In Her Majesty’s Name

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, Oct 27, 2018.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Some excellent pics there! I did look at the existing IHMN minis and they do look good but I feel that using a Company of my own devising would be even more fun!

    I've found a good site with all sorts of unusual Victorian Sci-Fi style minis, called Ironclad Miniatures:

    They sell individual figures for a very cheap £3.00 a figure as well as groups of 4 lower-ranking characters for £5.50, and do an extremely wide variety of different minis, including various alien races like the Selenites from the First Men in the Moon as well as human characters including Sherlock's nemesis Professor Moriarty, a Victorian version of Scotty (who is chief engineer aboard the HMS Enterprise) and even Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett's characters from the classic British comedy sketch 'The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town':

    There was a particular miniature who would look pretty good as my leader, Lord Tobias Renwick, who is even called Tobias:
    I'm thinking of swapping his pistol for one of the swords from the Oathmark human infantry and putting a shield on his left arm to represent his fanaticism with his antiquarian profession, as well trimming away the flying accessories but otherwise a very fitting figure I think, at a bargain price.

    Also of note are the crazy steam tanks and walkers available from this site:
    A human walker:
    The Nautica, Captain Nemo's other ship:
    An Armoured Tractor:
    A Scout Tank:
    And a much bigger one:
    Nazqua and Warden like this.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Interesting idea for a walker; very Star-Wars-y. The one below it looks like War of the Worlds almost.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    It is labelled as a Martian tripod and I'm pretty sure it is based off the Martian tripods from the War of the Worlds - that's why I shouted UUUULLLLAAAAAAAAA!!!! for it.
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  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I’ve been trawling around the Internet some more for possible minis for my Company, and found this fair lady:

    I think she would make a great basis for Lady Adelaide, if I give her Elucia Vhane’s arms, pistol and torso:
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Wanted to reboot this thread to commemorate the fact I’ve finally got a hard copy of the rulebook for IHMN for Yule:

    Really looking forward to reading this, might give some more ideas for Companies :pompus:
    Warden, Imrahil, Nazqua and 1 other person like this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Thinking on it, both kharadron vessels and the new necrons canoptek walkers, may offer very nice conversion material for this game
  7. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Yes that could certainly work. The beauty of IHMN is that the army list building system means you can create profiles for pretty much any model you can think of, and every stat point increase and upgrade increases the points cost of the model in question, so that models with really good stats are really expensive and often end up forming a really small company, while models with rubbish stats are really cheap and can form much larger bands. There are also rules for vehicles so the Kharadron ships could easily have profiles designed for them.
    Warden, Killer Angel and Nazqua like this.
  8. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Looks like an interesting game! I wish I had time to do more with it. Some of those minis would be nice for Torg: Eternity as well. Also, not to hijack the thread, but Ulisses Spiele is going to be releasing a new edition of Space: 1889 somewhere around the end of 2021.
  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    In fact, now you’ve mentioned this, I’ve been inspired to create IHMN companies for some Warhammer factions that have some Victorian Sci-Fi aspects to their nature. Certainly off the top of my head I can think of writing compatible rules for:
    • Skaven
    • Kharadron
    • 40K Orks
    • Necrons
    • Adeptus Mechanicus
    I think the others are all either too old-fashioned or too futuristic to work, but these five will be fun to write Company rules for.

    That’ll be worth looking at, Space: 1889 certainly feels like the RPG answer to IHMN and a new edition of that would be nice to see.
    Warden and Killer Angel like this.
  10. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    If I can remember, I'll post here when they announce the crowdfunding campaign.
  11. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    As promised, here’s my first Warhammer-themed company for IHMN:

    The Skaven Hordes: A Company for In Her Majesty’s Name

    Amidst the alleys and sewers of all the cities of the world, there lives a species that rivals humanity in its population - rats. These creatures have adapted perfectly to scavenging amidst the filth and detritus of Victorian society, and have not just survived, but thrived. Indeed, thrived so well have they that the strongest and fittest are evolving to challenge mankind for his crown. These are rats that walk as men, rats that can make weapons, equipment, even vehicles using stolen scrap and their own unique brand of mad science. They are the Skaven, the dwellers below that, when the time is right, will surge from their underground lairs to let devastation, disease and destruction ravaged humanity for the rest of time.

    Skaven are canny, quick-witted and devious creatures that revere all that humanity despises - in particular cowardice, backstabbing and subterfuge. Though they stand a head shorter than a man (mainly because they don’t stand up straight), their size belies how dangerous they are. Their scrawny bodies house lightning reflexes handed down to them by their rodent ancestors, their skulls house cunning, ruthless minds and their claws and teeth are a dangerous prospect for anyone who manages to disarm them. Yet their greatest weapon is numbers beyond count - if disturbed a Skaven lair will disgorge hundreds of furry bodies that swarm around a potential attacker and gradually drag it down before stabbing it dozens of times with rusty improvised weapons to make doubly sure it is dead.

