It was a bear playing in a pool. Very cute. Can you see the video Thumbnail without a Facebook account? If not...
Why do you hate Facebook? Selling your data? Rules/security? Interface? Environment / user interactions? Other?
Since you asked, I dislike: 1) While I admit it has it’s uses for family and friends to stay in touch, most of the stuff I see being post is a bit mindless and the whole posting about everything that happens to you I find annoying. 2) Not to be conspiracy theorist, but it’s obviously used as a government monitoring system. I’m sure it was not started that way or intended to be that, but there you go. 3) Selling of data and used to sell things. Those are the things that come to mind from thinking about it a bit. Mostly, and primarily, I think it’s part of a major problem where people don’t get out and spend time with each other, go places to see people LIVE and in person and ACTUALLY talk to each other. By this last I mean that having a conversation in real life is between you and another, you talk, you exchange ideas, whatever. I’ve started doing Zoom conference calls to be able to see my family while in lock-down. Even though we’re all there, it’s not the same and it becomes a bit fake. I find this the same phenomena in the chatrooms, Facebook, etc. It’s not really talking to people, it’s just trying to be popular, get likes or sell something. Between Facebook, Twitter and whatever others I think they are strangling actual human relations. Give me a cold drink, comfy chair and a couple of friends to shoot the shit with any time. Or a good paintball game. Or a nice challenging Warhammer battle, two-a-side with some guys who are smart as shit and you’ve got me. I would never say something like this on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as there would be legions of people ready to make fun of what I said, twist it, etc. and I got tired of hat back at school. But that’s about what I think. Facebook definitely has it’s merits, but like a lot of things (Warhammer included) it started well and then got turned into something else. (Sorry to be ranty but you did ask )
Those are completely valid points, but you’ve got to love the irony of you making them on an online forum!
I can say, with quite some relief, that LO and the people in it are nothing like Facebook in the slightest.