As a former High Elf player, I'm disappointed in the artistic direction of the Teclis model. In a way I'm glad though; less to distract me from the awesomeness of the Seraphon.
My First thought was that the aelves had trained a Monkey as mage. Bit weird headdress it is. Grrr, Imrahil
I had completely forgot about the Lumineth until I saw the new lore article. At first, I found the concept art pretty interesting and it reminded me a bit of the original HEs, sort of. But then it dawned on me when the models themselves were previewed and the more I looked at them, these are just generic, "Roman"-ticized elves. The newly previewed models from today don't look all that interesting either (except that smokey chick, but mainly cause I wanna know wtf she'sdoing/is happening to her lol). Only model I've seen that I really like so far and will probably purchase to build/paint is the Light of Eltharion. Who doesn't want a disembodied set of armor of one of the most memorable/iconic HE heroes ever? lol I was thinking of getting some Lumineth once they were released, but now with our new battletome coming out next week with all the new synergies and whatnot to uncover, I don't see myself focusing on anything but the lizzie bois for the foreseeable future!!
Who else thinks that Lumineth will be the most broken faction in aos history, surpassing Slaanesh and OBR?
Honestly completely forgot Lumineth were a thing thanks to all this seraphon info pouring out of the internet.
hey guys! i think we thought the wrong thing about bastilodons, i made a seperate thread to discuss so it wouldn't take over this one. come on over and give me your input! lets just say the basti not having rend immunity makes PERFECT sense now.
Re-Rolling Ones has a Skaven v Seraphon bat-rep up.. was fun to watch.. Salamanders seem like they got a massive buff.
They did. Watching that video made me feel a bit better about the Seraphon. Can’t wait to get the book
Oh they did, my list, that I think is going to be the most competitive is kroak, priest, starseer, 3x10 skinks and the rest of the points in individual salamander units
Welp, sent some questions and Feedback to GW already, since there is so much out in the wild. I'm super excited to get this book in hand. I want to play many games, but many of my opponents are leery of internet scrolls and not having the book where they can read it. Otherwise I would be playing many games already!