AoS Blood Soaked Grounds (Seraphon vs Ossiarch Bone Reapers Batrep)

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Carnikang, Feb 20, 2021.

  1. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Hello fellows, I've got a fun one today. Since the high of riding down a CoS army, shown here, I felt myself familiarized with the rules once again. This time, I was facing Katakros himself, with the same list I used previously.

    Lore: The screams had stopped, and only the sickening sounds of flesh being flensed from bone. Skeletal soldiers stalked the bloodied hamlet's open layout, dragging corpses from the buildings and piling them near the great structure in the middle of the square. It was covered in bones and glowed ominously, the sockets in the skulls atop it flashing now and then with a pale emerald glow. Below, Katakros stood, watching as his servants took the proper tithe, and more, from the hamlet's 'coffers'. They had been warned.
    "My liege, there is something odd in the ai-" the warrior to his right began, the glowing eyes searching beyond the edge of the square. Before he was finished speaking, a splitting roar shook the world, and a massive create came charging through a dilapidated home. Behind it swarms of small lizard beings scurried, and other reptilian beasts came. A great palanquin floated into view, and with a flash of light, a stepped pyramid slammed into the realm. It whirred and began to spew forth energy that seemed to consume the area around it to reshape the very fabric of reality.

    All of this the Mortarch watched impassively. He did not smile, nor did he frown, simply saying "Defend the tithe, march forth. Prevent the catapults from being damaged." Two boneshapers hurried to do as he bid, a full sixty skeletal warriors marshaling in seconds. A good thing, as the great monstrous reptile plowed into one of the formations.

    Battleplan: Gift From the Heavens (Opponent said it was the old one, I wasn't too fussed about it one way or another. Though after reflection and searching, it looks like the new and old were mixed together.). Three objectives will be on the board the first arriving in the middle of the board but landing in one of three designated spots according to a dice roll. On the following turn, two more objectives will land, one in each players deployment zone according to a dice roll as well.

    Army Lists:
    Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers
    - Legion: Mortis Praetorians
    Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis (500)
    - General
    Mortisan Boneshaper (130)
    Mortisan Boneshaper (130)
    20 x Mortek Guard (260)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield
    20 x Mortek Guard (260)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield
    20 x Mortek Guard (260)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield
    Mortek Crawler (200)
    Mortek Crawler (200)
    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Nightmare Predator (40)
    Soulstealer Carrion (20)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 114

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    - Constellation: Fangs of Sotek
    Lord Kroak (320)
    - Spell: Stellar Tempest
    Skink Oracle on Troglodon (220) Itzimaluta riding Loquqtzi
    - Artefact: Serpent God Dagger
    - Spell: Tide of Serpents
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140) Tlazotlraz
    - General
    - Command Trait: Old and Grizzled
    Skink Starseer (140) Tlaztzaqtlaz
    - Spell: Hand of Glory
    Skink Starpriest (120) Tenztlazantec
    - Spell: Hand of Glory
    Skink Priest (70) Cuaqtectenztec
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)
    20 x Skinks (120)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    20 x Skinks (120)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    5 x Chameleon Skinks (90)
    Dread Saurian (510)
    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Bound Balewind Vortex (50)

    Turn 1, Bonereapers: Winning the roll off, Katakros immediately set about buffing and debuffing units. One of the large blobs of skinks was debuffed with 2 seperate -1s to hit. Not much was done in the hero phase. Come the movement phase, he moved the two boneshapers into the buildings on either side of the two catapults. Whilst the shapers hid, the mortek guard moved up to try and spread out to prevent any deepstriking chameleons. When it was done, the catapults let loose. Both targeted the other unit of skinks, leaving them with nearly half their number dead, and more ready to flee. No charges were made this turn, and he settled in to wait.
    Controlling Objectives = NA

