Suds's Conquest: Last Argument of Kings Blog (Homebrew)

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Sudsinabucket, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Hey everyone!

    I'm making this homebrew blog for a new tabletop game I'm taking the plunge into, its called Conquest: Last Argument of kings. I had seen this game awhile back but none of the factions at the time really appealed to me, that all changed when I stumbled upon the W'adrhun. The models for the game itself are fantastically beautiful, I simply don't usually gravitate towards human factions. The W'adrhun are easiest to describe as an Orc (in appearance) race that were made by another race for war. There is a lot more lore to it than that, but that in a very small nutshell is the W'adrhun, oh and they use dinosaurs in the same way that the Lizardmen and Seraphon do.

    Here are some links to check out:

    The W’adrhŭn | Para Bellum Wargames ( - This has a very cool video introduction to them, and then maybe pages of lore attached

    Living World | Para Bellum Wargames ( - The really cool part about Conquest is that it is a living world game, players help decide the fate of the game and story. this link takes you to the living world section to check that out

    This blog will focus for the time being on my W'adrhun faction, the (Name Pending), and the homebrew that I come up for them, short stories and other writing things. I am not sure if I'll do a dedicated painting blog or put the models here, but I had thought about a dedicated paint blog to keep GW and Para Bellum Wargames models seperate.

    Going to finalize a few things for the intro to my tribe and then post it.

    It's a really interesting game that I think people should really look into!
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
  2. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Glad to see you're in on this too. I was pretty hyped when they first talked about them, and my Spires needs a companion army for me to have to do local indoctrination games.
    I'll keep an eye on this.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Heck yeah I am! The W'adrhun are definitely the reason I'm into it, the humans and spire don't really interest me as of yet.

    I find the W'adrhun lore just really fascinating, and with such an open world its hard to not begin the homebrewing lol the City State my W'adrhun want to take over are apparently a Militant Theocracy, that'll be fun to fight lol
  4. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    I've really gotten into the different feel of the factions, and the Companion Book I bought to help support the game comes chock full of interesting stuff for all the four main factions.
    I cannot wait to see how the Living world changes with the addition of the W'ahdrun, just because they're so different from the others. While they're not alien like the Spires, they stand apart from the other three well enough that there's probably going to be a decent amount of conflict.

    As for the City States, man, Steampunk Greco-romans with mythological beasts from that same aesthetic? The concept artwork has been badass so far.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    You should join the discord if you're not already:

    I haven't delved too deeply into the original 4 yet, as the W'adrhun are what really drew me in, but the city states 100% have my attention. Rumor is they may not be out until 2023, with the Old Dominion coming out next year.

    I generally don't gravitate towards human factions, but the Nords would probably be my pick of the original 4 factions.

    The living world is amazing, the new W'adrhun character seems interesting, Im hoping foe the outcome of preparing the oases happens. I'm curious of the W'adrhun society, which that outcome would shine light on.

    Which story arcs are you heavily into?
  6. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    I've been a part of the Discord since near it's inception. I don't post or make all that many comments there though. I much prefer to watch the chaos.

    As for the arcs, I have not read all of them, but Nagral's is intriguing. I'm quite happy they added a second W'adhrun character so quickly! Her's is an interesting start as well. Full glad am I that Nagral is being led to speak with the leaders of men. It will give us a lot of context in how they interact with the other factions.
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Yes, this will be very interesting, which is partly why I hope the other character shows us more into their civilization at home; it would be interesting to see both sides in one go.

    Ha, nice! Ive been talking a lot in it the past few days, probably annoying people lol
  8. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    I really like the little bits they've fed us in just Nagral's story. Farmers! Perhaps those that move across the mountains become farmers once more, and we get oases in the protected western lands.

    I wonder if they will do more varied character sculpts as time goes in. I really like the alternate Scion of Conquest, and have the normal one on the way in the big warband box. I'd honestly like to see the womenfolk represented more in this faction. The matriarch and the raptor riders look great, but I want to see a female Predator on an Apex or Raptor.
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I too want to see the womenfolk represented more, especially since my homebrew tribe consists heavily of the Death Cult which is primarily women. I find it fascinating that the female speakers bond with carnivores while the males bond with herbivores, primarily at least. Just a lot of great tweaks to this orc like race

    My tribe funny enough moved south west towards the City States and settled on a lake that is connected to a main river. With these water sources secure they've become a major agricultural & trade power in the region.

    Hoping to post the intro to them
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Alright! After much editing and whatnot, I feel that the introduction to my W'adrhun tribe is done. I may or may not edit it a little further as I go through the lore more/more is added about the faction, but with what I know of the faction I think this introduction serves as a good foundation.

    W’adrhun: The Wyan’dotii

    Faction: The Wyan’dotii (W’adrhun)
    Capital: Anqa
    Leader: Matriarch Endala
    Primary Cult: Death
    Unique Trait: High Concentration of Speakers, Specialize in Beasts of War


    Across The Wasteland they traveled, huntresses and their raptor riders into the fertile coast of the Acheronian Peninsula. Predators in a new land they found prey plentiful among the plains, forests, and hills; even those who strayed from human villages passed. Though the land rich nowhere yet that matched the description of the Matriarchs vision. By the sun and stars they tracked their movements, for weeks they searched. On the twenty-fourth day as the clouds parted and the sun shown on the morning dew, a shimmering lake broke over the horizon as they reached the top of a high hill.[​IMG]

    “There”, Tylita said while pointing with her spear, the huntress smiling with visible relief on her face, “There is where Matriarch Endala described to us”.

