Adherents of Haset: An Unofficial AOS Race (Previously The Hathorians)

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Sudsinabucket, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I like this one, especially the rules for the Wind Shield that push an enemy away on a save roll of 6, which, if your turn follows, can give you the choice of either making a tactical retreat if the enemy hero is too powerful or charging forward into the hero or any supporting unit.

    Funnily enough my Nehekros Imperishables also have a named hero equivalent to this chap, in the form of Nekaph, Emissary of the King (the AoS incarnation of Nekaph whose soul has been bound to a statue). He’s priced at around 250 points, and I think he’s well priced. Again it would be fun to fight a duel between Parvat’shakti and Nekaph to see who would triumph!

    When I wrote this I forgot that both Settra and Nekaph benefit from the Ancient Incantations Battle Trait, which halves all damage suffered by Animated Constructs (rounding up), which gives them an extra degree of defence against all enemies they fight. Bearing this in mind I think Settra is fine with just one weapon - don’t want to make him too strong!

    Have you thought of Battle Traits for your Hathorians yet? I’d be interested to see how their army special rules work
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Me too! The wind shield is such a fun and tactical ability, not used right it kinda puts you in a weird spot, use it right and it can really be a great thing; I like having small things like this, adds to the game I think :)

    That's really funny that we have semi equivalent guys lol i agree, they would be fun to see fight, what base size is your guy on? 50mm for High Warchief Parvat’Shakti!

    Thats a cool trait! I have not yet thought up battle traits as of yet, I do uave two Alliance Abilities though, but hoping to come up qith battle traits before showing them. Also need to come up with specific sub faction (or Folds in Hathorian Terms, equiv to Great Nations, Stormchamber, etc) though semi blanking lol haven't thought a lot on it quite yet as Im still getting out of lore writing mode lol trying to think of battle traits that reflect mountains, highlands, pre AOS hysh, what hathorian natural defenses may be (like, thick fur or something? ), etc... just not 100% how I wanna go about it as of yet.
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    This makes total sense ;)

    The thing is the core rules state that only units within 12" of an enemy unit may attempt to make a charge.

    Grrr, Imrahil
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  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    One day... I'll read the rules again... when not extremely high... one day.

    Definitely makes that blessing/ability unique and powerful then
  5. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I am a huge fan of maps as basis for fantasy stories, this one looks great and promising.
    (immediately makes me think of your map for the cleansed monsters of chaos, what happened with that project? ;))

    Grrr, Imrahil
  6. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I like his warscroll, fits him good.

    minor points of attention:

    1. People may opt for the Mace of Valgus' Attacks to start on a lower number due to the ability of it going up with every model he kills.
    If he for instance faces a unit of skinks and kills 4 in the first turn, the second combat phase his Mace has 8 attacks :eek: That might go scarily out of control. So perhaps start lower or change the ability to Units killed?

    2. The Honored Warchief: what do you mean with battle round? The turn, your turn or the entire Battle? I am leaning towards the first, perhaps rephrase:
    At the start of the next turn you receive 1 additional Command point, in addition add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by (friendly) units with the WARRIOR keyword if wholly within 6" of this model.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you :) I really love maps as well, especially as you said in regards to fantasy stories/worlds. I just like knowing where stuff is and feel more apart of the world.

    Ha! Yeah. The more I look at it, it does share a resemblance lol I like my River Valley/Highlands it seems ;)

    The Lustrare River Valley in Ghyran os alove and well :) Admittedly, I stopped working on it after feeling pressured to flesh it out faster than intended. I had given permission for it to be used in a soulbound/ interconnected online forum called The Great Weave. I was more very much still fleshing out specific areas, characters, etc... but it became so popular that i simply got overwhelmed, coming up with rumors for players to go off of... secret artefacts... etc, just a lot of GM stuff I wasnt really planning to do.

    Essentially what turned into a hobby project turned into something not fun to me. Ill return there eventually, as my Lumineth are also there ;) but yeah, thats kinda what happened in a nutshell
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Gonna respond just in order

    1. Yeah, this was pointed out by another as well, instead of putting a cap on it I decided to change damage to attack... i must have forgotten to edit it to attack from damage. But yes, very fair point!

