Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Having walked a handful of paces, Ohmen turns to Drakk.

    "Listen, if we are really planning to go to places of our own accord. We must first prepare… I'm going to head to the bakery before Shiro returns, and pick up some rations. For myself. If you want to come, and cover the group, freel free."
  2. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang stocks up on rations he knows he will need.. whiskey, carrots and other essential supplies

    oh and also 2 barrels of hard tack and 2 barrels of mutton jerky
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    And with that, and not much else, Ohmen had turned away from Drakk with a steady pace, one that would soon land him in the bakeries.

    Walking in the thick, warm scent of cooked goods coils around him, as if trying to entice him to pick up some, most likely expensive, unnecessary pastry… Ohmen had little care for food in truth… This ‘Hardtack’ It was cheap. It was lasting. And it was filling… Who cared for a trivial, fleeting taste or texture. At the end of the day, Food Is sustenance, Though, He would never say such to a halfling of course…

    Walking to the counter, the traveller places down the weight of two crates before reaching a hand into a small pouch attached to her belt, it returning filled with coin.

    It is only then that Wisdom draws her attention back to the section of fresh fruits and berries, their aroma rising up to mingle with that of baked goods… And after a few more moments, she returns, them having settled on half a basket of berries, besides, they wouldn’t last like the other foods.

    Similarly, Ohmen too enters the butchers, it was a rather small shop, though, still considerable when thinking about the smaller population it was supplying to… and after a few minutes, having settled on the all together cheaper, if not the cheapest and longest-lasting option, Ohmen exits with at minimum a week’s supply of fish jerky… Whilst most usually say they are excited to try their food. Ohmen was not… but it would do, furthermore, Wisdom clearly showed an interest in it… then again.. they are a Raven.

    In total, the changeling exists, having replaced the weight of 20 golden pieces with three crates of food, those of Fish jerky, Something akin to potato’s, hardtack and half a basket of berries…

    Finding a secluded alley, Ohmen kneels down, neatly shuffling the three creates into his loose, worn bag… and strangely enough, despite the bag's size, the crates slip right in… Slinging the bag back up onto their shoulder, they return back to the group and Drakk. Wisdom heralding the traveller's arrival, hopefully in time for Shiro to have finished up.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro finds Eugene on board the ship and requests his pay up to this point so that he can join this... business venture...
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    <Ah, you will be leaving us then?> the illithid asks curiously. When you nod yes, he smiles as only a squid-headed being can and pats you on the shoulder. <You have been an excellent employee. I rather expected you would not be working for me long. You have a long road ahead of you, full of honor.> He hands you a rock. <This is your pay. It is an uncut star sapphire. As is, it should be worth about a hundred gold. Find a good gem-cutter, pay them a cut of the value, and they can make it worth far more. In addition, I have a letter of reference for you, should you wish to hire on with someone else as a bodyguard again.>
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro bows to the Ilithid. "I thank you for your words of praise Eugene. I know only that I will venture forth with the others to see if we can tackle the Scro, I may return to you or possibly meet you on Kithmali. I believe we are resolved to go there afterwards."
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As several of you return to, or venture aboard Payback for the first time, you notice a note pinned to the wall in the helm room. Apparently, Tarkaz is leaving the party for a short period of time to deal with something and will return later. For now, he is hiring on with Eugene to return to Tinsenail.
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Seeing Shrio returning to the group Ohmen approaches over, Giving him a nod. ‘I hope all Is, and went well with Eugene. And now you have finished, lets turn ourselves to this pursuit.’

    And with a motion to both Izema and Drakk, the other two who had shown interest in the venture, Ohmen begins to stride towards the Ore Exchange. His path guided from above, whilst also being remembered from his tired wanderings.

    However, before walking near to the area, the traveller turns to the side, telling the others to go ahead… and that they, or rather another in this case, would catch up.

