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Blog Thunder Lizard Model Project by Suds

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Sudsinabucket, Feb 11, 2020.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    This is my Thunderlizard project that I have been working on since last year, and I'm pretty excited to share with all of you with the progress so far!

    A little history:

    The Thunderlizard was introduced back in 7th edition with official rules, however no offical model was ever created. In the instructions it literally said "use any big dinosaur toy", but also being influenced by Dinotopia (inspiration pic posted below) I went out and did one step better: Got myself a scientifically accurate Brachiosaurus model (and made my own house rules for her). Described as the biggest creature in the Lustrian Jungle, its "Tread is akin to a natural disaster" and "Towers over even the mightiest Stegadon" I could only imagine the beast to be a sauropod of some sort, or that's what I like to believe it is.

    Still a work in progress, I have finally attached the neck armor which I think looks great and really makes it feel more complete even with the grey side platforms. The Astrolith Banner on the central platform is still WIP as the back is not finished yet. All in all there is still much to be done including the base, but I'm excited with how she is turning out and just wanted to share.

    The pictures below shows the Thunderlizard with an escoet that includes a Troglodon + Oracle and an Oldblood.

    Custom Rules also included which this community helped immensely with

    C&C welcome

    **Thunderlizard rules**

    Base: 290mm x 210mm


    *The Thunderlizard is the largest of the creatures in a Slanns memory and only a few remain alive from The World That Was on the floating remains of the Dragon Isles now in Ghur where the ancient Temple City of Xiuhcoatl resides. Clad in Gold, Armor and with a mighty howdah the Thunderlizard supports both army and the aerial assault from above. Raised from birth its Star Priest master rides its head guiding the Thunderlizard into battle, in its wake destruction akin to a natural disaster is left behind. With few predators large enough to engage with it the Thunderlizard fears virtually nothing, the very sight or even its bellowing call cause whole armies to turn and run\****

    Cost: 1100 points – General Variant

    800 Points – Normal Variant

    Wounds: 28

    Bravery: 10

    Save: +3, 6+ Ward

    Move: ●

    Unit size: Unique – 1 per army, may be a general

    Command Trait

    God Like Presence:

    ***\*Towering above the battle the Seraphon and their beast’s vigor is replenished as the glimmer of the Armored Thunderlizard breaks the toughest of battle lines and the mightiest of creatures. Wading in the Seraphon fight with a renewed ferocity\****

    At the beginning of the shooting phase choose one of the following traits:

    Trait of the Savage Primordials: Skinks/Saurus Warrior/Guard: additional 6+ FNP, or -1 Rend/+1 ATK

    Trait of Beast Handling:

    Razordons: -1 Rend/16" range

    Salamanders: Re-roll Hit Rolls of 1 and may retreat at the end of the shooting phase up to 4”

    Trait of Honored Warriors: Kroxigor: Moonhammer range increased to 3"

    **Command Ability:**

    Command the Skies:

    ***\*From above on the howdahs of the Thunderlizard, Skinks and their flying beasts rest until taking to battle. At faster rates the Terradon Riders replenish their ammunition during battle, able to shield the Ripperdactyl onslaught from sight until it is too late\****

    During your hero phase commanded by the Star Priest the Thunderlizard lets out a loud bellow leading the skinks in the howdah to assist nearby flying units. If he does, until the start of your next turn Ripperdactyl and Terradon units within 18" of the TL automatically receive the terrain bonus to save rolls. Additionally add 1 to the attack characteristic of the Terradons Sunleach Bolas and The Swooping Dive ability now applies -2 rend for Ripperdactyls Vicious Beaks and its Slashing Claws as the skinks supply the Terradons with additional ammunition distracting the targets of the Ripperdactyls. Do not make attacks during the shooting phase this turn with the Thunderlizards Meteoric Javelins. This effect lasts until the start of your next Hero phase and you do not have to declare that the Ripperdactyls are swooping down when using this ability.


    Titan Stomp: 2d6/5+/2+/-3/\*; wounds of 6 inflict mortal wounds instead.

