Army Fluff Unofficial Insect AOS Race: The Chitinian Empire

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Sudsinabucket, Jun 9, 2020.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    So, Ive started coming up with a new race for my fluff, an Ant/insect race of the realms, well primarily Ghur and Ghyran. This race is heavily infuenced by Enders Game Buggers and Starship Troopers bug race.

    Names are mainly placeholders as I flesh this out in time. I will likely get some help from @DeathBringer125 , but for now mainly want to do it myself as the idea is fresh to me and am mainly brainstorming!

    Ideas thus far:

    Ant Race - AOS

    A insectoid race native to Ghur and Ghyran, the "Deep Dwellers" as humans call them are as old as the Realms themselves. A hive mind controlled by its various Queens and The High Queens.

    Faction Leader:

    High Queen, 1 in Ghur and 1 in Ghyran

    Queens, Control the many hives throughout the realms, answer to the High Queens in their respected Realms. While the High Queens dictate long term goals such as invasions and expansions, the Queens control Local Hive Life and the means in which to enact the High Queens commands through the general hive populations and War races of their species. High Queens give Birth only to other Queens while Queens give birth to all other species by regulating special organs within their bodies depending on need. Queens are every producing offsprings in the form of sacs which then are carried off by drones to special burrows within the hive where they are protected mercilessly, even from their own kind. If a drone that does not have a specific scent wanders too close, it is killed without warning and then fed upon by either the warrior or its remains brought to the larvae to feast upon.

    Unit Types:


    Warrior 1 -

    Warrior 2 -

    Heavy Infantry:

    Prayer Bugs - Large armored bugs with wings, these often hover over charging warrior bugs 1&2 and charge just beyond enemy lines as the full charge if those under them break the front enemy line, causing chaos. Their large folded mandibles slice through all but the toughest armor, and make quick work of enemy infantry. If they are not able to slice through armor they will instead trap the enemy within both mandibles and crush them with their strength. Often times they will pick up steeds or other monsters and take them away from the battle and simply eat them before retrurning to battle. These bugs are also formidable in the air as they slice down winged creatures with ease.

    Monstrous Infantry:


    Monstrous Calvary:


    Crushjaw - These Mammoth Sized Insects are able to take on the largest of monsters in the realms. Through strength and savagery they strike, their jaws are able to lift a Carnosaur clesr off the ground. Their preferred method of attack before charging is striking their jaws to the ground producing a mini earthquake, this causes smaller creatures to fall over and larger ones to lose balance. Taking the opportunity they charge, crushing those below and rending the larger threats. Even when the Seraphon release a Dread Saurian, these large insects are a fair match in both savagery and strength.



    Trap Door Bug - Before a battle is started these specialized warrior bugs will go out in the dead of night and dig deep burrows with "trap doors" on top of them. As the battle starts warrior bug#1 will fake charge the enemy drawing them out, as the enemy runs over these hidden burrows those lurking under will open the burrows allowing many to fall in. All that is heard after are the screams of those who fall in as they are dispatched.

    Silk Sprayers - Medium sized arachnids, these spiders have specialized webbing that can be shot over many yards. As enemy infantry and even calvary charge, these bugs shoot their silk outwards, trapping all who are touched by them. This is where the horror begins, the silk is laced with an acidic property and those under the webbing begin to have their flesh burned from their bones and unable to move as warriors rush in to slaughter them.

    Aurora Fliers - Large flying insects which pulse with the colors of an Aurora Borealis, they have large pincers which can slice through a hirses neck and large front mandibles for stabbing. However, it is their lower abdomen that is their primary weapon. As their abdomens colors rapidly pulse, they are able to shoot out large toxic blobs of light that not only blind the foe, but upon contact slow and poison them through the pores of their skin. If battle does not kill them, those infected die as large swellings begin to show and pus and blood erupt from them which then infect others around them, causing a chain effect throughout enemy ranks.
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I like this, totaly see this on the table as a massively amount of ants trample all in front of them.

    Good Stuff.

    Maybe @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl and @ravagekitteh can help you with some advice on this new army. They have some experience, take a look at the General Hobby threads

    Grrr, Imrahil
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, i like it.
    Ad giant bugs are wonderful, as proven by 'nids and 40k.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks y'all :)

    This races main enemies are the Skaven, secondly Nagashs Legions. All others are but instruments to be used or allies to be gained in their fight to end the corruption of Pestilence and Undeath.

    Short Blurb on their lore:

    First found by the Skaven, the (blank, still dont have an official name) built their tunnels far, wide and deep. First they built their hive within the great forests of Ghyran, their the soil was rich and healthy. As clan pestilence burrowed deeper into Ghyran they found a tunnel that was not theirs, and within it the drones of the High Queen. Placing upon these drones a pestilence the drones went back to the Hive where the plague ravanged the mangmy chambers, especially the larvae chambers. With this single act a war was raged under the ground of Ghyran while Nurgle ravaged the forests above, Rat and Insect dying in the hundreds of thousands unknown to those above ground.

    As this war raged on the first High Queen gave birth to a second High Queen who was sent to the Wilds of Ghur. There she was tasked with harnessing the power of the realm stones to bolster the insects war species and create a new mighty Hive to wage a more devastating war, and so that all might not be lost if Ghyran fell.

    Aside from the Skaven menace and intrusion below, the Necroquake also brought untold carnage to the High Queens domains. It was not until the dead began to rise that mortals first placed their eyes upon the giant insect armies, stirred up to surface as death magic from below began to affect the Queens directly.

    (This may change but these are some thoughts I had)
    Bowser, EFHILT 167, Imrahil and 3 others like this.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Update with some edits, again some or most names are placeholders, and the species of insect is what each is inspired from:

    Ant Race - AOS

    A insectoid race native to Ghur and Ghyran, the "Deep Dwellers" as humans call them are as old as the Realms themselves. A hive mind controlled by its various Queens and The High Queens.

    Lore of the Swarm (offensive):

    Lore of the Hive (Buffs/Support):

    Faction Leader:

    High Queen, 1 in Ghur and 1 in Ghyran.

    High Queen: The High Queens are the mind of the Hive, controlling all within their Realm. They are who dictate long term goals of either conquest or hive building, but also who improve the genetics of the hive. When environments shift or a new need arises, the High Queen is able to alter her own genetics, when she does so she produces new Queens. These new Queens then replace exsisting queens, the exsisting Queens are then transformed into commanders of the army and are mighty in their own right.

    Queens: Control the many hives throughout the realms, answer to the High Queens in their respected Realms. The Queens control Local Hive Life and the means in which to enact the High Queens commands through the general hive populations and War races of their species. High Queens give Birth only to other Queens while Queens give birth to all other species by regulating special organs within their bodies depending on need. Queens are ever producing offsprings in the form of sacs which then are carried off by drones to special burrows within the hive where they are protected mercilessly, even from their own kind. If a drone that does not have a specific scent wanders too close, it is killed without warning and then fed upon by either the warrior or its remains brought to the larvae to feast upon. When a Queen is replaced by a new Queen, the new Queen takes on a physical transformation, this transformation sees her exoskeleton even more reinforced and spikes grow. Not only are the new defenses formidable, but so are the offensive growths: Large pincers, A large Stinger and antennae which allow her telepathic abilities, able to melt minds from across the battlefield or cause enemy generals to go mad making their armies suffer from within.

    Unit Types:


    Warrior 1 (Fire Ants) - Bipedal, these ant warriors form a bulk of the hives army, second only to the (Wood Ants). When they charge in. Their bodies flare up, releasing intense heat around them, their jaes also produce saliva that burns like magma. Wielding dual curved swords, they slice into the fray, the heat around them burning unprotected flesh and fur. Though easy to fell once in combat, their numbers overwhelm most enemies.

    Warrior 2 (Wood Ants) - Bipedal, these ant warriors form a bulk of the hives army, second only to the (Fire Ants). Tougher than their (Fire Ant) cousins, these warriors have reinforced exoskeletons that regrow like bark on a tree. Numerous in mumber their regenerative power is their main weapon as they tear into enemy infantry. Many have bones protruding outwards from their exoskeletons that they break off and throw at close range or use as daggers, more growing in its place.