    At the top of Skaven society (or at least so they like to think) are the Warlords. These are the largest, toughest and most aggressive Skaven, who are the sires of scheming and infighting clans, though even the most burly Warlord has to have a sneaky and intelligent mind to avoid ending up with a multitude of knives in his back. Simultaneously below and above them are the Grey Seers, the priests of the Horned Rat, the single malevolent god of the Ratmen. These ruthless sorcerers have the power to summon eerie green lightning to scorch their enemies, translocate from one place to another in the blink of an eye and even turn men into more of their vile Skaven kin. The Warlock Engineers are the next rank down in the hierarchy - the artisans of the Skaven have observed human invention and ingenuity from the shadows for many years, and have developed their own branch of mad science that shares disturbing parallels with human Arc and Magneto-static technology, the pinnacle of which is the fast and deadly Doomwheel.

    When a Skaven raiding party emerges to cause destruction and mayhem, the rank-and-file of the Warband will inevitably consist of Clanrats, each a scrawny, mangy furball capable of vicious and horrifying slaughter with scavenged spears and rusty swords (especially if he has half a dozen of his mates behind him). The biggest and most aggressive of these fill out the ranks of the Stormvermin, the Warlords’ personal bodyguards who are equipped with the best weapons and equipment the ratmen can scavenge (which isn’t saying that much). Skaven companies are also supported by the Night Runners, stealthy aspiring assassins that are often the first of a company to leave the sewers and scout the human world above, using throwing stars and concealed daggers to dispatch those who would sound the alarm too soon and, in rare circumstances, even disguising themselves as humans to eavesdrop on clandestine meetings (such as the Dotheboys Scandal, where the schoolteacher ‘Wackford’ Squeers, who was executed for numerous crimes against human children, was found to be a Skaven, his corpse being sent to the Royal Society for dissection).

    Many of the creations of the Warlock Engineers are brought with the Skaven on raids as these provide the perfect conditions for them to be ‘field-tested’. Carried onto the battlefield by Weapon Teams of two Skaven, these maniacal weapons invariably cause devastation, whether amongst the ranks of the enemy or their own side, and though they are many and varied, they can be broadly categorised as the musket-like Jezzail, the flame-belching Warpfire Thrower, the lethal Poisoned Wind Mortar, the suspiciously familiar Ratling Gun and, most horrifying of all, the Doom Flayer, a ball of whirling blades piloted into close quarters to achieve especially messy results.

    Yet it is not just to machinery that the Skaven have applied their ingenuity - some of their especially malevolent scientists have turned their experimentations to the flesh of deceased creatures, stitching them together and inserting electrical circuits to animate them as horrifying monsters. Ranging from dog-sized Giant Rats to the huge Rat Ogres, these all add to the terror that the Ratmen instil into even the most determined rat-catcher, though even this is not enough to some Skaven. Though it is believed that many of the pandemics that ravage the busiest of human cities are caused by poverty and neglect, the truth is far worse - diseases like Cholera and Typhoid, which claim thousands of lives in London alone, were created by a cult of Skaven that delight in creating the most virulent plagues and ailments - led by corpulent Plague Priests and heralded by fanatical Plague Monks, this most abhorrent Skaven caste are responsible for some of the greatest tragedies to have ever befallen humanity in the 19th Century.

    Figure: Warlord
    Pluck: 4+
    FV: +3
    SV: +1
    Speed: +2
    Cost: 37
    Talents/Powers: Leadership +2, Tough
    Equipment: Sword, Wooden Shield, Skaven Plate Armour (Steel Breastplate)

    Figure: Grey Seer
    Pluck: 4+
    FV: +1
    SV: +1
    Speed: +2
    Cost: 30 + Powers
    Talents/Powers: Leadership (+3), Stealthy, up to 20 points of Mystical Powers
    Equipment: Seer Robes (Jack), Fighting Knife, Seer Stave (Quarterstaff)

    Figure: Plague Priest
    Pluck: 3+
    FV: +2
    SV: +1
    Speed: +0
    Cost: 43 + Powers
    Talents/Powers: Berserker, Fanatic, Numb, up to 15 points of Mystical Powers
    Equipment: Dirty Habit (Jack), Plague Censer (treated as a Gas Grenade with the Impact Point centred on the wielder - wielder is not damaged), Plaguestaff (Quarterstaff)

    Figure: Warlock Engineer
    Pluck: 5+
    FV: +1
    SV: +1
    Speed: +1
    Cost: 19 + Powers
    Talents/Powers: Engineer, up to 10 points of Mystical Powers
    Equipment: Warlock-augmented Weapon (Halberd), Pistol

    Figure: Clanrat
    Pluck: 6+
    FV: +1
    SV: +0
    Speed: +1
    Cost: 8
    Talents/Powers: None
    Equipment: Sword, Wooden Shield

    Figure: Night Runner
    Pluck: 6+
    FV: +2
    SV: +1
    Speed: +2
    Cost: 18
    Talents/Powers: Stealthy
    Equipment: Sword, Throwing Knives

    Figure: Stormvermin
    Pluck: 5+
    FV: +2
    SV: +0
    Speed: +1
    Cost: 19
    Talents/Powers: None
    Equipment: Sword, Shield, Skaven Plate Armour (Steel Breastplate)