    Meteoric Spears: 8”/8/5+/4+/-/1

    **Wounds table:**

    Suffered Move Titan Stomp Celestial lightning

    0-5 12 6 4d6

    6-10 10 D6 3d6

    11-15 8 3 3d6

    16-20 8 3 2d6

    21+ 6 D3 2d6


    Cracking Tail Whip: ***\*The Thunderlizards tail crackles with natural electrical currents and is fitted with metal spikes and gold-plated armor as it whips through the air at lightning speed. Even the greatest of monsters and daemons stagger back at its might\**** At the start of every combat phase roll a die for each enemy unit within 6 inches. On a 2+ roll a die for each enemy model in that unit. On a 5+ deal one mortal wound.

    Celestial Lightning: ***\*From atop of the head of the beast a Star Priest calls down a massive lightning strike against a foe from across the battlefield\**** During the shooting phase pick an enemy unit within 24” roll a number of dice as per the wound table. If the roll is equal to or more than the bravery of the unit, that unit takes d6 mortal wounds.

    Colossal Mass: ***\*So thick is the hide of a Thunderlizard that only the sharpest and strongest of weapons can pierce its hide, but even then it only angers the beast\**** The sheer size and tough hide of the Thunderlizard makes most weapons ineffective at causing damage, and even allows the Thunderlizard to plow through all but the most devastating spells. as such do not apply negative modifiers to the Thunderlizards save rolls, and for every wound or mortal wound assigned to the Thunderlizard roll a d6. On 6+ the wound is ignored.

    Imposing Visage: ***\*The sight of a Thunderlizard in the distance is enough to send a enemies army back to where it came from as its morale is sapped from it before the creature is engaged\**** Enemy Units within 12” have their bravery reduced by 1.

    Thunderous Gait\*:\****\*Thunderlizards are so large that a single step is a hundred steps for a horse, lumbering along the behemoth breaks the ground and men under its foot\**** The immense bulk of a Thunderlizard entering the battlefield is frightening to both foe and ally as any foolish enough to be caught in its quaking footfalls are sure to be bloodied, broken, and scattered. When this model makes a normal move, it can pass across models with a Wounds characteristic of 8 or less, as well as terrain pieces that are equal to or less than 6”, in the same manner as a model that can fly. In addition, after this model has made a normal move or a charge move, roll a dice for each unit that has any models it passed across, and each other unit that is within 1" of this model at the end of the move. On a 2+ that unit suffers d6 mortal wounds. Any units successfully wounded by this ability suffer -1 Bravery until the end of the turn.

    Crushing Fall: ***\*To be caught under a falling Thunder Lizard is to be under a collapsing mountain of flesh and bone\**** If this model is slain the controlling player picks anywhere on the battlefield within 5" of the Thunder Lizard, any units within 4" suffer D6 mortal wounds.


    The Thunderlizard is a Wizard due to the Star Priest on its head and can cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind two spells in your opponent’s hero phase. The Thunderlizard is a valid target for the Slann’s Arcane Vassel ability. If a Slann is within 12” of the a Thunderlizard both the Slann and Thunderlizard receive +1 to casting rolls.

    The Thunderlizard knows Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Rejuvenat4e Wounds spells

    Rejuvenate Wounds: ***\*Adept at keeping their prized mounts alive, the controlling Star Priest casts regenerative life magic to heal even the most mortal of wounds\**** If successfully cast and not unbound Rejuvenate Wounds heals one MODEL within 24” of 1d6 wounds. If that model is a Thunderlizard it heals 4 wounds instead. CV 7 24” range.

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  2. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Looks very official :D What is her point value?
    Noxolotl, Warden and Sudsinabucket like this.
  3. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    Looks great! That's alot of Carnosaur bits in the neck, alot of them running around with no scalp plates
    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Lol I have zero Carnosaurs actually! Got them all from a bit shop...need so many more :(
  5. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    Oh wow, a bit shop sounds super useful for conversions. Didn't know those existed tbh
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    They really are, just be careful with which you use. I used Hoard O Bits, I had a good enough experience that I'd use them again but I've also heard very mixed stories about them, so just be weary.