    Warrior 3 ( Longhorned Crazy Ant) - Very common on the battlefield, these warriors are more unpredictable than their common warrior cousins. In the thick of battle they will often break the line to seek battle deeper in, causing chaos amongst enemy ranks, within minutes returning to the Hives own front line. These ants have long hairs on their bodies which detect magic influences, once detected they will dart towards the magic user to silence them before a spell can be cast.

    Heavy Infantry:

    Prayer Bugs (Praying Mantis) - Large armored bugs with wings, these often hover over charging warrior bugs 1&2 and charge just beyond enemy lines as the full charge if those under them break the front enemy line, causing chaos. Their large folded mandibles slice through all but the toughest armor, and make quick work of enemy infantry. If they are not able to slice through armor they will instead trap the enemy within both mandibles and crush them with their strength. Often times they will pick up steeds or other monsters and take them away from the battle and simply eat them before retrurning to battle. These bugs are also formidable in the air as they slice down winged creatures with ease.

    Monstrous Infantry:


    Monstrous Calvary:


    Crushjaw (Trapjaw Ant)- These Mammoth Sized quadruped Insects are able to take on the largest of monsters in the realms. Through strength and savagery they strike, their jaws are able to lift a Carnosaur clear off the ground. Their preferred method of attack before charging is striking their jaws to the ground producing a mini earthquake, this causes smaller creatures to fall over and larger ones to lose balance. Taking the opportunity they charge, crushing those below and rending the larger threats. Even when the Seraphon release a Dread Saurian, these large insects are a fair match in both savagery and strength. When in melee if if they ste struck their exoskeleton is tough, and lined with spikes.

    (Atlas Beetle) - Though these start as a small larvae feeding off the decomposing logs of the forests of Ghyran and Ghur, this insect grows to be quite large and even stronger still. About the size of an Aged Stegadon, these beetles lift up large boulders that smaller ant warriors bring to them and throw them at the enemy. When no boulders can be found they charge in, crushing lesser troops in its wake. Their sharp claws are able to shred armor and their horns are used to topple and flip over larger beasts so that they may then rip into the softer under belly.


    Dragon Seeker (Tarantula Hawk) - This Gigantic Flying insect rivals the size of dragons, and indeed on the battlefield hunts them down with proficiency. With strong wings, powerful legs and a sharp stinger that can penetrate dragon hide, the Dragon Seeker grabs onto its flying victim and jabs its stinger into the body injecting a paralyzing enzyme. Releasing the enemy goes into a freefall where it crashes into the ground, either dead or dying waiting to be killed. When needed on the ground the Dragon Seeker will dive bomb at blinding speed and tackle large beasts, either lifting them up to be dropped to their doom or paralyzed by the stinger to then be slain by the insect warriors. When not in battle these giants lay in wait above burrow holes in trees, striking when something gets too closex although they do not consume them...for the eat the flourishing fruit and milkweed flowers of Ghyran and other giant flowers.


    Trap Door Bug (Trap Door Spider) - Before a battle is started these specialized warrior bugs will go out in the dead of night and dig deep burrows with "trap doors" on top of them. As the battle starts warrior bug#1 will fake charge the enemy drawing them out, as the enemy runs over these hidden burrows those lurking under will open the burrows allowing many to fall in. All that is heard after are the screams of those who fall in as they are dispatched.

    Silk Sprayers - Medium sized arachnids, these spiders have specialized webbing that can be shot over many yards. As enemy infantry and even calvary charge, these bugs shoot their silk outwards, trapping all who are touched by them. This is where the horror begins, the silk is laced with an acidic property and those under the webbing begin to have their flesh burned from their bones and unable to move as warriors rush in to slaughter them.

    Aurora Fliers (Fire flies)- Large flying insects which pulse with the colors of an Aurora Borealis, they have large pincers which can slice through a hirses neck and large front mandibles for stabbing. However, it is their lower abdomen that is their primary weapon. As their abdomens colors rapidly pulse, they are able to shoot out large toxic blobs of light that not only blind the foe, but upon contact slow and poison them through the pores of their skin. If battle does not kill them, those infected die as large swellings begin to show and pus and blood erupt from them which then infect others around them, causing a chain effect throughout enemy ranks.

    Queens Guardians (Dinosaur Ants)- These Bipedal ants are among the largest of their non monsterous counsins and have the hardest of exo skeletons. Though low in numbers, they are able to dispatch thousands before even one dies, their armor able to repel almost all attacks and their strength rivaling even that of the Stormcast. They wield large maces which crush bone and armor alike, and their stinger injects a toxin over and over until the enemy falls from it. They are charged with protecting the Hive Queens when a hive is under attack, allowing non to pass until the last Guardian falls. So attuned with the Hive they can feel the slightly change in vibrstion in the soil, knowing where any attack may come from.
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I’m really liking all this, I’m getting some Geonosian vibes here. Geonosians for AoS would be awesome.

    I’m assuming they are going to be a Destruction faction, given they aren’t Chaotic and they aren’t allied with Sigmar or Nagash?

    Also, are you just going to develop lore for them or rules as well? If you considering creating unofficial Warscrolls too, I would advocate using the following Warscroll maker, which I used when designing my Warscrolls for the Gloomforest Spawn, Nehekros Imperishables and Order of the Sacred Lady:
    Nazqua, Imrahil and Sudsinabucket like this.
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I have no idea who the Geonosians are, but I'm assuming its a good thing they seem like them?

    They are a borderline of Destruction and Order...more a preservation of the natural order, so I guess Destruction if we had to get totally down to it?

    I definitely want to in time make proper rules, warscrolls, etc for them, but at the moment I am just fleshing out Lore and such for them so that I can begin using them in my own personal stories. If you have any tips, i'm all ears! At some point I would even like to make a proper battletome book.

    A lot of them are going to be bipedal but others more characteristic to their real world counterpart, which will be which I haven't totally decided yet however.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A new question arises: Adaptations vs Seperate varieties.

    They all come from Queens, so the question is..would it make more sense that the species starts as a larvae and then as its fed different things developes different adaptations? Or keep it as is where the queen determines what is being produced by a special organ in her body that alters the generic code within the larvae before it born which determines what will be produced?

    I personally like the genetics route as it gives the Hive more control over what can and is produced and doesnt have to worry about being cut off from a specific food source or whatever, but this comment (shown below) does bring up a good point of sorts.

    For reference this was a comment I received:

    Well-- I like the idea of an insect race that feats on dead and decaying stuff and is generally bent on returning things to nature.

    I do think you may have invented far too many variations all at once here though. It seems like you have dozens of species here, not just one, as they don't at all resemble one another and have dramatically different abilities. Which is fine with a creature like the Tyranids where their natural form is a primordial soup and then the hive-mind just forms it into whatever sort of monstrosities best fit the task at hand.

    But if it is going to be a proper race in the fantasy sense, it seems like it would be best to focus on a single base version that ought to take inspiration from a number of insects rather than being too specific about what exact species it is based on. And then the other variations should either be using some sort of technology, or perhaps more interestingly-- permanently mutated into the other varieties by feeding them a particular sort of jelly during their youth. But even these mutated versions though should still be clearly the same species as the base form but with parts of their anatomy exaggerated and enhanced.

    For example, perhaps the species normally does have wings, at least in the larval stage, but for most adult members of the society those wings are just too small to be of any use or fall off completely-- but if when in the larval stage it gets fed a particular food, it instead grows big, powerful, often beautiful wings that it can zip around freely-- but perhaps at the cost of having as thick of an exoskeleton as most of the workers have.

    Or with the fire or silk varieties, those could both be adaptations of a gland that exists within the entire species but generally don't provide much benefit beyond being able to produce an unpleasant odor which they might release when scared to alert others or can be used to leave a trail for others of their species to follow-- but, again, by feeding them a particular mixture while they are larva then after they grow into their full form they will be able to produce either a hot, burning liquid or silk using the same glands-- but likely at the cost of having enlarged thoraxes which make them slower and clumsier than the default variety.

