6th Ed. Arena of Death....

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Gary_M, Mar 26, 2020.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    A mate of mine from my club (closed until this bloody Covid-19 is dealt with) ran an AoD game on the Warhammer 6th Edition Facebook Group.
    Initially there were just 4 players (his call as a test game).
    Rules as follows - Lord or Hero (why would you chose a hero?)
    No named characters
    No wizards (this is blood and guts!)
    20/25mm bases on foot only
    100 points of extra (magic and non-magic, with usual rules applying).
    I asked about the spawnings that we get in 6th ed, and these were not included in the 100 points - Happy Days!
    He did all the dice (using an app I think).

    So I took an Old Blood, Spawnings of Quetzl (+1 armour save), Sotek, (+1 attack when charging), Tzunki (+1 initiative)

    100 points of equipment:
    Aura of Quetzl (4++ vs Str 5+ attacks)
    Light Armour
    Enchanted Shield (+2 armour save, not usual +1)
    Sword of Striking (+1 to hit)
    Banehead (Any unsaved wound on nominated character was doubled).

    My semi final was against a Black Orc Warboss (I don't know exactly what equipment he had, but from the write up, probably heavy armour, a magic weapon and the ability to 'ead butt).

    After a bit of a scare, the black orc warboss was despatched.

    On to the final...

    This was against a High elf Prince. Again not sure of what he took, but magic armour and magic weapon for sure (and had killing blow).

    This was very tense.

    The elf's ability to hit first with killing blow was potentially a problem.

    And so it proved early on - My mate told me after that the elf got two 6s to wound, but the Aura of Quetzl made two 4+ saves.

    Later on the tables were turned and I got 3 or 4 wounds and he saved each one on a 5+! Curses.

    Alas, the luck with the Aura had to run out at some point, and with another killing blow roll, the elf (bloodied but unbowed) won the day.

    Second. Dead, but second! ;-)

    If you're into 6th Edition WHFB, look for the Facebook group and perhaps join in, as he's running another soon.
    Lizards of Renown, Lizerd and Walters like this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I started with 6th Edition back in the day, but it has completely passed me by now. I'll stick with 8th, but the Arena of Death sounds amazing!
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @Lizards of Renown For me its the other way around (kind of). I do have the earliest editions of Warhammer Fantasy, but stopped at about 3rd edition. My youngest son found the rules and old figures at my parents house and as he wanted to play, got me back into it. That was at the end of 7th / start of 8th.
    My club has gone back to 6th, so that's what I play (or would if the club was meeting!).
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    That's fantastic! Love the idea of the new generation pulling you back in.

    For me Warhammer Fantasy (not the AOS travesty) is completely timeless and will forever pull at the hearts of those with a penchant for that.

    It's also great you have a gaming group near you that plays it. Many of us are without this resource.

    Thankfully for me, I have two close friends who play and it's mainly a scheduling problem between work and family.

    The pandemic has made it a bit difficult as well... ;)
    Gary_M likes this.
  5. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @Lizards of Renown, yeah it was pretty cool to get back to playing. He went with Dark Elves and Beastmen. Not sure what that says about my parenting!
    It used to be a group of friends I played with, but people move, family life intrudes etc. But found my local group almost by accident. As a result of going there, now playing Star Wars Armada and Legion, Saga and a few others. My wallet cries regularly!
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    My wallet sympathises with yours. He too has taken quite a beating.

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