AoS NEW *rumor*

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Logan8054, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. JscoobertDoobert

    JscoobertDoobert Active Member

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    Damn new tyranids announced right after I lost hope and chose to buy emperors children instead
  2. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    You guys are a bunch of trigger-happy amateurs :p

    Dr. House: "It's not Nids."

    The armor plate setup is wrong, Nid plates get smaller towards the tip of whatever appendage/weapon, not bigger. The orientation is wrong too, the "point" of the armor plate needs to point to the end of the appendage.

    The hook is also wrong, Nids don't have "broken" lines that define the shape

    Nids in 9th get either plastic Lictor/Deathleaper dual kit, or zilch. Magic 8-ball says zilch.

    A somewhat solid prediction for new models is Tyranids vs Necrons feat. The Imperium of Man for 10th edition. Should be around 2024 given the slowed down release cycle of codexes, so 10 years without new models. Sounds reasonable.

    For the rumor engine, my guesses are Chaos, Vampires or Dark Eldar.
    Canas and Imrahil like this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Don't shatter my dreams. Let GW do it, they are amply capable. :p
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    They’re still making the model, so I’m surprised that they haven’t given it a character entry. Perhaps they will bring it back given the Parasite’s coming

    The Carnifex model proves you wrong there, the Scythe tail appendage in particular - the chitin plates get bigger toward the end:


    That wouldn’t be possible given that the appendage is a spike and supposed to be a long thin point that delivers a clean stab, like a Gargoyle tail spike. It would make the spike unnecessarily bulky and unwieldy.

    It still looks more like a Tyranid model than a model from any other army. GW are probably just giving Tyranids a little redesign, just as they’ve done with the most recent Necron Warriors.

    Bringing the Parasite back is possible, because GW have brought back characters before. It’s certainly not a Lictor because Lictors don’t have tail spikes, but Gargoyles do, so I think it’s the Parasite.

    I can understand your scepticism, but this is so Tyranid-y that it just couldn’t be anything other than Tyranids. GW can’t be so stupid to ignore such an obvious opportunity glaring them in the face, surely, even if they have buggered up so many opportunities in their time?

    Ninth Edition has proven a more Xenos-friendly Edition compared to the Imperium vs Chaos fest that was 8th Edition, so if there was ever a time to give Tyranids a new model to tide them over, now is the time.

    Impossible. It couldn’t be any of those because none of those have chitin on their models.

    Chaos units have random fleshy mutations, Vampires have no chitin at all and usually very thin skin that shows the bones underneath, and Dark Eldar have very few creatures, and those that do exist are either furry (clawed fiend), feathery (Razorwings) or exposing tortured muscle (Khymerae). Also Dark Eldar have got the one model for their release, which is new plastic Lelith.

    Most races only get a single model for their update (except Sisters which are GW’s new favourites and Necrons and Space Marines who feature in the boxed game), and releasing a single model for the Parasite for Tyranids would tide them over for a while from GW’s viewpoint.
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    oh yes they can. it's GW they have a bad habit of missing the obvious
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Yeah good point :p
    Imrahil likes this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    im just sitting here glad other people clarified im not the one being called a dipshit lol. for a half second It looked that way with the way the responses rolled out lmao
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2021
  8. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    If it's a Nid, it's Deathleaper. It has a tail spike, and as you said, tail armor plates are the exception regarding the orientation and size progression (Carnifex, Hive Tyrant, current Deathleaper).

    I believe it when I see it :p

    I also like to give GW shit as much as the next guy, but with the big GSC and sizeable Ork releases 8E was not exactly anti-Xenos. And Chaos needed the love too.

    /edit: Tagging problem solved.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2021
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    ive been noting a few bugs, in one of the alerts I had that a comment I wrote had been liked, my text was gone and only the quoted message was there, but when I quoted my post, the entirety of it was in the quote box... so maybe some hiccups?

    Its the Russians :p
  10. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    It should have. Typ @ and the start of the username and if you wait there will be a dropdown list, pick one and go.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  11. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Drop the dashes, it needs to be literally their name, spaces and capitalization included. And as @Imrahil pointed out, there's an autocomplete function if you wait after typping the first few letters.

    A while back my posts would randomly change the font halfway in. Clearly they've been out to get us before :p
  12. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    What are the oldest tyranid models that are reasonably used atm? Is it gargoyles? Raveners? Warriors? Or rippers? I'd hazard a guess those would be the most likely updated model for nids. If we're talking special nids well so far from my most recent memory I can guess that it could be the parasite(its a gargoyle right?), Red terror(super ravener/proto trygon/mawloc),what lies below(a super sized trygon), the doom of malnutrition(super zoanthrope/malanthrope),and others.(will update with more famous nids)
  13. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    Don't really care about the age, it's all about the quality. The models in the biggest need of updates are obviously the finecast crap. Lictor, Deathleaper and Biovores are the last that are left. Of the plastic models, Termagants/Hormagaunts are in dire of an upgrade (heads are small and not very detailed, yet two tiny parts), bad mold lines. Third would be Genestealers (the worst mold lines if ever seen on any GW model by a looooong shot), and they need 32mm bases because their arms are spread so wide (currently on 25mm slots).

