8th Ed. 2000 pts vs Ogres

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by livewaaaaagh, Jan 13, 2021.

  1. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    Hi all,
    Another battle approaches this weekend. My opponent is unsure if he'll go with Ogres or Skaven, so I'm putting together armies for both for now. Here's my initial list vs Ogres.

    Your feedback is welcomed!

    Slann - Harmonic Convergeance, ,Wandering Deliberations, BSB, Banner of dscipline, earthing rod

    Scar-Vet - Carnosaur, Piranha Blade, Light Armour, Shield.
    Skink Priest - lvl 1, Heavens, Dispel Scroll

    30x Saurus Warriors - FC
    10x Skinks w/ javelins
    10x Skinks w/ javelins

    5x Chameleon Skinks
    1x Stegadon, Sharpened Horns
    20x Temple Guard, FC, Banner of Flame.

    I'm bringing heavy magic, and a lot of D3 wounds-generating offense. I'm going to be in trouble potentially if he brings two cannons. But there'll be two targets for him to try and hit. Banner of flame for the potential troll guts, and poison skinks to try and get to the cannons and any kitty.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    My first thought was to bring a Salamander or two. Ogre's have pretty crappy leadership, so to force panic tests is pretty good.

    I would spend the extra points to go with an Ancient Steg and take the blowpipes. Lots of poison attacks for the lightly armoured ogres and potential big beasties.

    You've done a smart move with the Skinks. March and Shoot, move back and shoot, angle to redirect charge, stand and shoot, etc.

    I'll have another look at this tomorrow.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I’ve fought Ogres before, so might be able to contribute something here.

    Salamander panic tests are nice, but don’t you still need to kill at least one model to force the panic test? If so, template weapons aren’t as good against Ogres as they are against smaller creatures so it will be harder to achieve.

    The Carnosaur is a great pick, the Carnosaur’s Multiple Wounds D3 rule is great against Ogres and a timely flank charge with a Carno can easily win you a melee against them.

    I would question the worth of only 5 Chameleon Skinks here - Skinks in such small numbers aren’t going to be able to kick out that many shots and you need a lot of sixes for Poisoned Attacks to be at its most effective. And are your Core Skinks skirmishes or Cohorts? I’m assuming Skirmishers.

    Also I question why you’re putting some reliance on Skink redirection when not many Ogre units have Frenzy - the Ogre player could just ignore your Skinks with his melee units and just send some Leadbelchers to blow your Skinks away.

    What lore is your Slann using? Because Beasts is a good one for him and/or a Priest because Wyssan’s Wildform can boost your Saurus to become nasty in close combat against even Ironguts or Maneaters. Also because you’ll both be packing monsters, your own monsters will benefit nicely from any buff spells and your opponent’s beasts will suffer from the debuff spells.

    I agree with @Lizards of Renown about the Ancient Stegadon - in fact I would take him over the regular Stegadon because a regular Steg’s Bolt Thrower won’t do much against Ogres unless you roll lucky on the D3 for Multiple Wounds.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  4. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    Thank you for the feedback and ideas!

    So I'm not sure I love the idea of the Salamander in this case to be honest, but I do like the idea of the Ancient Steg. Is the consensus that an ancient steg is better than a baby steg + chameleons? Otherwise, I just don't have the points.

    The point of the chameleons is to try and go after any cannons that might be present or kitties or big monsters. Same with the other skinks, too.

    To answer qurstions: Skinks are skirmishers, and Slaan is a Wandering Deliberations Slann.
  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Chamo Skinks I think would still be useful, but you're going to have to predict what you think he'll bring. Ancient Steg would be a better all-rounder (as his army will be moving FAST as all the Ogre's are M6) but if you're predicting canons then I'd probably go with it.

    Personally, I'd sacrifice some of the Skirmishers as the Ogre's are going to very rapidly close with them and take them out.

    I think that the Chamo skink would make you more versatile as if he plans to have the canons sit at the back and just shoot your dino's, then you'll need them to stop. (I love the Stegs dearly, but they are cannon magnets).

    I definitely think you should do High Magic so you can get the movement spell as this will be very handy to deal with the rapidly advacing troops and ideally you can set up the Ancient Steg for a flank charge.
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    @livewaaaaagh whatever happens, take lots of photos and do a battle report!!!
  7. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    I wouldn't take the salamander either, it's really only good against rank&file troops i think. Recently a friend of mine bought an ogre army, so i would certainly like to know how it went :). I'm not a big fan of bringing large targets to a battle with the potential of alot of shooting, but i don't know alot of the ogre kingdom shooting units.

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