    My first order of 18 crests got lost in the mail (still hoping they'll just show up one day honestly), I got a refund and my next order of 10 showed up in 3 days...but the communication was what put a small sour note in my mouth...aside from that they were good enough for what I needed but I may branch out if I find a better one...ppl have recommended others but cant remember which companies
    Noxolotl, Warden and Dragvindel like this.
  7. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    Duely noted, thanks
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Sudsinabucket and Dragvindel like this.
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    800 for normal variation, 1100 for general variation
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you :)
    Killer Angel and Dragvindel like this.
  11. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    :woot: Still in love with her. I love to see here finished ;)

    Grrr, Imrahil
  12. Sludge Bomb Tommy
    Jungle Swarm

    Sludge Bomb Tommy New Member

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    Ok so I'm jumping back into the hobby after 15 years, seeing this has given my such a massive motivation boost! can't wait to see it "finished".
    Noxolotl, Imrahil and Killer Angel like this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Most recent pictures of Tlanextic and the engines :)

    I plan to get better pictures of the engies but the sunlight here really captures the contrast paint over the Leadbelcher on the orbs so figured I'd share :)

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  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    That altar-palanquin is stunningly beautiful!
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks so much! Im assuming youre talking about the throne from the Stegadon Kit with the Star banner behind it? Really proud of that, need to finish it up, the back is still primer grey lol but the front I am very proud of no doubt :)

    Basing supplies came in also, so thats pretty exciting!
    Noxolotl and Imrahil like this.
  16. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I like the red and yellow firebreathers it very nicely captures the style of the mayan paintings:cool:

    Not a big fan of the colored symbols, to be honnest.

    Great work overall.

    Good luck with basing, I like the idea, just wondering how you will fit it al in ;)

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Noxolotl likes this.
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I was unsure of all the different colors for the symbols myself at first, but they've grown on me over the past few days. Still debating of ill go back and redo the symbols or not, in some ways it feels a bit too busy, in other ways I like the color as it adds another element to draw the eyes too.

    Yeah, my original base idea might be a bit much lol we will see, regardless will do the river and maybe one hill.

    The trees I was planning to use have come in, so that's nice! Still waiting on mud and some river plants
    Noxolotl and Imrahil like this.
  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    and rightfully so!
    Sudsinabucket and Imrahil like this.
  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Most recent progress! I have officially attached the Engines to her side platforms and the platforms themselvesare 100% done, now to just put things ontop of them :)

    Tlanextic finally looks playable! Though there is a lot to still be done she is at a place now that I'd actually feel comfortable putting her on a table. Been building her piece by piece for months now, so it feels good to be at this point finally. I really wanna get some outside shots with her, but its been raining, so another day.

    At the moment the last things to do (again, aside from acquire more bits) are:

    1. Paint Skystreak Bows
    2. Paint throne
    3. Paint chest armor
    4. Paint priest + crew
    5. Finish Large Astrolith banner
    6. Design and build base
    7. Design cover between poles on howdah (like the Stegadon model has)
    8. Possible Terradon hero landed on one of the platforms
    9. Redesign her rules
    10. Write lore/short story for her

    As for the wish list of things I'd like to add:

    1. Tail and other armor (this would require a lot of bits or me designing armor woth greenstuff/other method)

    2. Large diorama (either of a Ghur Landscape, a Temple city, or a large battle scene) for her game base to fit into

    3. Things I haven't thought up yet.

    She's definitely going to be one of those on going projects, but shes almost there as a "finished" thing

    On a plus note I am also, with help from a friend, designing a specific game mode for Thunder Lizards! Ill post a link down below and would love input:


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    Noxolotl, Egres, Killer Angel and 3 others like this.
  20. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    if you want to make a lot of armor pieces quickly you can make a green stuff mold they are easy to make and would be much faster then doing each piece by hand

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