and more slaanesh -.-, but kroak comming with Broken Realms: Kragnos
I mean they're nice models. But what's with the weird staggered releases? It's bad enough that Slaanesh needed an updated tome within like a year but a couple months later and there's already new stuff? I mean... come on....
didn't slaanesh just get two new centerpieces? and a year before that a new keeper? why wasn't this in their new book? if i was slaaneshy i would be pissed
The end of their article says they're in Kragnos, as is Kroak and the Witch hunter pair. Ah well. Hopefully Kroak is good. Sharing a book with Slaaneshie units makes me hesitant if the same rules writer did them....
honestly, releasing Kroak in the same book as another big centrepiece model kinda undercuts the whole thing and makes me worry one is going to outshine the other. Should really only be one centerpiece model per book but ah well we'l see.
I'm not sure if that footnote means that he appears in the story or if his data sheet appears in the book... If Kragnos is Kroak's update, I suppose Morathi was talking to Kroak about redirecting Kragnos...
It fits neatly I suppose. Two weeks no preorders. Then they'll start getting into Soulblight Gravelord teases, then we'll see the preorder probably two weeks after the lull, making it mid to late May for a release. Then, Kragnos info and articles will come. Leaving June to be the month Kragnos comes out. Then if rumors and speculation are true. July is AoS 3.0
what a mess of a release schedule. I wont be buying broken realms kragnos until im sure the rules wont just be negated by an upcoming edition change,
Well belakor has a set of decent rules and fucks everything in reach I'd hazard they're gonna do well with kroak (claws crossed)
Likely, they won't be negated. They'll interact with the new edition well enough. At least if Paycheck Awakening was any indication...
Still it'd be nice to be certain you won't get another major update a few months later... Mwha, his offense is good, but he lacks defense and doesn't have anything particularly special going on. In AoS 1.0 it'd have been a fairly amazing model. But with the powercreep it is a bit too liable to just get murdered immeadiatly
While I agree with that but I see his dark master rule as the perfect way to literally say no to any wizard. If it casts. Like that would cripple a turn for a lot of armies or at least throw a wrench into it
So he isn't as defenseless as people think plus it is funny that his tail has more rend than his sword or his claws
I think it's because his tail is supposed to be like a spear, whoch would penetrate better than a sword
O sure, his special ability is powerfull and can definitly be gamechanging. But he's not so strong that he can guarantee surviving for long, and using it turn 1 seems a bit of a waste. If a player can figure out how to keep him alive then he can become quite amazing though. He has fairly reliable healing, so once the biggest threats are dealt with he could become quite difficult to kill.