    2. Definitely the first, another thing to edit lol as much as Id love for it to stack over and over... im sure it refreshing every round with a +1 would be more fair ;) lol but yes, that needs to be rephrased also, thank you!
  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Haha, Nekaph has a 50mm base too!
    It would certainly be great fun to test the two factions against each other in a battle. I’ll have to consider how I’m going to convert the models for mine!
    Sudsinabucket and Imrahil like this.
  10. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Sad thing to have that happen to the fun you had creating it.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Eh, happens, ill get back to it one day. It is home to my surviving Seraphon after all ;)

    Besides, it also gives me a reason for another Thunder Lizard Kitbash ;) lol once the first is finished of course!
    Imrahil likes this.
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Do it, would be awesome! There are a lot of 3rd party tomb kings now that you could probably use bits from if you couldn't find GW bits! Id love to see what you come up with
  13. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Really? I’ve only seen a couple of half-hearted attempts to reboot Tomb Kings that haven’t taken off and haven’t done the full range (Mantic, Lost Kingdom), but if you’ve heard or seen any different I’d love to see what you’ve found!
    Imrahil likes this.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Something big is coming to the Hathorians roster, a beast that calls its home that of the Hyshian Highlands and mountains.

    Stay tuned, warscroll along with concept art coming for this monster of the Hathorians 20210205_111108.jpg
  15. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Grrr, Imrahil
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Across the Mountains and Highlands of Ilithia the silence and still is disrupted with the sound of thunder, though no clouds hang the air. As the Slaaneshi ranks formed into rank and file, they began to march towards the aelven and hathorian line when a great form became visible in the distance. Soon the head became more clear, large curled tusks reached out past its maw and a large horn stretched towards Hysh's light, even still it had large fangs that showed when it would give out a bellow. Not only was the size of the creature worrisome, but so was the magnificent shrine on its back that it carried with no effort, a shrine of a Living Mountain.

    As the battle began, battlelines crashing into each other, it was not long before the behemoth joined into the killing field. Under hooves bodies broke, seekers ripped in half, slaangors skewered on its tusks, the monster was a living avalanche of destruction. What was already a blood bath turned bloodier still, the living spirit of the shrine began to throw boulders afar and causing rockslides to fall upon calvary and infantry charges alike. Each time a castle's worth of boulders would crash down, new rock from the shrine would materialize from the spirit as a new assault was launched unrelentingly.

    This is the first true behemoth for the Hathorians, the Thunderhoof and it is equipped with not only its natural size and weaponry but also a mighty Living Mountain Shrine.

    The Living Mountain Shrine is a sacred shrine built to honor a mountain spirit that a Hathorian Fold has communed with, but also is how the Hathorians bring the mountain spirits to war with them, though in a more natural form than the Lumineth mountain war forms. From atop their shrine, the mountain spirit constantly shifts the size and shape of the mountain itself as rockslides, mudslides, and other powers of the mountain are unleashed. Reports of giant hands made of stone are said to even through house-sized boulders into enemy lines. The giant sacred stone in the middle of the shrine is pure crude aetherquartz from the center of the mountain, used to heal allies and obliterate foes, the sacred stone is a devastating weapon attached to an already devastating Thunderhoof.

    Below is the pre-greenstuff build of the Thunderhoof with Living Mountain Shrine, though it is still missing a tail as I decide which to give it. Also included a pure Hathorian photo to show what is built so far. I have also made a warscroll for it, at the moment I am pricing it at 280 points as I feel it is somewhere between the price of an Engine of the Gods and a Spirit of the Mountain.

    Let me know what you think! 20210221_194744.jpg 20210221_194646.jpg 20210221_194549.jpg 20210221_194439.jpg 20210221_194358.jpg 20210221_194300.jpg 20210221_194817.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Noxolotl and Imrahil like this.
  17. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Very nice, I like the use of the Spirit of the Mountain parts.
    It has become massive, lol.

    Are you planning to fill the crevasses In the shoulder armor with greenstuff?

    I like how the warscroll turned out ;) unique features.
    You have to play a battle some day featuring all your own creations. I am so curious how that will go.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Ha, yeah, it definitely became a bit more than i originally planned! But I think it has come out better for it :)

    Depends which crevices you mean, but yes, there will be a lot of greenstuff work pretry much everywhere. Lots of gaps to fill and lots of fur to create.

