Warriors of Chaos (Slaves to Darkness) too... Still pretty rare though. Especially when compared to their prevalence in WFB.
Yeah, but to be perfectly fair, those are likely a warped sort of horse. Plus, the Cities and Warriors might not just be riding horses, but equivalents. The Warscrolls just denote hooves. Could be goats that got long and tall for all GW cares to note. Lol.
If it looks like a horse and gallops like a horse, I'm confident in assuming it to be a horse! Especially as Chaos Knights were also mounted on horses in WFB.
The hooves on those look pretty much the same. The Rumour Engine only lacks armor on the leg. New Chaos marauder horsemen? Dark riders of DE doesn't have horseshoes like that I found out. Grrr, Imrahil
Fair enough. That would be interesting. If Marauder horsemen dr getting update, perhaps we will see the foot Marauder updated alongside the rest of the range. Belakor is coming....
Newest Rumour Engine is up: New Xenos model? maybe Tyranids? or Choas deamon, or ... What do you guys think? Grrr, Imrahil
I suppose there really isn't anything scheduled for KO, otherwise it could fit with them. I think your guesses are most probable.
You are right, thanks. I hadn't noticed the video yet. I added this still to the Rumour until the model will be revealed. Grrr, Imrahil
Probably. But I do think it looks a bit leaner, like a normal-sized horse hoof. It doesn't quite look like the big hoof of destruction demi-god.
Could very well be from the Deepkin Underworlds warband getting revealed soon. The outline we have is definitely a fish, which makes me think of a deep sea hunter/beastmaster band with attack fish.
Yeah I thought of that, but the Rumour Engine of the OBR warband, revealed last weekend, was rumoured March of last year. That will set this Rumour for a reveal on at least December... I do agree on the awesome fish silhouette Grrr, Imrahil