    Figure: Plague Monk
    Pluck: 4+
    FV: +2
    SV: 0
    Speed: +0
    Cost: 21
    Talents/Powers: Berserker, Fanatic
    Equipment: Dirty Habit (Jack), Quarterstaff

    Figure: Packmaster
    Pluck: 6+
    FV: +1
    SV: 0
    Speed: +1
    Cost: 5
    Talents/Powers: None
    Equipment: Bullwhip

    Figure: Rat Ogre
    Pluck: 3+
    FV: +5
    SV: +0
    Speed: +0
    Cost: 53
    Talents/Powers: Terrifying, Berserker, Numb
    Equipment: Claws (Fighting Knife)

    Figure: Giant Rat
    Pluck: 6+
    FV: +0
    SV: +0
    Speed: +2
    Cost: 4
    Talents/Powers: None
    Equipment: Jaws (Knife, cannot be Thrown)

    The Warlord may replace his Sword and Shield with a Great Axe (Large Axe) (free) or a Halberd (+1 point). He may take a Pistol (+3 points), and/or may be mounted on a Rat Ogre Bonebreaker (Ape Howdah) (+30 points)
    Any Clanrat may take a Chain Shirt (+4 points), and/or may replace their Sword with a Spear (+1 point)
    Any Stormvermin may replace their Sword and Shield with a Halberd (+1 point)
    Any Plague Monk may replace their Quarterstaff with two Swords (+4 points)
    Any two Clanrats may exchange their Swords and Shields for fighting knives and one of the following:
    • Jezzail (Muzzle-loading rifle), Monocular Targeting Array and Shield (+ 10 points)
    • Warpfire Thrower (Flamethrower) (+ 7 points)
    • Poisoned Wind Mortar (Congreve Rocket Gun with Gas Rockets) (+ 3 points + Rockets)
    • Ratling Gun (Machine Gun) (+ 22 points)
    • Doom Flayer (+ 21 points) - counts as a Steam Hansom with one of the Clanrats as the driver and the other as a passenger, that is unable to take a second passenger but is equipped with Doom Flayer Blades (a melee weapon with Weapon Bonus +4, Pluck Modifier -2 and the Ignores Most Armour rule).
    These two Clanrats form a Weapon Team that stay as a group throughout the battle.
    A single Warlock Engineer may be made the driver of a Doomwheel (+ 42 points). A Doomwheel is treated as a Steam Carriage that cannot take passengers, but has an Arc Cannon mounted on either side. Each Arc Cannon can be fired at an independent target while the Warlock Engineer is driving, but he may perform no other action while doing so.
    Any Packmaster may replace his Bullwhip with either a Fighting Knife (+1 point) or Spear (+3 points) and may take a Shield with either of these options (+1 point)
    Any Rat Ogre may have one or more of its hands replaced with Stump Blades (treated as a Sword) (+1 point)

    I’ve intended the Skaven company to be fast, vast in numbers and equipped with some powerful special units but also individually weak and reliant on these units to carry the day, as Skaven are in Warhammer Fantasy.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
    Imrahil and Killer Angel like this.
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    You have done some solid work! :)
  13. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Thanks! I’ve largely used the closest-fitting existing equipment in the IHMN rulebook to represent Skaven tech and that alone allowed me to include most of the Clan Skryre Weapons to show off Skaven steampunk-ness, though I’ve had to develop a special profile for the Doom Flayer Blades using custom weapon costing guidelines.
    Imrahil and Killer Angel like this.
  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I love how much flexible is this game system
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    That's certainly IHMN's strength - as long as all the models you use have suitably Victorian Sci-Fi technology, you can pretty much create any gang you can think of and it will be legal to use providing you've used the figure costing rules correctly. Entry cost is also pretty low in that you only need to get the rulebook and a few figures and you're pretty much ready to go.

    You can find a free reference sheet and figure costing summary sheet that the authors have written here, so you don't even have to get the rulebook straightaway:
    Imrahil and Killer Angel like this.
  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Cool, i'll take a look at it. ;)
  17. WildColonial Boy

    WildColonial Boy Well-Known Member

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    I really love everything Steampunk.
    As a result I bought into this when it was first released. Have all the rule books and the first 5 gangs: Lord Currs Company, Black Dragon Tong, Society of Thule, Scotland Yard, Servants of Ra.
    Unfortunately I only managed to play a few games with my gaming club when I lived in the UK. It is a great game with a great Steampunk vibe.
    Of interest Northstar did also release this great book, but it may be hard to come by now.

    The beauty of the rule set is that you can create your own themed gang using their points cost guidelines.
  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Great to hear you started getting into it! Any pictures of your companies? :snaphappy:
  19. WildColonial Boy

    WildColonial Boy Well-Known Member

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    As I moved back to Oz not long after purchasing them and having no-one else to play with, they are unfortunately still unpainted in their boxes.
    Saving them up for when I have a fair bit of time on my hands. ..... maybe lock down 2020 you say....
    I was one of the lucky ones whose work only got busier.

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