The only Heresy is the piss poor paint job that I was able to give him way back in the day . The Nightbringer model deserves better. And why not have him part of my glorious Chaos Dwarf army, rather than standing all but alone as one of two models I have left from my old Necron army?
Probably a long way off... I have plenty of Chaos Dwarf models to paint first! (and we all know how pathetic my rate of painting is)
I think someone who plays 8th and [spits to the side] AoS could only be a squire, not a Knight. Knigts, historically, we're supposed to represent purity and honor. So no half-bloods in the ranks there. Someone who plays 8th shows a promise of redemption so becomes a squire. ( )
You're getting the drift... Although with @NIGHTBRINGER as an avowed agent of Chaos, I don't now how pure this is going to be...
The only appropriate shape for a table of the Knights of the Eight would be a figure 8. It would make meetings kinda interesting since some people won't see each other...
And there is my Deceiver model as well, likely destined to be the unit champ. At the moment he is completely unpainted. Someday... but for now, I have my Magma Cannon to worry about!