I work freelance in the entertainment biz and all my gigs are getting canned. Rip my wallet, while it is a flu, it spreads like crazy and while young/healthy people should be fine not everyone fits that bill. It's a pretty big deal right now. Incoming global recession kinda big deal.. Sidenote or back to Seraphon: anyone know if you can gain 2 CP back from a single spent CP, ie saururs command trait + broche?
the health of the people, the age of the people and the quality of life and medicine available in the US outshines most of the world by far. seriously the only ones that need to be concerned at all are the old and infirm. I did the math, its literally 10.15% of the us population that's at risk, and even then its only 14.3% of that population that gets the corona that is at risk of dying.... its so super hyped up for nothing over here. I understand that isn't the case in other countries.
Also, a friend of mine math hammered it out, and a unit of 6 Orruk Big Stabbas, with a WAAAGH only do an average of 34 wounds to the unbuffed Dread. (Assuming you have it in the -1 damage faction, forgot the name)
Legion of Grief has a trait that is similar to Aetherquartz. It has been a common strat to pair those for Legion of Grief players, so yeah you can.
Honestly I hope we cant sacrifice multiple spells a turn. Else we are likely right back to the passive playstyle of the Slann. I was really looking forward to being more aggressive with the Slann/Kroak and a unit of Guards.
We said it too .. So much it affects only the elderly .. So it doesn't affect us .. So much we have one of the best medicines in the world and free healthcare .. Sorry for the outburst
don't be. id be stressed if my country was socialist and on lock down too. especially after that report came out that Italian officials have effectively decided to stop treating the elderly in order to cut back on the expenditure of resources.
Even if that becomes our best way to play Seraphon other routes will be viable and no one is forcing summoning on you
If we can, it will certainly be strong, but Coalesced is looking pretty strong too. We have viable ways to play already. If this is true, it's just another fairly strong path.
Well, that'd solve a hell of a lot of issues. And is honestly a halfway decent compromise with the old summoning. It'd allow for things like double slann lists to be reasonably good at summoning. Still a bit on the stingy side, but at least this would make it a functioning mechanic. the main issue is that it puts a massive strain on the health system. It is "only" a flue, but a disproportionate amount of people need to go to the ICU and be ventilated. Taking up beds & resources that normally would be used for other things. Leading to all sorts of problems.
Kroak and a Slann could do well in a Starborne army for summoning. If they'd just make the Trog less expensive they could cast through him and sit back to mill out CCP while shielded by Sauras Guard. I'd definitely pay 200 for a 10 man unit to give them -1 to hit and the 2+ pass off if they got to stay safe.
Untrustworthy sources (me, myself and I) state that a certain Lustria Online forum member whose nickname starts with A and ends with cehilator found a package misplaced in front of a GW store, with his/her/its name on it, containing a Seraphon battletome and a Realmshaper Engine. That counts as a rumour, right? Right?