    Aware of no eyes watching, Ohmen quickly shifts into a Kobold form. His features warping and bending inwards, stretching in horrifying fashion… at the end of the process however, a kobold emerges from the seething flesh. A kobold with a similar, almost uncanny likeness to Drakk. Her scales are of the same texture and hue, being only slightly shorter and having smoother facial features, A certain ‘Sparkle’ lingering in her eyes.

    And now, as the others continue, they do in fact find their eyes drawn to the kobold as she approaches, the blackish purple of her scales contrasting with the white of her cloak... And such was the way she walked, in graceful silence, that it would have had a few doubting if this really was Ohmen, Even with Wisdoms presence being a clear indication.
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    As they walk ahead of Ohmen, Shiro asks Izema if he knows of a good jewel crafter in this area?
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang, satisfied with the rations he’s acquired begins to roll them back towards the ship. He balances on them and rolls them down a hill, using his dexterity and skill to maneuver them to the ship.
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk turns his head around quite quickly, startling Shiro a bit. Izema starts to laugh as Drakk quickly veers towards Shiro to say "Did you say you need a good Jewel Crafter? If so I would consider myself an expert!"
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro gladly hands Drakk his gem, with he agreement that he will get a cut of the gem once sold.

    Shiro clears his throat and gestures for everyone to gather round. “As Ohmen pointed out to us earlier. THis is a mining town. The first place we should go to is the ore exchange to see what metals we can take to transport and sell, ideally ones that are unique in this area. Drakk and Ohmen can take point as the smoothest talkers, let me know if you want my intimidation abilities.”
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Turning to shiro, the kobold speaks softly… and as she does so Shiro cant help but notice the kobolds eyes flash pale, and burning. Her soft, light smile warping if only for a second. ‘We will do Shiro, We will do.”
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    As the party moves through town they hear a rumbling, and from the crest of the hill Bang can be seen, rolling down on some barrels
    “GET OUT OF THE WAY, AAHAHAHAHAHAH” the rabbit is hard to hear as he is constantly having his speech interrupted by the bumpy ride. Bang hits some things, and hopes that it isn’t someone in the way
  15. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk enters the Ore Exchange and asks the shop owner what uncut gems he has for sale.
  16. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro enters the ore exchange. The smell is the first thing that hits him. It smells of earth, sweat and dust is heavy in the air. The basic furniture in the place is also covered in dust, with dirt trails all over the floor evidently from the miners frequently the place to sell their wares.

    Shiro sees Drakk and Ohmen start to speak to the Trader and leans against the wall close by, with an eye on each of the entrances to the room.
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As the two, rather bored kobolds give a lazy gaze outwards, perhaps in the hope that something, anything would happen to take away from the sheer boredom of their situation they suddenly notice the group!

    Greeted by a group of four faces, two of which are of their own race.. and what better way to alleviate boredom than do business with those eager for it!

    And eager they were. Approaching calmly, yet with a walk and way that grabs the two kobolds attention Ohmen waits before ‘she’ is leaning on what could be described as a counter before speaking... After a short greeting, she addresses what the group intends to do, laying it out clear and without confusion. They are here to buy goods, Preferably Cheap, local ones at that.
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Outside, a low rumbling sound fills the air. It grows louder and louder, and is soon followed by a shrill voice shouting something. You cannot understand it, but it is obvious that whoever is screaming is excited or freaking out. After a moment, the rumbling gets a bit quieter, but is soon followed by a loud crunching, cracking sound...
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Bigbang, you are alive. You rode the barrels down the hill, through town, and to the land-docks. As you approached the docks, you turned about and tried desperately to slow the barrels down, but to no avail. At the last minute you leap free, landing on the docks. Unfortunately, your barrels are not so lucky. Your whiskey is safe, as is the barrel of jerky. Unfortunately, your hardtack is strewn across the meadow now. In addition, you have damaged the docks next to your berth. The dockmaster is looking rather unhappy right now.
  20. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Amazed that the whiskey survived, Bigbang hastily begins recollecting the hard tack. Once he nabs what he can see he returns to the rock and hastily loads the barrels on to the ship. He also devours the ruined hard tack, and then attempts to do all of this while hiding from the dock master

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