AoS 2K tournamet list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Arhan, Nov 15, 2020.

  1. Arhan
    Jungle Swarm

    Arhan New Member

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    Hello everyone!

    I'm trying to make the Seraphon works , I usualy play Fireslayers and it's a very different army and I'm having a hard time adapting (here I can't play in stores yet), in February we have a team tournament and we've decided that I'm going to take Seraphon, so I need some advice.

    The list:
    Allegiance: Seraphon
    - Constellation: Fangs of Sotek

    Engine of the Gods (260)
    Lord Kroak (320)
    - General
    - Spell: Stellar Tempest

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140)
    Skink Starpriest (120)
    - Spell: Hand of Glory
    Skink Oracle on Troglodon (220)
    - Artefact: Serpent God Dagger

    40 x Skinks (240)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)

    Bastiladon (220)
    Bastiladon (220)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 129

    I have thought of taking the Troglodon so that I can have all the 4D3 points of summoning, but i didnĀ“t see in list

    But I have many doubts about the weapons of the skinks, or what I should summoning (I think salamanders or terradones, but I accept advice) Do you tend to summongin each turn or deploy stronger units?

    I chose Fans of Sotek because of the possibility of summoning, but I also like the possibility of shooting twice with each bastiladon, but I think the possibility of shooting twice with 40 skins is very powerful.

    How do you capture the points? Kroak and the Guard? holding points with Seraphon costs me a lot.

    Thank you very much for your time.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2020
  2. Tav

    Tav Well-Known Member

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    I think running 2 bastiladons in this list is alot of points for not alot added, without being buffed up and shooting twice they just do a few wounds each turn and likely wont die unless targeted down.
    The 440 points would be better spent on a unit of salamanders and another skink hero if your going for being as effective as you can.

    summoning wise, your default option should be to summon 10 skinks whenever you can, if you dont need them immediately then save to potentially summon a salamander or a skink hero if you might need one. 20 warriors is also a really good move for 15 points since you can teleport them off with a re-rollable charge from their drummer.

    point taking wise, you want to try and keep your hard hitters like the 40 skinks safe, so you want to usebthe 10s of skinks to screen and tag objective, using kroak and skink block to kill off the opposing army
  3. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Agreed, but just as a counter point to the bastis - i think they can add something to a starborne list that salamanders dont.. It's a unit you don't need to teleport, can actually screen for your heroes if it needs to, is a behemoth for the battleplans that score more points with behemoths, and has the range to scare heroes turn 1.

    2 might be too much, but i've come around a bit on their usefullness in starborne.
    Khatif likes this.

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