
Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Padre, May 18, 2020.

  1. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Has anyone looked at tried Oathmark yet? There aren't any lizardmen in the game yet, but after reading the book and a couple test games, it scratches a lot of the itches that WHFB scratches for me. It's written by the designer of Frostgrave.

    There isn't a lot of lore behind the game, although that allows you to build your own kingdom and write your own background. In some ways, the world reminds me of the old Border Princes from Warhammer, basically a place where everyone can be gathered together and have an excuse to fight battles and build their own kingdoms.

    After setting up the game, players start their turns by rolling 2d10, the high roll going first, if tied then the higher on the second die going first. If both are tied, the players reroll. Each player then alternates activating units. Infantry are on 25mm square bases in ranks of 5, no more 4 ranks. Cavalry are on 25mm x 50mm, 2 tanks max, larger creatures are on 50 x 50mm, or 50 x 100mm.

    They roll 2d10 and if one or both is equal to or above the units activation stat, then the unit can take two actions. Both are below, then the unit can take a simple action. Allowed actions are move, maneuver, shoot, or a special action (primarily breath weapons and spellcasting, but allowing room for more in later expansions). The only one you can do twice is move, and the second move is half of your move stat. (So, a double movement allows you to move 7.5" if your movement is 5".) If your move brings you into contact with an enemy unit, then you fight a round of combat.

    Combat involves counting up the number of models in the ranks in contact. The front ranks give you your combat dice stat of dice per model up to a maximum of 5, flank or rear give you less. Both players simultaneously roll against a target number of your opponents Defense minus your Fight ability plus/minus any modifiers (extra ranks, being in the flank or rear, etc.) Any successes generate wounds to the opponent, which are taken off the unit. This is followed by a morale check, then the player who did the most casualties chooses to push the opponent back 1", 6", or to back up 1" themselves. Shooting is similar, but only one side shoots.

    The game's campaign allows you to build kingdoms based on a race, but gives ways for other races units to be brought in. So dwarfs can be accompanied by elf or goblin units if you want. 5 races are included in the core game, Dwarf, elf, human, orc, and goblin.

    Overall, it's a fun game and has more depth than it appears on the surface. I'm interested to see what they do with it in the future.
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I've certainly been following its development for a while now, and it does look interesting - their figures are especially nice. Glad to see the rules are finally out now, I may look into procuring those
  3. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    The print rules are available from Osprey in the UK, but you can by them on Kindle for under $15 US.

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