AoS Help with Salamander Mortal Wounds

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Trainwreck, May 24, 2021.

  1. Trainwreck
    Jungle Swarm

    Trainwreck New Member

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    I'm pretty new to the game, and want to know how the mortal wounds for "It Burns!" work with how the Salamander Hunting Pack warscroll is written. For context, I had one salamander kill a Lord Aquilar who had no damage on him in a single attack in melee. This felt wrong. But I am not comfortable enough with the rules, however simple they may be, to know exactly how.

    Here's how I played it, please tell me where I messed up so I can play the game better.
    • I was getting the extra jaw attack from my coalesced army.
    • Doing 4 attacks I rolled a 3+ on all 4 dice, and 2 of them were 6s.
    • For the two non-6 rolls I rolled to wound at a 3+ and wounded with both. These were savable.
    • For the two 6s I rolled D3 for each of them individually, and rolled a 5 and a 6. I declared I had scored 6 mortal wounds (as I understood I rolled a 3 and a 3).
    • He failed one save, and made another. Making 7 wounds in total and killing his general.
    After the game I was reading the warscroll because this didn't seem balanced at all. The end reads "and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound or save roll)." Now that I have read this again, my interpretation is I should have rolled D3 one time, caused that many wounds, and ended that combat sequence completely: thus ignoring the second 6, and my other two successful wound rolls (which I would have never rolled).

    My opponent argues "that just seems awful, and can't be right either." I'm meditating on it and that's why I'm posting here, but I don't agree that it's awful. It's specifically designed to chew through difficult-armored dudes SLOWLY. Throw out a bunch of wounds that may or may not get saved on 3s, 4s, and 5s. The 2+ and 3+ savers in the world laugh at your puny jaws. Or, hit a single 6, pass Go and collect $200 then do a guaranteed 1-3 wounds on some big scary guy like the general in this example.

    Is it either of these things? Neither of these things? Please help this noob.

    Edit: Also, for the record, when you score a bunch of wound rolls that all cause D3 wounds like non-6 rolls on the salamanders, do you roll a D3 for EACH successful "To Wound" roll, or once, or what?
  2. NecridHydra
    Temple Guard

    NecridHydra Well-Known Member

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    If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a Stream of Fire or Burning Jaws is 6, that attack inflicts D3 mortal wounds on the target unit and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound or save roll).

    Natural 6s to hit deal D3 Mortal Wounds and NO additional damage, so you don't roll to wound for each previous 6 when hitting. When they say "the attack sequence ends" they mean for the die who triggers the MW. You did well on your game.

    That's why Sallys were nerfed on Summer last year, they were cheap as a potato.
    Putzfrau likes this.
  3. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    You played it correctly.

    "End the attack sequence" just means for that single dice, not the entire attack. If you were to roll 4 hits but 2 are sixes, all that means is that you wouldn't roll 4 dice to wound. Those 6's are removed from the pool because they are automatically doing d3 mortals each.

    Salamanders are stupid cheap and by far (in my opinion) the best thing in the book. You also spiked your roll massively (all hits with 2d3 mortals and then spiked the mortals).

    I've just as easily missed with all 4 of my attacks.

    For your second question, the D3 damage roll is rolled per attack. So hypothetically if your opponent had failed both of his saves, you would have rolled a D3 for each of the wounds he didn't save for a maximum potential 6 damage dealt.

    If you ever need any further clarification feel free to DM me anytime.

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