    But-- even with that-- you ought to have a lot fewer varieties than you have presented here. Look at how few units exist in most armies in the game as things are now."
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    I personally like what the comment is saying, I think it would make a lot more sense for the creatures to have variations through conditions (Like temperature, and other things) and diet which affects the creatures variation from a young age, that way there could be less fine lines between the classes, them all originating from a common starting point. And given the fact different types are generated for specific needs it would make sense that the type produced is affected by both the environment (Ambient temperature, health of the hive, pheromone presences, latent magic etc) and by the hive itself (Diet, and regulating such conditions). That way they are shaped both purposely and suited to a need within the hive by both the hive itself, and conditions without the hives interference.

    This way the problem of having too many classes/types doesn't really exist, since all the different ones are fundamentally the same species with a varying range of features (For example, there could be cross overs or lesser extents of certain 'Archetypes' blurring the lines between them which makes the entire species more of a singular thing rather than a collective.) Overall the hive has to actively work towards each type, both them and the environment shaping the creature until the end of the larval stage which puts a lot more emphasis on their nests and the care of such nest (As well as being a bit more interactive, like the hive having to do tasks to meet conditions, or gather certain things for a specific diet etc)

    Really there is no downside to the adaptations route with storytelling and lore (Since issues within the hive and how they cant/have to work towards a specific type make a pretty compelling problem that has to be solved) and really draws the hive into having to care so much about their young rather than just summing it up to genetics and leaving it as that.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2020
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Fair point
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    I mean honestly, you could have a combination of the both, having the conditions of the queen (Like temperature, diet and stuff) affect which type is produced by her, which could make sense given the different processes needed to create the different types (such as proteins needed? I mean it is fantasy so why not)

    In real ant colonies the queen doesn't really have a typical movie/fiction style 'HIVE MIND CONTROL' where all will obey her command, it is more of a perfectly formed relationship where the workers want to create the best conditions for the queen to allow her to expand the colony. Personally (This is just me) I think it would be a bit cooler if the hive mind was really a true hive mind, (Sum of its parts make the whole sort of thing) made up of all the different ants to a relatively equal extent, with the queen having a tiny bit more power rather than being this all-knowing super-entity that has all these millions of workers at their disposal. Perhaps given the size of colonies there could be more designated 'Breeders' which fundamentally exist to create new members. and then as a different/relatively simular type you have the 'Hive directions' (Obviously not the name) that have a much larger influence on the hive mind?

    Either way is cool, I just don't like the way the 'HIVE MIND' is portrayed in media, giving like one leader full control as this god-like entity that controls everything?
  12. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Obviously you haven't seen Star Wars Episodes I-III - unless you're definitely not a Star Wars fan, I recommend you watch them!

    Given that they're not directly allied with Sigmar and the Order Pantheon, I would say they would be more Destruction from your description.

    Brilliant! The biggest tip I would offer at this stage would be to have all your rules organised into three or four consecutive posts, like I have done for my unofficial Nehekros Imperishables and Order of the Sacred Lady factions:

    The layout was first devised by @ravagekitteh for his unofficial Adherents of Starlight faction:
    and I liked the organisation of it all so much that I adopted it too.
    Sudsinabucket and Imrahil like this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Oh I have lol but ita been awhile, I hust must have forgot that was their name. Im also not a HUGE star wars fan, I enjoy the movies, but I dont delve deep into the lore.

    For sure! Ill take a look
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Coming back to this soon, with many changes and new ideas.
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Here is the updated but still WIP overview for the newly named Chitinian Empire. Any thoughts are very much appreciated! What else would you like to see added to the overview that isn't mentioned yet, if anything? I'm gonna continue to work on it, I think I'm pretty close to it being done baring further edits and such. After I've finished with the Overview I'll start the process of creating warscrolls and such for them as well.

    I know that I still want to go into more detail of the different types of Chitinians, just not sure if that needs to be in this or if that's just kinda overfilling.

    The Chitinian Empire

    An unofficial race for Age of Sigmar by Sinarai Paints/Sudsinabucket. Started 2020

    Original Blog Post on Lustria Online: Army Fluff - Unofficial Insect AOS Race: The Chitinian Empire | Lustria Online (

    The Chitinian Empire is an insectoid race that has colonies largely below ground, their numbers are innumerable. Gone nearly undectected for millennia, the Chitinian Empire has emerged again due the events of the Broken Realms, primarily the influx of Life magic and the release of Kragnos. As the Mortal Realms are reshaped and fought over on the ground and in the skies above, below the blood stained soil the Chitinian Empire sees nothing but opportunities. New colonies grow across Ghyran, Ghur and Hysh, and with them the purification of what was once soured by chaos, pestilence and industry.

    Innumerous and unrelenting, the Chitinian Empire is nature’s destructive force made manifest. To face them in battle is to fight against thick chitin armor, obsidian sharp mandibles and acids that burn through even celestial armors. An intelligent ancient race of insectoids they originate from The-World-That-Was, living largely below the surface of the natural moon Mannslieb, the Southlands and further east towards Cathay and Ind. Their once vast Empire began to decline with the rise of Pestilence and Chaos, infected egg chambers due to wars between the Skaven and Chaos forces had begun to take a toll on those colonies down below on the earth. Upon seeing the False Moon Morrslieb fall towards the world below, the High Queen Kaj’Dreza fearing the natural moon to be next ordered the moon to be moved out of orbit and reach from magics below. Winged Chitinians of all sizes piled on the far side of the moon, and with what is known as the “Great Fluttering” hundreds of millions of wings began to push the moon away from The-World-That-Was. Their exoskeletons capable of protecting them from the immense cold and vacuum of space, when the task was done all the High Queen and the remaining Chitinians could do but watch the world be consumed by fire of all different colors, and eventually its destruction. Eventually bringing the moon back the Kaj’Dreza sent swarms out to check the remaining debris of the shattered world, and though few colonies somehow survived on the shards of the world, most of the insect species had been lost. For thousands of years the Chitinian Empire traveled upon their moon home pulled by giant space worms, following the still occupied shards of a shattered world they watched what would one day become The Mortal Realms. Seeing the Mortal Realms form, the Chitian Empire would first come to what is now called Ghyran and Hysh, setting up the first terrestrial colonies and the beginnings of a new empire.

    Varying in shapes and sizes, they are led by the eldest and only surviving High Queen and her Queens. The only true care of the Queens are that and the colonies under her influence and their survival, anything that may put them at risk is dealt with swiftly. The Chitinians have little tolerance for Industry, and none for that of Chaos, Pestilence and Undeath. All of these seep through and into the soil, tainting it, endangering the colonies and it’s vulnerable eggs. Ever hungry and ever working to purify the world to a natural state around them, the Chitinian Empire is no stranger to war. Sensitive to the earth around them, if a city's industry goes unregulated for too long or corruption unchecked, war-swarms will be sent without warning to begin the process of purification. These swarms have been the cause of whole fortified cities falling into giant sinkholes, though usually blamed as Skaven attacks until recently. With their sensitivity to the changes in nature and their constant work to purify lands to their natural state, the Chitinian Empire has found a sometimes uneasy alliance with the Sylvaneth. Though their interpretation of “Natural Order” may differ at times, both recognize the threat to Ghyran, and the realms, by both Skaven of Clan Pestilence and Nurgle specifically. Often find themselves on the same battlefield if even unknown until swarms of warrior bugs and burrow worms emerge from their swarmtunnels or as earth begins giving way as underground battles are revealed below the battlefield above ground.

    The types of Chitinians vary widely but all start as an egg. Laid by a Queen or the High Queen, the egg hatches into a larva the size of a small dog, no different than another. In this stage they are very vulnerable, depending on environmental circumstances that are closely monitored, the larvae will after some time cocoon themselves in a near impenetrable silk. Once cocooned they begin a transformation into a specialized new form, from the most numerous Worker Drones and Warrior bugs to more specialized forms of large Burrow Worms and Dragon Sized flyers the cocoons hatch. Due to the events of The Broken Realms, in particular those events surrounding Kragnos and the invasion of Shyish, the once hidden race has begun to emerge.The Chitinian Empire after staying nearly undetected for millennia have responded from their underground colonies in Ghyran, Ghur and Hysh to the influx of Life Magic and decline of Death magic throughout the realms. Eggs and larvae once dying daily by the tens of thousands now not afflicted by death magic have allowed the colonies to swell once more. Becoming more active below and above alike, swarms have been sent forth in ground shaking numbers, their sole purpose to search for new food sources and locations for the swelling old colonies. Rarely is a queen hatched for only by the High Queen herself can one be hatched, and only when a new colony location has been found. This keeps not only the number of Queens in check, but also keeps lower ranking queens in check, for civil war among colonies is rare, but not unheard of. Loyal Queens are rewarded with the new colonies, given the opportunity to show their leadership skills in wartorn environments and the promise of growing her own network of sub colonies. Though the best locations are reserved for the High Queen to start her own new colonies, she is generous to those who continue to serve her and the empire. Without hesitation newly hatched Chitinians begin their life serving the colony and Queen in whatever caste they are a part. The empire is ever moving, never sleeping, guided by their High Queen and Queen's drive to expand and secure their place within the Mortal Realms.