    The Wydan’dotii tribe of the W’adrhun were once a part of the southern oasis, but as competition for resources intensified some sought to leave its protection. A portion of each Cult, dominated by that of Death, along those that followed consisting of many younger W’adrhun seeking to prove themselves, set out west in search of new land to settle. Led by Endala the Courageous, the new Matriarch, and leader to the Cult of Conquest led her fledgling tribe into The Wasteland towards what she described as a new paradise and beginning for all.

    As weeks turned into months, and months into years the tribe traveled the dangerous landscape and they became increasingly dependent on the few speakers that traveled with them. Able to communicate with the beasts that surrounded them, the female speakers sought out bonds with the raptors of the Dusted Plains, soon hunting party success increased to the point of having to store extra meat in salt barrels. Though hunts brought in more sustenance, Endala sought more than just a mere existence for the Wyan’dotii, but that of what humans called a kingdom; even an empire. As they wandered The Wastelands their numbers increasing with each year, selective breeding of specific traits began to be enforced by the womenfolk. For every twenty W’adrhun born one was born with the gift of a Speaker, one of the most sought after adaptations of the Wyan’dotii. The ranks of raptor riders specifically grew, swift calvary packs supported by the hunters they hunted with and braves wanting to prove themselves.

    As their military grew they began targeting better-protected caravans and human pilgrimages, quickly being overtaken the Wyan’dotii began a lucrative trade business, often selling back to those they had raided in the first place. These raids, or privileged hunts, offered items to trade to other tribes, especially with the War Cults as the armor of other races was able to be melted down and reworked into W’adrhun forged armor. Still, the Wyan’dotii scouts searched for land that had been described to them as shown to the Matriarch in her vision; a land they could settle permanently. A vision of a fertile land to the south where they could grow and prosper, and so the march south towards the City-States and the city of Acheron began.

    Over years they reached the ends of the Dusty Plains the Wyan’dotti began to notice an increase in male Speakers, although small the increase this gave the advantage of bringing in the use of large behemoths into the war party. These male speakers and their behemoths would prove most valuable in the sieges and taking of villages and small fortified towns as they reached the fertile lowlands north of Acheron. Behind the tribe marched humans of their conquests, truly a source of future and present tension between the Wyan’dotii and the City-States. Humans not deemed fit to stay with the Wyan’dotii and assist the Bound are sold, whether that be to a foreign land or a family buying back their kin does not matter.

    It wasn’t until the founding of Anqa, or “Long Neck”, on the north end of the lake which rests on the Tenrius River that the Wyan’dotii were able to begin their path of rebuilding. Taking control of the lake and surrounding area the Wyan’dotii not only secured a precious water source and fertile land but also secured themselves a future as a key trading post.

    As the tribe’s influence grew so did their settlement which had morphed into not just a large trade center but also a center of agriculture. Fields lined the landscape, the Bound and their human helpers working the land, while also breeding new lines of crops that yield more food. As crops began to yield more the use of active hunts came less, and so the training of hunters for warfare became more common, their already deadly skill honed even more.

    As humans become the cornerstone of the workforce and crops producing enough to sustain the growing population, the Wyan’dotii again implement selective breeding. This new measure of selective breeding hopes to produce more W’adrhun able to complete The Trial, growing their numbers for aggressive but purposeful expansion. The time of the Wyan’dotii has come to expand into and past the peninsula, they call home and to forge a destiny for the ages.
  11. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    New pic of the Apex Pred got shown off Yesterday apparently. It looks really good.
    Imrahil and Sudsinabucket like this.
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Ah shit I missed it! Ill have to find the stream. A lot of their models will translate well to Seraphon if people wanted proxies/conversions i think
    Imrahil and Carnikang like this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    So, reworks to the homebrew coming, including a new tribe name

    But for the lore comes I wanted to share models that I have been building / painting for my W'adrhŭn!

    I am building some Blooded and Raptor Riders at the moment, I have also built my Matriarch Queen. Both the Raptor Riders & Queen are Kitbashed, though not heavily. Three Raptor Riders have Decorative wings while the other six will have small shields, and the Matriarch I have also given a shield.

    Really enjoying the models and really glad to be back to my W'adrhŭn, if even just for the month of Orctober. 20210930_163440.jpg 20210930_162948.jpg 20210930_163503.jpg 20210930_214852.jpg 20211001_201018.jpg 20211001_201033.jpg 20211002_005803.jpg 20211002_005819.jpg 20211002_010116.jpg 20211002_010146.jpg
  14. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I love those models man.
    The Blooded and the Queen have a lot of detail.
    Interested to see jow you paint them up:artist:

    Grrr, Imrahil
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Wow, first time I've ever seen you misspell. It can be done!

    They are absolutely awesome and really the only Orc (Orc-like) models I really love, though the Kruleboyz are growing on me.

    Going to still do the Red-Brown Skin tone, but going to try and make it a bit varied in tone. The W'adrhŭn armor as a very African Tribes feel to them, so I am looking at Zulu and other tribes weapons and armor (a lot of shields) for inspiration in that regard.

    For the Raptors, I am kind of debating war paint like how Native Americans did for thier horses. The idea is that both of these things happen before a battle, sort of a pre battle ritual. War Paint to protect the raptor with tribal blessings and blessings from the rider.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Name of the Tribe is being changed, still pending however. Hope to share the new name with the Homebrew that is coming later in the month

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