AoS Rumble in the Snow (A Seraphon vs Cities of Sigmar Batrep)

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Carnikang, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    This was a 2k battlereport I had today (2/7/21) at a friend's home. He's not huge on Lore, so gave me permission to name his characters, and do all that stuff. I wrote a small introduction lore piece, and then tried to convey how the battle went. I am attempting to add pictures.

    Lore: The cold was nearly unbearable atop Razorwing's scaly hide. Normally, this didn't bother Vivrolaun much, as he was already numb to most feeling. Yet even so the ghostly touch of the wind swept inbetween the layers of his finely wrought plate, and kissed his inner core. It made the elf Lord shiver as his mount traveled alongside the small column of Drakespawn, chariots and archers. Behind the beast lumbered a bloody altered Hurricanum among several twisted Kurnothi treefolk. It had been specifically made to cater to the crazed wyches who danced upon it. He sneered behind his helm, sharp eyes searching the column for his second in this small expedition. He found the Sorceress, Navarta, amid the archers, speaking with the two women who led the bands. Letting out a whistle, the elf witch glared back at him, but acknowledged his presence. A halt was called shortly after, the two meeting to discuss the progress they'd made. A ruin was just in sight, some frozen place of power perhaps? Or just another skeletal remnant of when Sigmar's might reached far into the realms. It mattered little to Vivolaun, though he did hope that by finding out, he would gain some status among the Living City's court.
    The discussion that followed was curt, words barbed with thorns and laced with blades. As ever was dark aelven conversation. It was cut short when Navarta stiffened and her eyes shot toward the ruin.
    "We have company, Celestial Dregs." she muttered.
    A deafening roar shook the world, driving snow fleeing the field, and suddenly scaled bodies could be seen appearing amid the drifts. A massive beast that made the drakespawn look like mewling babes practically materialized out of a snowbank, charging at the column.
    "FORM RANKS, LANCES READY. CHARGE!" The lord bellowed, leaping back to the saddle of his dragon. The knights were a flurry of movement, wheeling apart and taking the flanks of the charging lizard horde. The wyches atop the grotesque contraption urged it forward, flanked by the bands of archers. Of the Kurnothi, they seem to have disappeared, for the moment. It was then that the world began to shake and light rained from the sky.

    Battleplan: Scorched Earth - 4 objectives on each side of the board that earn points if you control them, and if on your opponents side of the board, may be burned for D3 points (+1 point if a hero from your army is nearby the burning).

    Army Lists:
    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Living City
    Dreadlord on Black Dragon (300) Vivrolaun Fallenstrike
    - General
    - Command Trait: Ironoak Artisan
    - Lance of Spite & Shield
    - Artefact: Spear of the Hunt
    Sorceress (90) Navarta Netherhand
    - Lore of Leaves: Cage of Thorns
    Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage (280) Rishash Doomhunter
    - Lore of Leaves: Lifesurge
    5 x Drakespawn Knights (130)
    5 x Drakespawn Knights (130)
    5 x Drakespawn Knights (130)
    3 x Scourgerunner Chariots (210)
    10 x Sisters of the Watch (160)
    10 x Sisters of the Watch (160)
    6 x Kurnoth Hunters (380)
    - Scythes

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    - Constellation: Fangs of Sotek
    Lord Kroak (320)
    - Spell: Stellar Tempest
    Skink Oracle on Troglodon (220) Itzimaluta riding Loquqtzi
    - Artefact: Serpent God Dagger
    - Spell: Tide of Serpents
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140) Tlazotlraz
    - General
    - Command Trait: Old and Grizzled
    Skink Starseer (140) Tlaztzaqtlaz
    - Spell: Hand of Glory
    Skink Starpriest (120) Tenztlazantec
    - Spell: Hand of Glory
    Skink Priest (70) Cuaqtectenztec
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)
    20 x Skinks (120)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    20 x Skinks (120)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    5 x Chameleon Skinks (90)
    Dread Saurian (510)
    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Bound Balewind Vortex (50)

    Turn 1, Cities: Cities won the roll off, and generally moved up. The chariots took pot shots at the Dread Saurian, and the archers killed a few skinks that they could see. The Ruins in the middle blocked some line of sight. Drakespawn all across the board prepped themselves, while those on the Right Flank (the Seraphon's Right) moved to try and get between the Dread Saurian and the chariots.
    Controlling 4 objectives = 4 points.

    Turn 1, Seraphon: Kroak powered up on his balewind vortex, and blasted wounds all over the archers and the Hurricanum. He had a +3 to cast [1 from himself, 1 from the Asterixis, and 1 from the Bannerman] The skink heroes buffed up and cast what spells they had, but most failed, had no target, or I forgot they had Hand of Glory. A unit of Chameleon skinks port in behind the elves lines, and attempt to do harm to the Sorceress and the Hurricanum, they fail miserably. The Dread charged up the board into the Chariots and the Drakespawn knights nearby, absolutely letting loose. Killed all 5 of the knights, killed a chariot, and then Roar of Ruined to cut the Chariots bravery in half, meaning one ran away. The archers nearest to her were Commanded to not run away with a Command Point.
    Controlling 4 objectives = 4 points.

    Turn 2, Cities: Winning the roll off again, and very happy to have done so, the elves took a step back. Their magic was squashed under Kroak's board wide ability to dispell, and his +2 to dispelling/unbinding. The Kurnothi arrived, reinforcing the flank that was crumbling under the Saurian. Archers peppered the scaly hide of the beast, to little effect. The Lord wheeled about and went right for the chameleon skinks behind him, turning them into puddles of bubbling scales. The Drakespawn knights on the left side managed a cunning charge into the leftmost objective, and the Troglodon protecting it. Whilst another unit charged across the ruins in the middle into the skinks that had taken to the top. They managed to control it, but were not able to burn it due to the Troglodon being a leader and being nearby. The Kurnothi went to work on the Dread, cutting into her with scythes. They managed to bracket her to just above 12 wounds. She swung back and munched a Kurnothi.
    Controlling 5 objectives = +5 points, totaling 9.