    As the Mortal Realms are reshaped and fought over after the events of The Broken Realms on the ground and in the skies above, below the blood stained soil the Chitinian Empire sees nothing but opportunities. Consolidating their power after a war against the Hathorians and more recently with the Skaven, the Chitinian Empire is once again at a height of power not seen since just before the coming of Chaos. For it was during the Age of Chaos where the once isolated race was accidentally discovered by Skaven tunneling under Ghyran. Upon stumbling across a swarmtunnel of the High Queen’s colony, a pestilence was released upon worker drones which returned unknowingly to chambers that held eggs and larvae. A lasting war raged underground, both Skaven and Chitinian dying in the millions daily within the massive swarmtunnels and gnawholes being carved out. It was not until the finding of an underground spring did the tides begin to turn in favor of the High Queen, her Queens and their warswarms. The underground spring came from the giant lake above, and the Lustrum node in the Lustrare River valley which gave the water a highly potent purifying property. Creating a gentle mist with the spring water and placing it upon those eggs and larvae afflicted, they began to heal and soon hatch while also developing quicker than before. Soon the Swarms, reinforced and growing, began to fight back the Hordes of Pestilent Skaven and recover lost colonies. The colonies of Ghyran were saved, but the High Queen learned a valuable lesson and sent forth more Queens into the realms of Ghur and Hysh. It was during this war that a loose alliance was forged between the High Queen and the Everqueen of the Sylvaneth, both fighting for the preservation of the Jade Forests of Ghyran and Nature as a whole.

    The War-Swarms of the Chitinian Empire are vast in number, only being rivaled by that of Skavendom and the Realms of Chaos themselves. Led by either the High Queen, a Queen or trusted Mothite, the warswarms move almost as one as commands are given via unique vibrations in the ground or pheromones through the air. Most numerous are the war drones, a subspecies of the worker drone, and the Warrior Bugs. Both are heavily protected by thick chitin shells, though aside from small mandibles and small sharp fangs, the war drones rely heavily on their numbers. Warrior bugs, as the name suggests, are bred solely for the protection of the colony and are the heart of the warswarms. Standing roughly 10 feet tall, Warrior bugs come in a variety of subspecies, all have large powerful pointed legs that propel them forward, long sharp mandibles that are used to slice and pierce through armor. The most common kind having large pincers for mouths that can crush boulders, while the second most sprays a type of acid before charging it’s foes. It is however not only the vast numbers of war drones or warrior bugs that one must contend with. As Warrior bugs swarm forward with large scorpion-like monstrosities, while giant Burrow Worms the size of leviathans break through the ground to swallow up whole regiments. In the skies dragonfly-like dragons secure aerial dominance above with large flying warrior bugs, their numbers often blocking out Hysh’s light for long periods at a time. Mothites, humanoid like Moths, acting as stand in generals for their Queens or lieutenants during battle create powerful powders on their wings. Able to control the type of powder that is produced, these warriors will fly over the ranks of Chitians and with each beat of their wings the powder falls down onto the ranks of battling insects . These powders bolster the War-Swarms capabilities, armor becoming harder, mandibles sharper and bigger, even healing wounds. The powder not only helps the Chitians, but also brings the smaller insects of the realms to their aid. The powder when it falls upon enemy lines produces blindness, paralysis and blood to be filled with toxins. The War-Swarms are ever changing to meet new obstacles of battle to better protect the colonies, new variations of current species begin hatching as new conditions and food sources are found and secured.

    The colonies of the Chitinian Empire are vastly underground although structures above ground are built, largely as defense or to make above ground dwellers more comfortable. Although structures above ground are limited above smaller colonies, above larger colonies of importance the above ground addition can rival Cities of Sigmar or the Temple Cities of the Seraphon. The outer spaces of these above ground settlements resemble closer to what one would see in a human settlement, but the closer to the central swarmhole the more alien and colony-like it becomes. Towering carapace mounds next to market places, ventilation stacks that give off fumes from below being taken out of the tunnels and colony below. What once looked like a City of Sigmar changes into an alien world in the matter of a few steps. The tunnels that run below the surface and connect the various chambers and different colonies are large, often stretch hundreds of feet wide. When the tunnels are first dug they are pitch black, but this means little to the Chitinians that travel them, for they travel via vibrations in the ground and special pheromones that are given off by one another. As the tunnels are used more and more, the secretions of the insect host begins to bring forth bioluminescent fungi that give a faint light. This faint light is what allows for any sort of trade to happen between the Chitinian Empire and the races above ground, for otherwise it is just a maze for those who do not dwell below to get lost in.

    The Chitinian Empire’s colonies are broken up into three different Hosts depending on which realm they are a part of. These Hosts consist of many colonies that are controlled by different queens, these Queens answer to a Greater queen of the region. Ultimately all queens answer to the High Queen in Ghyran, each Host acting closely but also independently in a shared pursuit of purifying the realms to a state before industry and the corruption of Chaos. When Hosts do combine their colonies in a shared campaign, the War-Swarms that are gathered number in the millions, though this only happens when the High Queen calls for it in times of desperation or extreme need. The first and oldest of the three Hosts is that of Ghyran and the High Queen herself, they are the Emerald Swarm. The most numerous, the Emerald Swarm has an increased regeneration mechanism that aids them in battle that comes from when the magics of Ghyran seep into the egg chambers. Chitinians hatched within the colonies of the Emerald Swarm ...

    The Devouring Tide in Ghur have been transformed into hardened monstronsities of their formerselves, which has served them well in the wars that have been fought since entering the realm. Their chitin armor hardened beyond a Bastiladons shell along with large spikes growing out, mandibles growing into two from one, and growing in size the War-Swarms of The Devouring Tide strike fear into even the most darkened of souls. Though they are the youngest of the three Hosts, The Devouring Tide is integral to the war efforts of the other Hosts. By sending their Ghur morphed monstrosities to other swarms they help break even the toughest of defenses.

    The Host of Iridescence of Hysh are the most intelligent of their race, baring the High Queen herself who feeds on Hyshian light unlike other Chitinians. Bright to the eye, those of the Host of Iridescence ...

    The only thing keeping the Chitinian Empire from truly eradicating and consuming all the races is that would go against the natural balance of nature. For most of the races are a natural part of the realms that simply have lost their way from simpler beginnings. Industry and corruption of the land are what concern the Chitinians, not that mortals dwell above ground.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Lots of changes already, but i think this is the final draft and just needs some minor editing. I'm happy with where it is, though in the future hope to expand on the Hosts themselves specifically.

    Let me know what you think!

    The Chitinian Empire

    An unofficial race for Age of Sigmar by Sinarai Paints/Sudsinabucket. Started 2020

    The Chitinian Empire is...An Insectoid race that has colonies largely below ground, their numbers are innumerable. Gone nearly undectected for millennia, the Chitinian Empire has emerged again due the events of the Broken Realms, primarily the influx of Life magic and the release of Kragnos. As the Mortal Realms are reshaped and fought over on the ground and in the skies above, below the blood stained soil the Chitinian Empire sees nothing but opportunities. New colonies grow across Ghyran, Ghur and Hysh, and with them the purification of what was once soured by chaos, pestilence and industry.