    Warriors could do with a makeover, very static poses, and using them with the usual hybrid melee/ranged setup looks kind of silly, they would never be able to properly use their melee weapon while holding a ranged weapon in the other pair of arms, but for them it's still not as urgently as the others. Everything else is fine, and even other old plastic models (like the Carnifex) are holding up well.

    A plastic LoW style monster would be nice. It's pathetic that Nids don't have that. Should have been done let's say two years after the plastic Baneblade at the latest.
  14. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    What in gods name are you smoking?
    1 The lictor/deathleaper model looks fine. No amount of arguing or subjective opinions you have could ever say otherwise. (But its finecast...) no one cares, the lictors rules have been getting worse for the meta over the years anyways and its only somewhat thriving in kill team and even that its a stretch. Buy a dimachaeron if ya want a specialized lictor
    2 Devilgaunts look surprisingly well aged for what they are. Sure I can see small tweaks and changes to make em more terrifying
    3 Genestealers look wonderful from being wither a xenomorphic looking monster to a cthulhu lookin psycho so again nothing wrong unless you choose terrible color scheme
    4 I can agree on termigaunts looking like shit because well they do.
    5 Warriors yeah they are boring but I think I've only ever bought 1 pack of em because they have their roles fit better by other units for the past 3 editions and well they still suck and are still useless other than cheap synapse.
    6 pyrovores exist and are still shit (unless you're running a suicide bomber meme army)
    7 tyranids don't need a lord of war. And the 2 we have are best suited for apocalypse anyways. Heirophant and harradan both do entirely different things when they're the lord of war.
    8 you never mentioned gargoyles. At all. You ignored it completely. They need a model update more than the lictor(which still looks fucking fine). More than the genestealer. More than the fucking gaunts. More than the biovore(when is the last time thats been heavily used anyways before or after the great nerfing of the nids) fuck now that I think about it they need a rules update to make it more worthwhile to even take this group of bats
  15. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Well, i love LoW, be them knights, baneblades, whatever. I think these big monstrosities are what makes 40k the epic game it should be. I agree that they are more suited in apocalypse games, but a 500 prs LoW is fine in 2k battles.
    So, i would like to have a tyranid LoW not-forgeworld.

    Edit: i would like to have this discussion in the 40k thread...
    Dread Saurian likes this.
  16. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    Say no more I comply
  17. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I'm gonna take care of it, summoning you there. ;)
  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I agree with @Acehilator that Lictors should have a plastic box set because not only is plastic so much nicer to work with than Finecast, it would also give you loads of options to customise your models, and would give you the chance to make a Deathleaper as part of the unit. Biovores, Pyrovores and the Red Terror (in a blister on his own, the Ravener kit is fine) should also get that luxury, and that would give Tyranids a full plastic range.

    The Warriors kit I don't think is bad at all, mainly because when I started Tyranids I had to put up with the previous 4th Edition kit which had so few options, so to me the current 2014 6th Edition kit looks pretty darn good. I'm tempted to pick one up to make some Bonesword Warriors, along with some Venomthropes, but the price increase and the fact I have frakloads of Tyranids already mean that decision is still contested...

    Giving Termagants and Hormagaunts new kits would be decent if it increased their poseability (they are getting a little old due to being from 4th Edition and having to stick their heads together is pointless) but to be honest feels a little unnecessary because they already have all their weapon options, unless GW want to give Termagants the old Spike Rifle and Strangleweb options from 2nd Edition (which the 6th Edition Codex provided rules for but otherwise haven't seen the light of day again).

    Giving Genestealers 32mm bases is a nerf and a half because giving horde models 32mm bases reduces the number of models that can feasibly get into combat (just look at the poor Orks). I would agree that their set again has limited poseability, but again there are units that need plastic kits far more badly.

    Gargoyles are perfectly fine, they were released in 5th Edition and are a huge improvement over the metal models that preceded them.

    Tyranids have never really had a problem with the percentage of their range being made up of plastic kits (Orks, Necrons and especially Craftworld Eldar are in far greater need of attention in this regard), it's their rules that need to be given some love. Just once I want GW to stick their middle finger in the air at someone other than Tyranid players when writing their rules (preferably Dark Eldar players because they can be merciless arseholes to us just because most of their weapons are Poisoned).
  19. PartridgeKing

    PartridgeKing Member

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    Taking off my reptilian death mask for a moment to reveal the stretched-flesh haemonculus skin underneath - no thank you, DE were the proverbial red-headed step child of 40k for long enough thanks, 'Nids need new rules and not to be the but of GW's ire, but I'm sure we can find worthier alternatives than cycling said middle-finger at the most abused armies of 40k. It'll never happen but my dream will always be some reduction in the post(er)-humans.
  20. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yesterday i saw a fresh new BatRep, a narrative battle with 4000 pts of Nids vs 3000 pts of Blood Angels, with Nids going first and around 1/3 of the BA in reserve.
    BA won.

    If you have to bring an optimized list, hoping to find a casual army and then maybe the game will be vaguely balanced, we have a problem.

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