    Turn 1, Seraphon: Kroak took the presence of another dead guy personally, and started up his magical engine. The balewind went up, and he started slinging spells. One of the Boneshapers died almost immediately to Kroak, and surprisingly, the Realmshaper Engine. Buffs from the Priest, Starpriest, and Starseer went out, the Starseer's spell going on the debuffed skinks in front. On the other end of the board, the Oracle put Mystic Shield on the Dread Saurian. The Dread moved up, the skinks nearby having been whittled down, it was now the anchor for that flank. Behind it the Oracle and skinks prepped for the comet to arrive, staying well away from the grisely 20 mortek across from them.
    The shooting phase went very poorly, with one gimped unit and one debuffed to all hell (one -1 was countered, otherwise they would have been actually useless), very few Mortek died to shooting. The charge phase came, and the Dread Saurian made a long-bomb charge into the Morteks. Doing very little damage. But they were mostly pinned in place now. [Those rerolling armor saves and attacks are really nice] Not much else happened, though the Saurian took a good few wounds from the swing back at her.
    Controlling Objectives = NA


    Turn 2, Bonereapers: Top of the round, Bonereapers won the roll off once more. The comet arrived, practically under the Dread, a very advantageous position for me. All across the army, wounds and bodies were regenerated, the entire damage of the Saurian being returned without any issue. Movement saw the two free units of Mortek move up the be within charge range of the front Skink unit, who was screening and preparing to flee. The Crawlers once more let their loads fly, one at the Trog, the other using it's Cursed Steele ability to snipe out the Priest in the Realmshaper Engine. The Mortek charged in, being peppered with blowdarts, and most bounced off harmlessly. Rolling for the flee, the Skinks uncharacteristically stayed to fight against two units that had charged into them.
    And were obliterated.
    The Dread rampages amongst the Mortek, but little comes of it, while they continue to bleed the beast.
    Controlling Objectives = NA

    Turn 2, Seraphon: With one skink unit left, I decided to play cagey. And Kroaky. Spells were slung, and many Mortek died, as did the second Boneshaper. The Engine managed to do some MW's to another unit of Mortek. The chameleon skinks appeared in the back of the Bonereaper's deployment zone, accompanied by the Starseer who was moved via Lords of Space and time. Whilst unit of Skinks appeared in front of Kroak, screening him from the encroaching Mortek Guard unit. The shooting phase was very short, with the Oracle melting a Mortek, and skinks doing one wound that was saved. The Chameleons shot their darts into the closest Mortek unit, doing a small bit of damage. In an attempt to lock down the Crawlers, the chameleons are buffed by the Starseer's staff, and courageously charged into the Crawler closest, unable to grab the second one. They failed to wound the crawler, being the one that had used it's Steele, I was banking to do a bit of damage. It surprisingly hit back, killing four chameleons in melee. Baffling.
    On the other side of the board, the Troglodon had joined the Dread, wading into Mortek soldiers, killing more, slowly whittling away the ranks. The skinks had swung about, claiming the objective behind the beast, but doing little else.
    Controlling Objectives = 1


    Turn 3, Bonereapers: Once again, the Bonereapers won the roll off, a sigh of relief released from the player. The comet came down, landing on the Ossiarch's left flank (Right side from the Seraphon view), by a tower. Healing units and turning his catapults inward. The free Crawler turned and obliterated the last Chameleon skink, freeing the second catapult to attempt to kill the Starpriest. He managed it, leaving the Seraphon without a priest or wizard in the Engine. It failed, leaving the Oracle with very few wounds. Combat ensued once more, the Dread and Trog surviving another round against the Mortek, killing a few more themselves. It was a fairly uneventful turn, with one Mortek unit hurrying off to claim the comet, while the middle unit pushed forward to threaten the corner the Seraphon seemed to be restricted to.
    Controlling Objectives = 1


    Turn 3, Seraphon: Another comet arrived, landing on the right flank of the Seraphon, landing near Kroak and the With his forces thinning and growing wounded, Kroak continued to cast, damaging the Steeless Crawler, and putting more damage out among the Morteks. The Troglodon healed, and removed itself from the battle via Lords of Space and Time, aiming to charge the Crawlers once again. The Starseer, still alive, also moved to charge in against the war machines. Charges are made, the Starseer bringing both Crawlers into combat with a long charge, while the Troglodon failed to make his. The following combat phase was a flurry, blood and bone flying everywhere. When it settled, the Dread Saurian was dead, and the majority of the Mortek Guard it had been fighting were dust. Only a single one remained to threaten the Skinks holding the objective.
    Controlling Objectives = 2 (+2 points for 3 Total)