    Innumerous and unrelenting, the Chitinian Empire is nature’s destructive force made manifest. To face them in battle is to fight against thick chitin armor, obsidian sharp mandibles and acids that burn through even celestial armors. An intelligent ancient race of insectoids they originate from The-World-That-Was, living largely below the surface of the natural moon Mannslieb, and what once was the Southlands and further east beyond Cathay. Their once vast Empire began to decline with the rise of Pestilence and Chaos, infected egg chambers had begun to take a toll on those colonies down below on the earth. Upon seeing the False Moon Morrslieb fall towards the world below, the High Queen Kaj’Dreza fearing the natural moon to be next ordered the moon to be moved out of orbit and reach from magics below. Winged Chitinians of all sizes piled on the far side of the moon, and with what is known as the “Great Fluttering” hundreds of millions of wings began to push the moon away from The-World-That-Was. Their exoskeletons capable of protecting them from the immense cold and vacuum of space, when the task was done all the High Queen and the remaining Chitinians could do but watch the world be consumed by fire of all different colors, and eventually its destruction. Eventually bringing the moon back the Kaj’Dreza sent swarms out to check the remaining debris of the shattered world, and though few colonies somehow survived on the shards of the world, most of the insect species had been lost. For thousands of years the Chitinian Empire traveled upon their moon home pulled by giant space worms, following the still occupied shards of a shattered world they watched what would one day become The Mortal Realms. Seeing the Mortal Realms form, the Chitian Empire would first come to what is now called Ghyran and Hysh, setting up the first terrestrial colonies and the beginnings of a new empire.

    Varying in shapes and sizes, they are led by the eldest and only surviving High Queen and her Queens. The only true care of the Queens are that and the colonies under her influence and their survival, anything that may put them at risk is dealt with swiftly. The Chitinians have little tolerance for Industry, and none for that of Chaos, Pestilence and Undeath. All of these seep through and into the soil, tainting it, endangering the colonies and it’s vulnerable eggs. Ever hungry and ever working to purify the world to a natural state around them, the Chitinian Empire is no stranger to war. Sensitive to the earth around them, if a city's industry goes unregulated for too long or corruption unchecked, war-swarms will be sent without warning to begin the process of purification. These swarms have been the cause of whole fortified cities falling into giant sinkholes, though usually blamed as Skaven attacks until recently. With their sensitivity to the changes in nature and their constant work to purify lands to their natural state, the Chitinian Empire has found a sometimes uneasy alliance with the Sylvaneth. Though their interpretation of “Natural Order” may differ at times, both recognize the threat to Ghyran, and the realms, by both Skaven of Clan Pestilence and Nurgle specifically. Often find themselves on the same battlefield if even unknown until swarms of warrior bugs and burrow worms emerge from their swarmtunnels or as earth begins giving way as underground battles are revealed below the battlefield above ground.

    The types of Chitinians vary widely but all start as an egg laid by a Queen or the High Queen. When the egg hatches a larva the size of a small dog crawls out, no different than another. In this stage they are very vulnerable, held together by only a slippery thick rubbery membrane. After some time, the larvae will cocoon themselves in a near impenetrable silk. Once cocooned they begin a transformation into a specialized new form. The forms that the larvae take are dependent on environmental conditions and food consumption, both of which are controlled by worker drones. From the cocoons these Cthinians can hatch as the most numerous Worker Drones and Warrior bugs or as the more specialized forms of large Burrow Worms and Dragon Sized flyers. Only the High Queen Kaj’Dezra has been able to lay eggs that give rise to Queens, using souls she is brought by the War-Swarms. The souls that are brought to her from all colonies as tribute, and so that more Queens can be hatched to further the growth of the empire. This however does not stop lesser Queens seeking to ascend to that of High Queen, hoping to regain their fallen wings they consume stolen souls in secret.

    Due to the events of The Broken Realms, in particular those events surrounding Kragnos and the invasion of Shyish, the once hidden race has begun to emerge.The Chitinian Empire after staying nearly undetected for millennia have responded from their underground colonies in Ghyran, Ghur and Hysh to the influx of Life Magic and decline of Death magic throughout the realms. Eggs and larvae once dying daily by the tens of thousands now not afflicted by death magic have allowed the colonies to swell once more. Becoming more active below and above alike, swarms have been sent forth in ground shaking numbers, their sole purpose to search for new food sources and locations for the swelling old colonies. Rarely is a queen hatched for only by the High Queen herself can one be hatched, and only when a new colony location has been found. This keeps not only the number of Queens in check, but also keeps lower ranking queens in check, for civil war among colonies is rare, but not unheard of. Loyal Queens are rewarded with the new colonies, given the opportunity to show their leadership skills in wartorn environments and the promise of growing her own network of sub colonies. Though the best locations are reserved for the High Queen to start her own new colonies, she is generous to those who continue to serve her and the empire. Without hesitation newly hatched Chitinians begin their life serving the colony and Queen in whatever caste they are a part. The empire is ever moving, never sleeping, guided by their High Queen and Queen's drive to expand and secure their place within the Mortal Realms.

    As the Mortal Realms are reshaped and fought over after the events of The Broken Realms on the ground and in the skies above, below the blood stained soil the Chitinian Empire sees nothing but opportunities. Consolidating their power after a war against the Hathorians and more recently with the Skaven, the Chitinian Empire is once again at a height of power not seen since just before the coming of Chaos. For it was during the Age of Chaos where the once isolated race was accidentally discovered by Skaven tunneling under Ghyran. Upon stumbling across a swarmtunnel of the High Queen’s colony, a pestilence was released upon worker drones which returned unknowingly to chambers that held eggs and larvae. A lasting war raged underground, both Skaven and Chitinian dying in the millions daily within the massive swarmtunnels and gnawholes being carved out. It was not until the finding of an underground spring did the tides begin to turn in favor of the High Queen, her Queens and their warswarms. The underground spring came from the giant lake above, and the Lustrum node in the Lustrare River valley which gave the water a highly potent purifying property. Creating a gentle mist with the spring water and placing it upon those eggs and larvae afflicted, they began to heal and soon hatch while also developing quicker than before. Soon the Swarms, reinforced and growing, began to fight back the Hordes of Pestilent Skaven and recover lost colonies. The colonies of Ghyran were saved, but the High Queen learned a valuable lesson and sent forth more Queens into the realms of Ghur and Hysh. It was during this war that a loose alliance was forged between the High Queen and the Everqueen of the Sylvaneth, both fighting for the preservation of the Jade Forests of Ghyran and Nature as a whole.

    Though the Colonies of the Chitian Empire are capable and willing to make allies, one must reason with a Queen or the High Queen to do so, and even then it is a loose alliance dependent on strict terms. These strict terms always consist of industry being regulated and that the newly dead, no matter the cause, are given up to feed the growing colonies. With little or no warning an alliance can be ended with a city simply disappearing into the ground if industry falls to toxic levels or the dead cease being delivered. Even if outright allies are not to be found, there are some human settlements a part of the Burrowers Cult which worship the High Queen as a Godbeast and Queens as her spawn. These cults can be found protecting the entrances of the colonies and practice human sacrifice to the Queen they worship, sending those guilty of a crime or ceremonial sacrifices of noble birth down into Pits of the Apocalypse. These sacrifices are believed to help fuel the reemergence and the beginning of an apocalypse where the High Queen, her children and the faithful will purge all corruption from the land. Effectively reverting the realms to when they were first formed, the Burrowers Cult believes they will be the new rulers of the mortal races after The Renewal. Whether or not the Queens use visions and telepathy to fuel these beliefs is not known but is suspected.

    The War-Swarms of the Chitinian Empire are vast in number, only being rivaled by that of Skavendom and the Realms of Chaos themselves. Led by either the High Queen, a Queen or a High Mothite, the warswarms move almost as one as commands are given via unique vibrations in the ground, pheromones through the air. If more than one War-Swarm is joined in battle the superior rank takes control of all present, communicating via telepathy and visions with their commanders. The way in which the War-Swarms communicate make it nearly impossible for the enemy to know what is happening before the tide has already turned.

