More concept art work by Ricardo Lima, some epic murals from the Tomb Raider game. Lots of great Mayan and Aztec inspired stuff here, bit of a mishmash of both. Beautiful work. Spoiler
On a roll with concept art today. Its a lizard! Probably actually a crocodile but I digress. All Ricardo Lima, love his work Spoiler
So this is COMPLETELY unrelated to the fact that I just finished watching the Mandalorian... but apparently Mayan boxing was a thing way back when. They would wear helmets, and use conch shells for boxing gloves. I would NOT want to get hit by one of those gloves! Spoiler: removable helmet on statue Removing helmet = this is [not] the way
I like this one a lot, although I question the walls at the back of the big ziggurat. They look a bit odd and out of place. Logically you wouldn't need walls at that part of the city (?) Grrr, Imrahil
Going back through the forum I could have sworn I posted previously on Mayan walls, and FOUND IT in a threat in the fluff forum. While most of the thread is about Lizardmen defense structures (really interesting brainstorming by @Scalenex @pendrake and others) I do have a post on the walls/fortifications in Tulum, Dos Pilas, and Aguateca
That is some good source of information. I know that inner walls are a thing. But I was referring to the walls over here: I can't see a reason why you need those... against swoop and dive attacks? Grrr, Imrahil