AoS 2k Coalesced ThunderLizards

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Womboski, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    Warlord battalion
    Kroak -430
    Starseer 145
    Starpriest 135
    5 guard - 115
    5 knights- 110

    Line breaker battalion
    Engine of the gods - 265
    Stegadon (battleline) - 265
    Bastiladon - 235

    No battalion
    3 rippers - 95pts
    3 rippers -95pts
    3 terradons - 110pts
    Totoal 2,000pts

    Rippers and terradons get sent up the board 1 unit at a time with mortal wound buff to chip away and maybe steal objectives with the help of monsters.

    Monsters cuz it's the new edition and they score more points in battle tactics.

    Knights can sit back on an objective, guard absorb wounds for Kroak.

    EotG does it's thing, maybe get 10 warriors which in coalesced might live past a turn in combat.

    I've been tinkering around with this list, scar vet on carno is only 215pts and could replace EoTG, Troglodon is 270pts and is more survivable then ever and increase Kroaks reach. Could replace both rippers and terradons for more knights and guard or 1 of them and an endless spell, but I'm interested to try them in this new meta.
  2. Aktanolt
    Cold One

    Aktanolt Well-Known Member

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    The monster Battalion is illegal i think. EoTg is a leader so doesnt fit the " Behemot that is not a leader " and Stegadon in TL becomes battleline so lost the Behemot Keyword ( they count as troop). However the concept seems nice.
    Womboski and Nart like this.
  3. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    This is a very ineffective way to spend your Starvenom ability. Even with all buffs the damage is minimal and starpriest costs more than a single unit of dactyls. Gone are the days of rippers and terradons being strike cavalry - they are not for heavy hitting. They are outriders and harrasers, fast objective grabbers. Don't waste buffs on them.

    Why take 5 knights for 110 to sit on objective, when you can take 75 skinks and gain more bodies? Or just take more guard for kroaks protection. if it is the question of model availability, at least use them as a strike unit. Unlike rippers they are woth using starvenom, even on 5. Rippers dish out 16 attacks vs Knights' 30 in coalesced.

    Scar-Vet is good for his points indeed. ScarVet vs EotG is complicated and depends on what you want. They are both great units.

    Trog, despite all the nerfs, unexpectedly has its place. 1) Monsters are always good, we will need a lot this year. 2) Very durable in thunderlizard with 5+ ward and tons of healing; 3) With nerf to Kroak he will enjoy advanced vassal.

    I would still drop trog by 20 pts, but it is worth giving him a chance.

    I don't see how changes in meta benifit terradons and rippers, honestly. They became only worse. If you want tons of attacks with no rend to bypass stackable saves, knights are are better by far in every aspect (you can even make them flying).

    EDIT: I'd also find a place for at least one priest in the list. Priests are great in this edition. Also, I think that starpriest and starseer are both 5 pts cheaper than they are in your list.
    Womboski and Tyranitar like this.
  4. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Correct. The only way for us to fill Linebreaker battalion in thunderquake is dual bastiladon. Ok, dual dreadsaurian is technically an alternative...
    Womboski likes this.
  5. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    Only more reason for me to get a 2nd bastiladon! I do think they will be great this edition.
    Maybe I was too hyped on the rippers and terradons. They are great models tho. Maybe a unit of 3 terradons can be used if I want the flying models and their movement is more noteworthy compared to knights. Comparing the price of rippers to some of the other batteline unit at min size or 3 man elite units people will be fielding made me think they might have a spot.

    I didn't think about the 5+ ward on troglodon but that would make him a tanky hero for sure and help Kroak out a lot. I will make way for him.

    Having 2-4 monsters which is something Seraphon can do will help collect more victory points from battle tactics. Stegadons might lose Behemoth which is a drag for the core battalions but they are still monsters.

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