Not in the slightest he works best in coalesed for the extra bite attack the -1 damage and the thunder lizard for the +2 wounds. I'm a monster mash capital warbeast
Currently for what i can figure out and have tested today against nurgle, iron jawz, fyreslayers, and beasts of chaos. 1 having him body guard the slann really makes things easy for me to stomp them to oblivion with my stegadons and bastiladons without worrying about people going after my toad. 2 he is an astounding distraction carnifex. 3 the death throes are a godsend vs swarms of enemies. 4 still a terror to monster if I charge em. 5 orks charging still scare me. 6 magmadroths are annoying as fuck. Coalesed works wonders with it just for reducing damage and the extra bite attack which honestly probably the only way you should use it because the bite does 6 damage a pop if ya land. Will be facing my girlfriends skaven tomorrow and my roommates khorne to test it more.
So, do you think it’s worth the price? It looks good, but 510 points is a solid quarter of any 2000 point army. As for magmadroths, carnosaurs might be better to take them on as they can aren’t as pricey and are more mobile and flexible.
Personally saying if youre trying for a 2k point army I would be hesitant at first but youd probably turn into that guy. Since with the slann and him that is 750 points so youd have to build your 2k around 1250 first. I'm sure you can fanagle it. My experience is with 3k narrative games. And boy oh boy he is worth it imo
He could honestly be fantastic in either army. buffed by a starseer with +1 to save and 3d6 charge (with a possible +1 run/charge from asterisms) like you said it makes an excelent distraction while the rest of your units either flank in a kill game or take objectives. much more survivable in a coalesced thunderlizard list for sure but more mobile/in-your-face in a starborn list with the teleportation. every enemy will be worried about their back line constantly while this monster is on the board in starborn.
An homest upfront dispute id love to try out the starborn with him but its really hard for me to not go coalesed with the extra bite attack. Dont get me wrong the 3d6 charge is nightmare fuel for many people and making the save a 3+ is a lovely idea
i think you guys are viewing the DS the wrong way. his base is HUGE! and only flyers can pass over it. absolute beast of board control with 35 wounds and -1 damage, and +1 jaw attacks.... you can basically cut off 1/3 of the board, giving coalesced time to get on objectives....
I don't have one yet, but I really want to get one when I have the money to do so, and I would really love to see how it does in a Coalesced army.
realistically you cant really body block someone from an objective unless theres a choke point since they can just surround the 11.5"x8.5", dont get me wrong ill kill them all dont you worry about that they gonna die. i know exactly how big the base is. i have 3 of em after all. also when youre using me you want to make your enemy squirm with terror with every time i want to charge. played vs khorne about an hour dickhead roomie brought the fucking bloodthirster battleline and i managed to kill one of the insensate rages and skarbrand, then well ya know khorne demons is khorne demons. but running coalesed vs them really helps hamper the d3 damage by always having that -1 to damage taken. still lost though because bloodthirsters are hard to handle. in a couple hours ill be facing my girlfriends skaven to crush her little rat bastards
i work wonders in it vs armies that have a a lot of d3 damage the -1 damage is really useful in keepin me upright and the extra bite duh id say with a bunch of 1 damage weapon esq armies run starhost for the +1 save
A single bloodthirster can dish out over 20 wounds on its own with the proper setup so yea it is hard to handle. I refuse to play that list because it feels a bit unfair. I tried the DS in a thunder lizard list yesterday night. Charged with him on 2 units of gluttons and got double 1s on the mortal wounds roll. I expected nothing less than that knowing my luck but still. The -1 damage won me the game by itself as most units my opponent had were dealing 2 damage per hit.
Alright boys im back with my review of the new DS vs skaven. DO NOT FAIL YOUR CHARGE. Yeah my girlfriend lit me up with her damn guns(coalesed). But thanquol and her rat ogres got ripped to shreds by me in the 2nd round. Running the starborn it was relatively easier to deal with the single wound dealing units. Saurus knights have been very beneficial too except the spears not being rend 1 like every other spear being rend 1
Having looked at the updated war-scroll and deciding that it’s very much YOLO at the moment I’ve bought a Dread Saurian, should get delivered in the next few days (watch the UK Govt put everything in lockdown before it gets delivered).
once shipped, it arrives. Postal service is one of the things that work (at least in Italy, even if it's not an essential service in the strict sense of the term)