change to roll the max on Eotg, now you never can unless you have a slann. And making it so you can only use it once per turn is annoying. If you wanted to nerf multiple uses, just say something like "Roll 3 D6 for the first activation of the Eotg. Roll 1 D6 less for each subsequent activation this turn" Then you could have the table have a 1 entry saying deal d3 damage to this unit as you have had to have 3 Eotg out and be really unlucky.
I agree that it's situational. I understand however at endless spells in general got taxed a little bit since they do better for Seraphon now than the rest.
Same for Cities of Sigmar, but they didn't need a tax. Once again, I argeee with +10 for predatory spells (that wasn't necessary too, tbh, but GW seems to be very careful with us). But not for stationary ones.
The old Engine also had the effect of damaging itself difference is only that it was D3 mortals instead of 3 like now and there was a lower chance to get it beeing on 1-2 with 3d6/2d6/1d6 depending on wounds left
Ah it does and all, probably should have checked that before I went on a rant. But my point still stands about the dice. You need to be bracketed in the current version to hit the negative effect. Whereas in the new version you can hit it straight off the bat and its more likely since its 2-3 rather than 1-2
But you have to be very unlucky to roll it anyway. The main problem with eotg is that slann is mandatory for it. But it doesn't have to be as close as before and we want kroak almost in every list anyway. His comsic engine chart doesn't degrade too. The worst thing about engine is that it's healing ability has more chances to trigger than other ones. They really should've made MW trigger on 8-12 and healing on 4-7.
One out of 16 possible results. The same chance as double attacks. And it doesn't get worse, if eotg is wounded. The main drawback - Slann is mandatory. Fortunately, he is not a tax.
Speaking of EoTG....I dont think I'll end up using mine now, after I basically painted it...but I will probably use the could you get away with fielding a EoTG as a Stegadon? The Skinks arent on yet and the Bow could still go on, it's just that big ol circle on top.