The many ways of waking up a sailor. Let me know if there's anything on here that you want me to clarify.
Firstly, I must have been brought up on a Navy base as I have used several of these over the years to wake up my younger brother. I'm surprised that "cold cup of water in the face" isn't on here considering these are ways of waking up a sailor. Or tickling the feet with some kind of a duster. Anyways, to business: 1) Woodward-Kelen? 2) I'm not tracking with setting blankets on fire... seems pretty extreme to wake someone up... and I'm guessing the personal blankets point is so that it is not your blanket that gets on fire? 3) TCM's?
They have kind of fallen out of use these days, at least onboard ships in the RCN to the best of my knowledge. That one's a bit more specific to a fellow shipmate, presumably by how they conduct their shakes. With that said, someone performing a Temple of Doom reference with you as the sacrifice would be quite the wake-up call. The joke is that the standard-issued wool blankets we used to get were somewhat fire retardant, whereas there was no such guarantee with any blankets we brought from home with us on any given deployment. Tactical Combat Maneuvers. AKA If it's not bolted, braced or strapped down, it's gonna go flying when we list like mad while making these sick turns to simulate evasive action.