    Thank you, I really love the warscroll and the lore behind it, I think it definitely has its own unique feel. I am hoping to play maybe against my Seraphon at some point since I have a good sized army of them. What I need is more dice lol though... yay for dice sims for now lol I have 12 dice atm, but all 6 sided, no D3 dice.
  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Living Mountain Shrine

    "Across the Mountains and Highlands of Ilithia, the silence and still is disrupted with the sound of thunder, though no clouds hang the air. As the Slaaneshi ranks formed into rank and file, they began to march towards the Ilithian and Hathorian line when a great form became visible in the distance. Soon the head became clearer, large curled tusks reached out past its maw and a large horn stretched towards Hysh's light, even still it had large fangs that showed when it would give out a bellow. Not only was the size of the creature worrisome, but so was the magnificent shrine on its back that it carried with no effort, a shrine of a Living Mountain.

    As the battle began, battlelines crashed into each other, it was not long before the behemoth joined into the killing field. Under hooves bodies broke, unlucky seeker mounts bit in half, slaangors skewered on its tusks, the monster was a living avalanche of destruction. What was already a blood bath turned bloodier still, the living spirit of the shrine began to throw boulders afar and causing rockslides to fall upon calvary and infantry charges alike. Each time a castle's worth of boulders would crash down, new rock formations from the shrine would materialize from the spirit as a new assault was launched unrelentingly."

    Placed upon the back of a mighty Ovibos, a Living Mountain Shrine is a powerful weapon of war within a Hathorian Fold that brings the power of a mountain spirit to the battlefield. Each mountain shrine is built specifically for a revered mountain spirit and the Ovibos that will bear it during an ancient communion ritual between Realm Callers and the Mountain Spirit itself

    The shrine is built within the core of the mountain, just under its heart, by a special sect of Hathorian Realm Callers named Mountain Callers. The High Mountain Caller of the Fold will lead a ritual called the Osadus Maest, or Communion of the Mountain through throat singing of ancient hymns of the mountain. Their hymns bringing adoration to the mountain, they aim to bond their spirit with that of the mountains in hopes of gaining its aid in their current cause. If the mountain is pleased it will, in its way, return its own call to the Mountain Callers as a sign of respect and its acceptance of the bond being made.

    The communion successful the spirit will begin to aid in the building of the shrine as the passages within the mountain reverberate with the songs of the Callers. Gems, stone, precious metals, all that is needed to build the shrine is provided by the mountain. Circled around an ancient rock slab, the hymns of the callers begin to shape and join together the different materials, soon the shrine taking shape. As the end of the ritual nears, a giant Ovibos is brought into the mountain and placed on the ancient slab. Slowly the shrine is lowered onto the back of the behemoth, the mountain’s strength seeping from the shrine into the fur of the creature, hardening it like a stone.

    The final act of the Osadus Maest begins with a final hymn, all of the Mountain Callers sing their loudest as the mountain spirit lowers its very heart into the center of the shrine, a giant stone of pure realm stone. Around the heart of the mountain, a miniature mountain range rises from the shrine, trees of Hyshian light grow from the stone and mountains alike. At the end of the communion ritual the High Mountain Caller will climb onto the shrine, and with the blessing of the mountain inscribe ancient symbols of protection upon the mountain’s heart; safeguarding it from foul magics.

    In battle the Ovibos and Living Mountain Shrine are a destructive force of nature, crashing through battlelines, breaking down great walls; always at the front of the battle. The mountain spirit always active, as seen by the constant shifting of the shrines mountain range, causes calamity upon the enemies of the Hathorians and Hysh. Large boulders the size of inns, landslides that could cover a Free City, the wrath of the Mountain Spirit is absolute. If one is not crushed by the spirit upon the shrine, they are often gored or trampled by the behemoth that bears the shrine into battle. The Ovibos’s large horn and tusks pierce through monsters hide, its maw full of sharp teeth biting enemy calvary in half as they get too close, the fate of being in the path of such a creature in battle is only for the fool hearty. To face the might of the mountain is to face the unshakable.


    Here is the finished model and Warscroll for my Living Mountain Shrine, I have it currently priced at 280-300 points.

    Any C&C is welcome!

    For videos of the model:

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  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Early look at the Thunderbow Chariot pulled by Hyshian Mountain Bears

    Still unsure how I'll build the body of the Ballistae & Chariot themselves, but we'll figure it out :) 20210304_190943.jpg 20210304_191545.jpg 20210304_185154.jpg 20210304_185912.jpg

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