    Turn 2, Seraphon: Seeing the stars align, Kroak did more bullshittery magic and killed more archers, the knights in the middle, and the Hurricanum with his spells. The skink heros buffed up the unharmed unit of skinks around them. Using Lords of Space and Time, the Troglodon slipped away from the Knights that had pinned it down, and took control of their own objective across the way! In retaliation to the prickling, the Dread gummed the Kurnothi, doing little damage this time. They responded by hitting her really hard. She was then at her second to last bracket, limping along.
    Controlling 3 Objectives, and Burning 1 = +5 points, totaling 9.

    Turn 3, Seraphon: And this is where the tides surged for the Seraphon. Winning the Roll off, Kroak continued his magical onslaught, using the Troglodon as his focus of magic (he may use skink heros to measure his spells from) he killed three of the Drakespawn knights, and wounded the Lord on Black Dragon. He also took his time to switch his chosen spell to Mystical Unforging, which he promptly used on the Lord's special Spear of the Hunt. It broke, and he took some Mortal Wounds. The Skink heros, once again, buffed up the cohort of Skinks, who were still unharmed. Moving along, they reached out and turned the Drakespwan into pincushions for their blowdarts, finishing them off. The Dread Saurian was hurting, but with Lords of Space and Time, she slipstreamed away from the Kurnothi, and was suddenly behind enemy lines, controlling an objective, and staring down at the lone chariot that had hurt her, and the Sorceress. Charging, she tail-swiped the chariot to pieces, and somehow burned the objective behind her. Not far off, the Troglodon had gotten the charge off on the Lord, and whiffed completely. Unlike the Trog, the Lord swung back, and left the Skink Oracle at 1 wound.
    Controlling 3 Objectives, and burning 2 = +8 points, totaling 17.
    Before Combat
    After Combat
    Turn 3, Cities: At this point, it's looking grim. The spells attempted are again quashed by Kroak, and the slow moving Kurnothi are all that can grab objectives. They hurry on towards the corner of the Seraphon table side, and claim the objective there, while the Lord on Black Dragon aims to finish the nuisance that is the Dread Saurian. His dragon spits poisonous death, but fails to harm the great beast. The following charge sees the lance buried deep in the flank of the monster, who snap and claws back. Nothing comes of it, but the Dread is on 1 wound. The Kurnothi burn the objective they stand on, and glare down the hoard of skinks.
    Controlling 2 Objectives, and burning 1 = +3 points, totaling 12

    Turn 4, Cities: Winning the roll off, the remaining elves turn their attention to the Dread, bloodied and battered. The Kurnothi move to charge the skinks, and ultimately fail, unable to reach the nimble creatures. No magic comes of the turn, Kroak's oppressive magical power blotting out whatever ability the Sorceress had.
    Controlling 2 Objectives = +2 points, totaling 14.

    Turn 4, Seraphon: Kroak lifts a hand, and says "Pepe'kek" before obliterating the Sorceress with Comet's Call, and Mystical Unforging. His Celestial Deliverance does very little to the Kurnothi, leaving them mostly unharmed. The Skink heros rebuff the skinks around them, and shoot magical bolts at the Kurnothi, singeing their wooden exteriors. The Skinks swarm around them, as the Skink Starseer teleports with Lords of Space and Time to claim the far objective on the Seraphon left flank. The skinks pepper the Kurnothi with so many blowdarts, they succumb to the poison. The duel between the Dread Saurain and the Lord on Black dragon comes to a pittiful close, the great beast too wounded to rip and tear further. In the swipes and swings, the Black Dragon manages to latch it's jaws to the underside of the Saurian's throat, and tore it wide, killing the beast. A small victory as the skinks and magical Might of Kroak still bear down upon the lone Elf. Nearby, the survivors of the small skink unit jeered at him from the objective he was too far to contest. The Lord concedes at this point, seeing that he is no match for rest of the lizards.
    Controlling 4 Objectives, burning 1 = 6 points, totaling 23.


    Conclusion: Seraphon Victory! 23 to 14.

    Let me know what you thought of this battle. It was mostly a fun refresher for me, and a chance for my opponent to show off his fully painted Cities Army. (It's a mishmash of DoK, Drake Temple, and General Dark Elves)
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
    ILKAIN, Imrahil and Lizerd like this.
  2. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Incredible, and congrats on the win! The positioning you engaged in was phenomenal, and the usage of arcane vassal was superb. Very well positioned, and you used the tools at your disposal to great effect.

    Cities army was certainly interesting, while not competitive it certainly was fluffy and a joy to see on the table, very vibrant and a blast to see the two armies go head to head
    Carnikang likes this.
  3. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    He sent me a few more shots of his deployment, so you'll be able to see it even better. It truly is a beautiful army. He's quite a dept at painting, and he did custom bases with poured resin on every single one.
    His hurricanum is especially awesome, as ita magnetized to be a blood alter/luminark as well. The archers are also converted dark Eldar watches with snake gal bows.

    I am sorely jealous of his ability to make a wonderful looking army.
  4. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Added a few shots he sent me of his first push forward on the table. You can see the knights and chariots very well, as well as his Lord on Dragon.
    Imrahil likes this.

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