    Most numerous of the War-Swarms are the war drones, a subspecies of the worker drone, and the Warrior Bugs. Both are heavily protected by thick chitin shells, though aside from small mandibles and small sharp fangs, the war drones rely heavily on their numbers. Warrior bugs, as the name suggests, are bred solely for the protection of the colony through war and are the heart of the warswarms. Standing roughly 10 feet tall, Warrior bugs come in a variety of subspecies, all have large powerful pointed legs that propel them forward, long sharp mandibles that are used to slice and pierce through armor. The most common kind having large pincers for mouths that can crush boulders, while the second most sprays a type of acid before charging it’s foes with its gaping maw. It is however not only the vast numbers of war drones or warrior bugs that one must contend with. As Warrior bugs swarm forward they are accompanied by large scorpion-like monstrosities that contend with the likes of Stormfiends. Though tens of thousands may swarm from above ground, there is also movement just below the surface. Horrifying Burrow Worms the size of leviathans break through the ground, swallowing up whole regiments before diving back below the soil just to reappear again, some even spitting corrosive acid great distances. Not even the skies are untouched by the War-Swarms of the Chitinians. Dragonfly-like creatures the size of dragons secure aerial dominance alongside large flying warrior bugs, their numbers often blocking out Hysh’s light for periods at a time.

    Mothites, humanoid like Moths, acting as stand in generals for their Queens or lieutenants for them during battle create powerful powders on their wings. Able to control the type of powder that is produced, these warriors will fly over the ranks of Chitians and with each beat of their wings the powder falls down onto the ranks of battling insects. These powders bolster the War-Swarms capabilities making their natural armor harder, mandibles sharper and bigger, increasing movement speed, even healing wounds. The powder not only helps the Chitians, but also brings the smaller insects of the realms to their aid. The powder when it falls upon enemy lines produces blindness, paralysis and blood to be filled with toxins. The War-Swarms are ever changing to meet new obstacles of battle to better protect the colonies, new variations of current species begin hatching as new conditions and food sources are found and secured.

    The ranks of the Chitians War-Swarms consist of many different forms, it is that of the Queens that strike the most fear into their foes. Though rarely do they join in battle, these large centipede-like creatures with limited humanoid qualities are capable of turning the tide of battle themselves. Truly monsters in their own right, long armored bodies that can stretch high into the sky are held up by strong mandibles toward the rear of the body. Gradually these legs begin to take the shape of armored hands in the thorax region before turning back into powerful legs that go up towards the head. Their mouths open to reveal thousands of small teeth and multiple long tongues that are used to grab and pull victims in. The High Queen is the only queen to retain her wings permanently, adding to her power and terrible look. Physically the High Queens and Queens are formidable, but it is perhaps their special ability to send limited range telepathy waves into enemy lines. Showing those afflicted true nightmares of what waits for those who fall, even the most hardened veteran begins to lose resolve, for not even souls are at risk while fighting Chitinians in battle.

    Always hungry and foraging for food for the colonies, the War-Swarms consume all parts of the body of fallen foes, leaving only a shell of armor and clothing behind. Some specialized Burrow Worms consuming souls to produce Soul Silk. A sticky silk that is able to cling onto souls and the living alike and near unbreakable, it is used to trap noble souls such as generals or champions. Stored behind the War-Swarm in Soul Silk or within a special sac of a Burrow Worm, these souls are taken to the High Queen or a treacherous Queen. Deepkin are known to follow smaller War-Swarms to collect the soul silk and souls from the Burrow Worms.

    The colonies of the Chitinian Empire are vastly underground although structures above ground are built, largely as defense or to make above ground dwellers more comfortable. Although structures above ground are limited above smaller colonies, above larger colonies of importance the above ground addition can rival Cities of Sigmar or the Temple Cities of the Seraphon. The outer spaces of these above ground settlements resemble closer to what one would see in a human settlement, but the closer to the central swarmhole the more alien and colony-like it becomes. Towering carapace mounds next to market places, ventilation stacks that give off fumes from below being taken out of the tunnels and colony below. What once looked like a City of Sigmar changes into an alien world in the matter of a few steps. The tunnels that run below the surface and connect the various chambers and different colonies are large, often stretch hundreds of feet wide. When the tunnels are first dug they are pitch black, but this means little to the Chitinians that travel them, for they travel via vibrations in the ground and special pheromones that are given off by one another. As the tunnels are used more and more, the secretions of the insect host begins to bring forth bioluminescent fungi that give a faint light. This faint light is what allows for any sort of trade to happen between the Chitinian Empire and the races above ground, for otherwise it is just a maze for those who do not dwell below to get lost in.

    The Chitinian Empire’s colonies are broken up into three different Hosts depending on which realm they are a part of. These Hosts consist of many colonies that are controlled by different queens, these Queens answer to a Greater queen of the region. Ultimately all queens answer to High Queen Kaj’Dreza in Ghyran. Each Host directed by their Queens and Mothites act closely but also independently of each other in a shared pursuit of purifying the realms to a state before industry and the corruption of Chaos. When Hosts do combine their colonies in a shared campaign, the War-Swarms that are gathered number in the millions, though this only happens when the High Queen calls for it in times of desperation or extreme need.

    The first and oldest of the three Hosts is that of Ghyran and the High Queen herself, they are the Emerald Swarm. The most numerous, the Emerald Swarm has an increased regeneration mechanism that aids them in battle that comes from when the magics of Ghyran seep into the egg chambers. Chitinians hatched within the colonies of the Emerald Swarm are often greens with bright colored markings.

    The Devouring Tide in Ghur have been transformed into hardened monstronsities of their former selves, which has served them well in the wars that have been fought since entering the realm. Their chitin armor hardened beyond a Bastiladons shell along with large spikes growing out, mandibles growing into two from one, and growing in size the War-Swarms of The Devouring Tide strike fear into even the most darkened of souls. Though they are the youngest of the three Hosts, The Devouring Tide is integral to the war efforts of the other Hosts. By sending their Ghur morphed monstrosities to other swarms they help break even the toughest of defenses or most savage beasts. The Chitin armor of this Host are generally darker toned

    The Host of Iridescence of Hysh are the most intelligent of their race, baring the High Queen herself who feeds on Hyshian light unlike other Chitinians. Bright to the eye, those of the Host of Iridescence are capable of harnessing the light of Hysh to blind their foes, and their Mothites even harness the solar and lunar lights into their wings to release waves of light outwards in a nova of destruction. Chitians of this Host are often different colors depending on how the light hits them and the purest white where there is no light.

    The only thing keeping the Chitinian Empire from truly eradicating and consuming all the races is the understanding of the Queens that the race itself could not be sustained without the other races to feed upon, and that they are a part of the natural order they hope to restore. Industry and corruption of the land are what concern the Chitinians, not that mortals dwell above ground.
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Revisions coming soon
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Fully Updated, baring edits and additions.

    The Chitinian Empire

    An unofficial race for Age of Sigmar by Sinarai Paints/Sudsinabucket. Started 2020

    The Chitinian Empire is an Insectoid race that has colonies largely below ground, their numbers are innumerable. Gone nearly undectected for millennia, the Chitinian Empire has emerged again due the events of the Broken Realms, primarily the influx of Life magic and the release of Kragnos. As the Mortal Realms are reshaped and fought over on the ground and in the skies above, below the blood stained soil the Chitinian Empire sees nothing but opportunities. New colonies grow across Ghyran, Ghur and Hysh, and with them the purification of what was once soured by chaos, pestilence and industry.

    The Chitinian Empire are an intelligent insect race, and like many races of the Mortal Realms are refugees from a fallen world. Once a dominant power on their world, the Chitinians built a vast empire under the soil of the planet. It was during a planet wide war that Archeon the Everchosen and his chaos armies came upon the planet, effectively catching all the native races off guard and ill prepared. Nation after nation fell, the power of Archeon proved too much even as desperate empires combined their might. When the final years of the world were upon them the Chitian Empire was among the last to stand against the Chaos forces. The whole world and even the moons surrounding it were a wasteland where once were lush landscapes, and in a desperate effort the Chitinians and remaining races did a last push, even bringing combat to the other side of realmgates. Though valiant it was to no avail and Archeon had his victory. Adding to yet another doomed world to the Everchosens campaign of terror and destruction. Though the world was destroyed, hope remained. Large shards of the planet and moons drifted, and under the surface a single colony survived, along with one single High Queen. Laying dormant for millennia the Chitinians rode the shards until they awoke to what had formed into the Mortal Realms as a multitude of worlds came together. Awakening in the very first years of the Mortal Realms existence in what would become known as Ghyran, the High Queen and her remaining Colony would slowly rebuild the first Host, the Emerald Swarm. Slowly the Host and its colonies would expand into Hysh, drawn in by its light and the High Queens hunger for it.

