Indeed, that would obviously be better for summoning. As it is now, you only get 1D3 for your general (if Slann or Starseer) and 1D3 for the Astrolith. Then, it's 1D3 per Slann or Oracle each burning 1 spell (or maybe more than one if this interpretation is correct). If fielding 1 Slann (general), 1 Astrolith and 1 Oracle (660 pts total); that's either 4D3/turn (avg. 6 CCP) or a potential 6D3/turn (avg. 9 CCP). If fielding 1 Slann (general), 1 Slann, 1 Astrolith and 1 Oracle (920 pts total); that's either 5D3/turn (avg. 7.5 CCP) or a potential 9D3/turn (avg. 13.5 CCP). If fielding 1 Kroak (general), 1 Slann, 1 Astrolith and 1 Oracle (980 pts total); that's either 5D3/turn (avg. 7.5 CCP) or a potential 10D3/turn (avg. 15 CCP). EDIT: Obviously, if you want to go heavy summoning, then I think having a Starseer as your general might be a waste of points (since he can't do anything other than help generate the initial D3). EDIT2: Since Slann & Oracle cost the same you could go Kroak, Slann, Slann, Slann, Slann, Astrolith for either 7D3 or 18D3 (avg. 27)! Lol. The look on someone's face when you put 5 Slann on the table. But that also costs 1500 points.
Standard cost + 10 pts for each one. On summoning - I'm pretty sure, that when you attempt to cast the first spell and then replace it with Celestial Rite, when you attempt to cast spell another time - it is already a second attempt. But if you really-really want, you can say, that since no cast attempts were actually made, this is still the first CAST attempt for the Slann. Personaly, I don't want to rule it this way until FAQ and definitely add the question on FAQ list.
The smell is surprisingly weak. The amount of vines on the other hand... the pictures on the interwebs don't really capture HOW. MUCH. VINES. there are on this thing. But as someone who is going to focus on playing Colalesced I have to chose that side. Oh my.
I think I am going to build and paint two of them for myself. So I will do one of each at somepoint. Going to start with the clean Realmshaper to make sure it is ready in time for events. I want to buy like 5 or 6 of them to build a Seraphon table for our gaming club. That is expensive though
Could always enlist a 3D printing fanatic and introduce them to the Lost Kingdoms Kickstarter on the way. Lots of neat pyramids and jungle structures... As well as Lizards there.
Short on cash? Can’t afford GW’s absurd prices? did you know that an ounce of marijuana can net you $230? I’m sure the police won’t catch you
Thinking about bringing a Treelord Ancient and Branchwraith as allies in fun games. Summoning trees and Dryads seems decent. Convert them up to be jungle themed and have lands of lustria on your side.
Ive taken down archaon on a few different occasions on the last book because of great rolls on my bites
I am debating the usefulness of allied tree Revenants for waypipe shenanigans. Will add a bit if teleport play to Coalesced armies.