I think now that we have rules in hand, all that is needed is the FAQs and Erratas to unit sizes, points, and allegiance stuff. So a big chunk of what's going to really affect us. I do hope Sauras as a keyword get something. Just anything good. The Guard and Warden being passed over completely for a rework in either of our shows in BR makes me think it won't happen though...
I just hope, that they will increase min. size of Warriors and Skinks to 20. Regarding Warden and Guards - I've long lost all hope about them. Best chance was when they introduce new Kroak. They could release new scrolls.
Can razordons shoot 2 times when being charged now? Unleash hell + Instinctive defense should work, right? Add a priest and curse the enemy for mortal wounds or a starseer for a nice -2 rend. Sure, -1 to hit from unleash hell, but it's 3d6 attacks per razordon, in the enemy charge phase. Unforunately max 2 in a unit now, and I guess unleash hell with Salamander fire is more horrible in every aspect. But anyway! Cheaper than sallies!
Until they eratta that you can only do one reaction of any sort per unit per phase, I think you technically can shoot twice with Razordons if they get charged.
Yeah, true that. I'm just trying to see new opportunities for the new rules and it doesn't hurt to look for rarely used units that can benefit. I also think that the stegadon flamers will see some more action. They're unaffected by the unleash hell penalty and forcing horde units to go in two ranks when trying to wrap around might increase the number of targets.
I don't think they ever fixed Razordons charging to get to shoot before they fight. And "Reactions" are Command Abilities. They're separate from the Warscroll ability, so I don't see how they would stop one another within the purview of the rules. Sally's are our heat seeking missiles, Razors will return to being anti-charge tech, especially if the points become similar again.
Ight so I really want razordons to be a thing but I need their price per unit to go down a little first
If razordons get similar points to salamanders, they won't have any chance. I think 30 skinks with Herald of the Old ones and Starvenom are our best anti-charge.
Does it? My quick math says against 4+ save, 1 wound models, 10 Guard will kill 7.4 models on the charge in Koatl's Claw, and 20 saurus spears will kill 6.67 Now that the Sunclaw is dead, I think the AP makes Saurus Guard comparatively improved. On another note, the Sunblood is suddenly looking more attractive too...
unbuffed guard get 20 halberds and 10 bights this goes out to 5-9 damage max 13 min 2 spear warriors get 40 attacks 10 bights(so it goes up if you can get more in) with damage of 5-10 max 14 min 2 then you look at what happens when you buff them +1 to hit and serpents staff guard have damage of 9-14 max 19 min 5 +1 hit serpents staff warriors have 12-19 max 24 min 8 now at first blush this looks about even then you remember that the coherency rules have changed and you are not getting all 10 guard in while you can get all warriors in you just double line them. all chances are cut off at 1% anything less likly is not counted. all rolls are made with a 4+ save all units are assumed to be fighting 10 man wide if you want me to i can give exact % chance of each damage outcome
Similar points could be within 20-60 points of one another. With all the points going up, I would bet someone forgets the differences and they are very close in value.
I've downloaded both in italian (to interact with my friends) and in english (to interact with the rest of the world). Yay for reading time!
So I am reading the rules and while, to hit, to wound and save rolls can't be modified more than -1 or +1. I do not see the same rule for to cast rolls, so can kroak still get +2 from his scroll, +1 from the astrolith and +1 from the constellation for +4 to cast?
Yes, that seems true. In the description of +1/-1 cap, they state that this takes precedence over other rules, which implicates that this should be treated as an exception and that in all other cases the buffs stack. It would have been quite stupid to release the AoS 3 compatible Kroak and have a rule on his warscroll that's immediately negated by the new rules. But stranger things have happened. But with this in mind, I'm wondering how the Chameleon +3 cover save interacts with this buff cap. Clearly they should be FAQed to be excempt from this rule, or get some other bonus by being in cover.
They are already within 30 of each other. Actually, the more similar points are, the less viable razordons are. They have to be as different, as possible. Congrats! Can't share your happiness though as Russian version is terrible. "Mounts" were translated as "vehicles" and "endless spells" are "prolonged spells" and many-many similar examples. I don't know who did this translation, but language doesn't seem to be native for them. The rule, as it is now, basically gives them 5+ save with "reduce rend by 2" now.
For clarification: Kroxigors, Chameleons, Razordon nor Salamander do have a unit champion. So they can´t give themselfe Comand Abilities?