    Though successful at expanding into Hysh at first under Queen Kai’tahlan, they would soon be driven out by the Hathorians and their Goddess into the realm of Ghur. Displaced and unable to communicate with the High Queen for what became years, the colony's Queen began regrowing her wings. An indication she could give rise to her own Queens, this metamorphosis was a response not only to the disconnect but also the energies of the realm around her. This transformation gave rise to a second High Queen, the High Queen of Ghur. Though not as powerful as High Queen Kaj’Dreza, the new High Queen began building her new Host. the Predator Swarm Host. As the name suggests, the lost Host and its new High Queen would become a colony of predators in a realm of beasts.

    Hunting all in its path the new Host expanded their domain and word through colony worshiping cultists reached the colonies in Ghyran of insaciable War-Swarms in an undiscovered realm. These War-Swarms had even drawn armies of Cultiists behind them, believing that the swarm to cleanse the lands had come. Upon hearing this the High Queen Kaj’Dreza called upon a high ranking Mothite to investigate the rumors. Finding their way outside a large stronghold they witnessed a battle of their kin overtaking and devouring the settlement with an unseen ravenous hunger. There with fear and confusion the Mothite saw before it a High Queen that should not exsist, and all it saw was hunger staring at it. Even when the Mothite openly gave off peaceful displays the High Queen sent bodies after it. Returning to the High Queen in Ghyran the Mothite told of it’s grim findings, of their kin being little more than a creature of instinct, an primordial version of themselves. Viewing them now as a plague and fearing they’d consume the realm if left unchecked, High Queen Kaj’Dreza sent Queens to the new realm to set up colonies and begin a war to eradicate her lost children. One side fighting to preserve a realm from being consumed and the other to consume it. As their private war continues on both Hosts begin to be beset upon on all sides, not only by mortals but by that which destroyed their world.

    Varying in shapes and sizes, they are led by the eldest and only surviving two High Queens and their Queens. The only true care of the Queens are that of the colonies under her influence and their survival, anything that may put them at risk is dealt with swiftly. The Chitinians have little tolerance for Industrial pollution, and none for that of Chaos, Pestilence and Undeath. All of these seep through and into the soil, tainting it, endangering the colonies and it’s vulnerable eggs. Ever hungry and ever working to purify the world to a natural environmental state around them, the Chitinian Empire is no stranger to war. Sensitive to the earth around them, if a city's industries pollution goes unregulated for too long or corruption unchecked, war-swarms will be sent without warning to begin the process of purification. These swarms have been the cause of whole fortified cities falling into giant sinkholes, though usually blamed as Skaven attacks until recently. With their sensitivity to the changes in nature and their constant work to purify lands to their natural state, the Chitinian Empire has found a sometimes uneasy alliance with the Sylvaneth. Though their interpretation of “Natural Order” may differ at times, both recognize the threat to Ghyran, and the realms, by both Skaven of Clan Pestilence and Nurgle specifically. Often find themselves on the same battlefield if even unknown until swarms of warrior bugs and burrow worms emerge from their swarmtunnels or as earth begins giving way as underground battles are revealed below the battlefield above ground.

    The types of Chitinians vary widely but all start as an egg laid by a Queen or the High Queen. When the egg hatches a larva the size of a small dog crawls out, no different than another. In this stage they are very vulnerable, held together by only a slippery thick rubbery membrane. After some time, the larvae will cocoon themselves in a near impenetrable silk. Once cocooned they begin a transformation into a specialized new form. The forms that the larvae take are dependent on environmental conditions and food consumption, both of which are controlled by worker drones. From the cocoons these Cthinians can hatch as the most numerous Worker Drones and Warrior bugs or as the more specialized forms of large Burrow Worms and Dragon Sized flyers. Only the High Queen Kaj’Dezra has been able to lay eggs that give rise to Queens, using souls she is brought by the War-Swarms. The souls that are brought to her from all colonies as tribute, and so that more Queens can be hatched to further the growth of the empire. This however does not stop lesser Queens seeking to ascend to that of High Queen, hoping to regain their fallen wings they consume stolen souls in secret.

    Due to the events of The Broken Realms, in particular those events surrounding Kragnos and the invasion of Shyish, the once hidden race has begun to emerge.The Chitinian Empire after staying nearly undetected for millennia have responded from their underground colonies in Ghyran, Ghur and Hysh to the influx of Life Magic and decline of Death magic throughout the realms. Eggs and larvae once dying daily by the tens of thousands now not afflicted by death magic have allowed the colonies to swell once more. Becoming more active below and above alike, swarms have been sent forth in ground shaking numbers, their sole purpose to search for new food sources and locations for the swelling old colonies. Rarely is a queen hatched for only by the High Queen herself can one be hatched, and only when a new colony location has been found. This keeps not only the number of Queens in check, but also keeps lower ranking queens in check, for civil war among colonies is rare, but not unheard of. Loyal Queens are rewarded with the new colonies, given the opportunity to show their leadership skills in wartorn environments and the promise of growing her own network of sub colonies. Though the best locations are reserved for the High Queen to start her own new colonies, she is generous to those who continue to serve her and the empire. Without hesitation newly hatched Chitinians begin their life serving the colony and Queen in whatever caste they are a part. The empire is ever moving, never sleeping, guided by their High Queen and Queen's drive to expand and secure their place within the Mortal Realms.

    As the Mortal Realms are reshaped and fought over after the events of The Broken Realms on the ground and in the skies above, below the blood stained soil the Chitinian Empire sees nothing but opportunities. Consolidating their power after a war against the Hathorians and more recently with the Skaven, the Chitinian Empire is once again at a height of power not seen since just before the coming of Chaos. For it was during the Age of Chaos where the once isolated race was accidentally discovered by Skaven tunneling under Ghyran. Upon stumbling across a swarmtunnel of the High Queen’s colony the Skaven released a pestilence upon worker drones. The dones returned unknowingly to chambers that held eggs and larvae, infecting them and causing many to perish. A lasting war raged underground, both Skaven and Chitinian dying in the millions daily within the massive swarmtunnels and gnawholes being carved out. It was not until the finding of an underground spring did the tides begin to turn in favor of the High Queen, her Queens and their warswarms. The underground spring came from the giant lake above, and the Lustrum node in the Lustrare River valley which gave the water a highly potent purifying property. Creating a gentle mist with the spring water and placing it upon those eggs and larvae afflicted, they began to heal and soon hatch while also developing quicker than before. Soon the War-Swarms, reinforced and growing, began to fight back the Hordes of Pestilent Skaven and recover lost colonies. The colonies of Ghyran were saved, but the High Queen learned a valuable lesson and sent forth more Queens into the realms of Ghur and Hysh. It was during this war that a loose alliance was forged between the High Queen and the Everqueen of the Sylvaneth, both fighting for the preservation of the Jade Forests of Ghyran and Nature as a whole.

    Though the Colonies of the Chitian Empire are capable and willing to make allies, the Chitinian Queens are wary of outsiders, as most are unable to see past their nightmarish forms and the intelligence that dwells within. Though the races who form alliances with the colonies stand to gain substantially, they are made to agree to giving up their criminals to feed the growing colonies and to regulate industry pollution in the area of the colony. If no criminals are available the freshly dead are given up instead, for flesh must always be paid. In exchange for the tribute of flesh the mortal faction is given all gems, precious metals and other riches as the Chitinians burrow through the depths of the realms. With little or no warning an alliance can be ended with a city simply disappearing into the ground if industry falls to toxic levels or the dead cease being delivered. Even if outright allies are not to be found, there are some human settlements a part of the Burrowers Cult which worship the High Queen as a Godbeast and Queens as her spawn. These cults can be found protecting the entrances of the colonies and practice human sacrifice to the Queen they worship, sending those guilty of a crime or ceremonial sacrifices of noble birth down into Pits of the Apocalypse. These sacrifices are believed to help fuel the reemergence and the beginning of an apocalypse where the High Queen, her children and the faithful will purge all corruption from the land. Effectively reverting the realms to when they were first formed, the Burrowers Cult believes they will be the new rulers of the mortal races after The Renewal. Whether or not the Queens use visions and telepathy to fuel these beliefs is not known but is suspected.

