Hi Guys, after reading the forum for a while, I thought it was time to introduce myself. I started the hobby a long time ago with the Warhammer basic set Bretonnia and Lizardmen with a friend of mine. I chose the Bretons and played for a few years, however Games Workshop discontinued the support for this army over time. That annoyed me a lot and I got out of the game for a few years. With the restart of Age of Sigmar, the time had come for my new army, the Seraphon. It is currently still under construction, some photos can be found in the gallery in the forum here.
Herzlich Wilkommen! And welcome to Jurassic Park! Take a good look round the areas of the forums and feel free to ask any questions. There are a tone of friendly members on the site who will help you on pretty much any topic. There are no questions too silly! LoR
welcome to the jungle glad to have you if you need any help just let use know we will be happy to help
No school like the old school. Long ago in the days of 6th edtion I almost considered dual collecting Brettonia and Lizardmen largely because I found a 5th edition starter set for cheap but then I found a Lizardmen collecting box on sale.
A person of taste, Bretonian and lizarmen have always been really interesting armies. So much color and posibilities
Hey, greetings from germany as well Funnily I encountered warhammer for the first time with the same boxset as well. I'm very new here myself, but enjoy your stay!
That is an excellent box set. And as a collector of both lizards and Bretonnians, I also feel your pain from when the Bretonnians were discontinued. Glad I bought a bunch of them before they went extinct!