    Turn 4, Bonereapers: Another roll, the Bonereapers take it, the skeletal foes breathing easier now that the board was bare of many of the lizards. Reviving Mortek, and healing where able, Katakros turned his gaze behind him to the nuisance of the Starseer. Trundling on, the Mortek Guard on either end of the board moved forward to make charges, and succeeded in both. The unit charging into the screen of skinks would make short work of them, while the others were peppered with blow darts and found the small creatures slippery. They finished their charge and the skinks managed to slip through their lines, continuing to hold the objective over the Mortek's numbers. But Katakros made his charge into the Starseer, cutting him apart in a flurry of blows from his retinue.
    Controlling Objectives = 1 (+1 for 2 Total)

    Turn 4, Seraphon: This turn, magic failed Kroak, doing very little, meaning the tide of healing that would follow might undo all the damage that was done. There were too many Mortek. Still, the Sauras guard that were on the board moved to defend their lord, while the Troglodon moved back to the objective to try and lend it's lanky muscle to the skinks there. In the proceeding charge phase, it moved to block the Mortek, while the Guard charged forward and cut down a few Mortek threatening Kroak. Yet many died, leaving two left. The Troglodon died to the other blades, while the skinks were of little help.
    Controlling Objectives = 2 (+2 points for 5 Total)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Turn 5, Bonereapers: The dice decided once more, and the Mortek marched in with blades drawn. More returned to the field, and now with the Catapults free, and little but skinks present, aside from Kroak, Katakros moved towards the other lord. The Astrolith bearer died to the catapults, while the guard and skinks were cut down by Mortek. Kroak, left alone, held his objective, fighting back against the Mortek and killing one. A fairly quick turn, as there was not much else to do but push Morteks closer to objectives.
    Controlling Objectives = 3 (+3 points for 5 Total)

    Turn 5, Seraphon: Magic again surged, killing all but one Mortek surrounding Kroak. Another unit of skinks appeared behind the lord, who bellowed they capture the far field. They disappeared and reappeared outside of 9" from the other Mortek, aiming to shoot them off as best they could. They killed one or two, but did not manage to take the point, as they were too far away to use their full numbers. Into combat, Kroak failed to kill the last Mortek, unable to hold the point against the onslaught.
    Controlling Objectives = 0 (+0 points for 5 Total)

    Turn 6, Seraphon: Finally a double turn, but alas, there was little to be done. Kroak attempted to cast, but he failed many attempts, though he managed to kill the last Mortek before him. The Skinks attempted to shoot again, and moved closer to take the point, but no Mortek fell.
    Controlling Objectives = 2 (+2 points for 7 Total)

    Turn 6, Bonereapers: Healing and moving regally forward, Katakros charged into Kroak, as the Mortek Crawler's obliterated the skinks across the board. Kroak fought back as he could, but he failed his saves and was removed, leaving the Ossiarch's uncontested on the field of battle.
    Controlling Objectives = 3 (+3 points for 8 Total)

    And so it was. Now, I may have failed to get all the details correct, misremembered the exact order some things happened in, but all in all, it was a fun game. I will from this point on, kill Katakros first, as his healing and auras are such an issue. The Crawlers had not been a huge issue until I could not lock them down. Feedback and comments are welcome.
    I'll be adding pictures as soon as I get them in.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2021
    Imrahil and LizardWizard like this.
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Wonderful game, close call.
    One point though: Where is the paint?? :eek::p

    Grrr, Imrahil
    LizardWizard and Carnikang like this.
  3. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Waiting in the wings. Saurian can't get painted until she's properly kitted out. Skinks will be painted among their soon to be assembled brothers. Frog and Slann are painted, one of the 5 guard are, the others just need some detailing and shields attached (they're albino), while the hero's are mishmashed.
    I am very proud of my Starseer/Prophet of Sotek.

    It was a close game, but those Catapults. Rough if you can't lock them down.
    Imrahil and LizardWizard like this.

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