    To face them in battle is to fight against thick chitin armor, obsidian sharp legs and mandibles, and acids that burn through even celestial armors. The War-Swarms of the Chitinian Empire are vast in number, only being rivaled by that of Skavendom and the Realms of Chaos themselves. Led by either the High Queen, a Queen or a High Mothite, the warswarms move almost as one as commands are given via unique vibrations in the ground, pheromones through the air. If more than one War-Swarm is joined in battle the superior rank takes control of all present, communicating via telepathy and visions with their commanders. The way in which the War-Swarms communicate make it nearly impossible for the enemy to know what is happening before the tide has already turned.

    Most numerous of the War-Swarms are the war drones, a subspecies of the worker drone, and the Warrior Bugs. Both are heavily protected by thick chitin shells, though aside from small mandibles and small sharp fangs, the war drones rely heavily on their numbers. Warrior bugs, as the name suggests, are bred solely for the protection of the colony through war and are the heart of the warswarms. Standing roughly 10 feet tall, Warrior bugs come in a variety of subspecies, all have large powerful pointed legs that propel them forward, long sharp mandibles that are used to slice and pierce through armor. The most common kind having large pincers for mouths that can crush boulders, while the second most sprays a type of acid before charging it’s foes with its gaping maw. It is however not only the vast numbers of war drones or warrior bugs that one must contend with. As Warrior bugs swarm forward they are accompanied by large scorpion-like monstrosities that contend with the likes of Stormfiends. Though tens of thousands may swarm from above ground, there is also movement just below the surface. Horrifying Burrow Worms the size of leviathans break through the ground, swallowing up whole regiments before diving back below the soil just to reappear again, some even spitting corrosive acid great distances. Not even the skies are untouched by the War-Swarms of the Chitinians. Dragonfly-like creatures the size of dragons secure aerial dominance alongside large flying warrior bugs, their numbers often blocking out Hysh’s light for periods at a time.

    Mothites, humanoid like Moths, acting as stand in generals for their Queens or lieutenants for them during battle create powerful powders on their wings. Able to control the type of powder that is produced, these warriors will fly over the ranks of Chitians and with each beat of their wings the powder falls down onto the ranks of battling insects. These powders bolster the War-Swarms capabilities making their natural armor harder, mandibles sharper and bigger, increasing movement speed, even healing wounds. The powder not only helps the Chitians, but also brings the smaller insects of the realms to their aid. The powder when it falls upon enemy lines produces blindness, paralysis and blood to be filled with toxins. The War-Swarms are ever changing to meet new obstacles of battle to better protect the colonies, new variations of current species begin hatching as new conditions and food sources are found and secured.

    The ranks of the Chitians War-Swarms consist of many different forms, it is that of the Queens that strike the most fear into their foes. Though rarely do they join in battle, these large centipede-like creatures with limited humanoid qualities are capable of turning the tide of battle themselves. Truly monsters in their own right, long armored bodies that can stretch high into the sky are held up by strong mandibles toward the rear of the body. Gradually these legs begin to take the shape of armored hands in the thorax region before turning back into powerful legs that go up towards the head. Their mouths open to reveal thousands of small teeth and multiple long tongues that are used to grab and pull victims in. The High Queen is the only queen to retain her wings permanently, adding to her power and terrible look. Physically the High Queens and Queens are formidable, but it is perhaps their special ability to send limited range telepathy waves into enemy lines. Showing those afflicted true nightmares of what waits for those who fall, even the most hardened veteran begins to lose resolve, for not even souls are at risk while fighting Chitinians in battle.

    Always hungry and foraging for food for the colonies, the War-Swarms consume all parts of the body of fallen foes, leaving only a shell of armor and clothing behind. Some specialized Burrow Worms consuming souls to produce Soul Silk. A sticky silk that is able to cling onto souls and the living alike and near unbreakable, it is used to trap noble souls such as generals or champions. Stored behind the War-Swarm in Soul Silk or within a special sac of a Burrow Worm, these souls are taken to the High Queen or a treacherous Queen. Deepkin are known to follow smaller War-Swarms to collect the soul silk and souls from the Burrow Worms.

    The colonies of the Chitinian Empire are vastly underground although structures above ground are built, largely as defense or to make above ground dwellers more comfortable. Although structures above ground are limited above smaller colonies, above larger colonies of importance the above ground addition can rival Cities of Sigmar or the Temple Cities of the Seraphon. The outer spaces of these above ground settlements resemble closer to what one would see in a human settlement, but the closer to the central swarmhole the more alien and colony-like it becomes. Towering carapace mounds next to market places, ventilation stacks that give off fumes from below being taken out of the tunnels and colony below. What once looked like a City of Sigmar changes into an alien world in the matter of a few steps. The tunnels that run below the surface and connect the various chambers and different colonies are large, often stretch hundreds of feet wide. When the tunnels are first dug they are pitch black, but this means little to the Chitinians that travel them, for they travel via vibrations in the ground and special pheromones that are given off by one another. As the tunnels are used more and more, the secretions of the insect host begins to bring forth bioluminescent fungi that give a faint light. This faint light is what allows for any sort of trade to happen between the Chitinian Empire and the races above ground, for otherwise it is just a maze for those who do not dwell below to get lost in.

    The Chitinian Empire’s colonies are broken up into three different Hosts depending on which realm they are a part of. These Hosts consist of many colonies that are controlled by different queens, these Queens answer to a Greater queen of the region. Ultimately all queens answer to High Queen Kaj’Dreza in Ghyran, except for. Each Host directed by their Queens and Mothites act closely but also independently of each other in a shared pursuit of purifying the realms to a state before industry and the corruption of Chaos. When Hosts do combine their colonies in a shared campaign, the War-Swarms that are gathered number in the millions, though this only happens when the High Queen calls for it in times of desperation or extreme need.

    The first and oldest of the three Hosts is that of Ghyran and the High Queen herself, they are the Emerald Swarm. The most numerous, the Emerald Swarm has an increased regeneration mechanism that aids them in battle that comes from when the magics of Ghyran seep into the egg chambers. Chitinians hatched within the colonies of the Emerald Swarm are often greens with bright colored markings.

    The Devouring Tide in Ghur have been transformed into hardened monstronsities of their former selves, which has served them well in the wars that have been fought since entering the realm. Their chitin armor hardened beyond a Bastiladons shell along with large spikes growing out, mandibles growing into two from one, and growing in size the War-Swarms of The Devouring Tide strike fear into even the most darkened of souls. Though they are the youngest of the three Hosts, The Devouring Tide is integral to the security of the Empire at large due to their efforts at keeping the Predator Swarm Host in check and their eradication.war efforts of the other Hosts. The Devouring Tide and the Emerald Swarm are known to incorporate each other's war bugs into their ranks, giving each Host a tide of thick chitin and those that can regenerate at a quicker rate.

    The Host of Iridescence of Hysh are the most intelligent of their race, baring the High Queen herself who feeds on Hyshian light unlike other Chitinians. Bright to the eye, those of the Host of Iridescence are capable of harnessing the light of Hysh to blind their foes, and their Mothites even harness the solar and lunar lights into their wings to release waves of light outwards in a nova of destruction. Chitians of this Host are often different colors depending on how the light hits them and the purest white where there is no light.

    The Predator Swarm Host and it’s High Queen have been lost to an ancient hunger due to the influence of the realmstone within the realm of Ghur. Little more than creatures of instinct they attack settlements with the same intent as they would forage through the great bone jungles, they forage for food and do what they must for the colony and its expansion. The High Queen and her queens reverted to a beast see no reason, allowing no communication for mortals who otherwise would give up their criminals in tribute to be spared. Some Queens however who are not so far gone have begun to seek Aetherquartz or pure Haixian light to regain their mind in secret. These Queens see what has become of their once noble queen and seek to regain her mind as they did their own, if possible before it's too late.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2021
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  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    More edits additions coming in the coming days/week.

    Any thoughts so far on the lore thus far if you have any are always welcome!

    Soon I'm hoping to begin the process of their Warscrolls and other Table Top items
  20. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Any more developments for this faction? Rules? Named characters?
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