8th Ed. Lizzies going up against high elves 2k

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Morglum, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    So things are going fast, i'm going to battle against high elves even sooner than VC. Yet again i'm clueless :D.

    What do you field against an army that is superior in almost every way against me? No doubt i'll be fielding a slann. Maybe sallies... Heck, don't got the slightest idea.

    The only thing i got going for me is that it is his first battle. He has been collecting models from back in the time gw released 4th edition but never played.

    I know this army is top tier rated... Good shooting, great magic, always strike first... Their downside is there T. Maybe field alot of skinkies?

    Sorry if these posts aren't allowed (not really posting an army list here yet).

    Ps: we started out with 3 friends playing again a year ago, got 6 now and soon another friend will start again. Warhammer fantasy is alive :D

    The Army List:


    Skink priest, lvl 2, heavens, cloack of feathers

    Scar vet, light armor, enchanted shield, 5 ward save

    25 saurus warriors (no champ)
    29 saurus warrios (no champ, scar vet goes in here)

    2*5 chams
    28 TGs full command

    2 salamanders

    could maybe drop a hero to increase more saurus warriors or an extra sallie.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Yeah, main thing to keep in mind is low toughness. Kroak Bombing can be quite effective here.

    I would do Chamo Skinks for war machine hunting, but I wouldn't do that much on normal Skinks. Their bows are going to do a lot of damage to your T2 troops.

    I'll have a think and see if I can suggest any tactics.

    What troops does he have? What is his playing style?

    I think you more need to focus on beating HIM not the High Elves. What's he going to bring and how's he going to play it. Then go from there with working out your own strategy.
  3. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    He has got a 10k army of high elves. So he can field anything really.

    It is his first battle ever, no idea how he is going to play :D
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Well, then I would personally field a couple of Saurus blocks, a TG block with Slann, some Chamo Skinks, 2 Ancient Stegs with Blowpipes and a couple of Skink Skirmishers. The Saurus blocks can be anvils and the Ancient Stegs can get a flank charge in.

    I would steer away from anything with low toughness as it will be nobbled by bow-fire.

    Possibly CoR with a Cowboy would do good here. Give the Saurus hand weapon and shield for 4+ save and 6++ parry. High Elves also don't have high strength for general troops so higher armour saves will also be good.

    These are my thoughts off the top of my head. If you have a model you can use for Tik'taq'to you can do him and Ambushers rules terradons also to attack bowmen at the back or repeater bolt throwers.
  5. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    Hi there. I have a lot of experience playing against high elves because it is my brothers number 1 army. I agree with @Lizards of Renown. I have found that the best way to beat elves is to seriously out number them. Some of the most success i have had against them i have spent 700 to 800 pts on core. Having two big saurus blocks 30-40 and a temple guard unit with a slann can be very strong agaisnt them. The white lions will wipe you out in droves but if you have enough numbers you can hit back and win a prolonged combat. Same with the Phoenix guard but they won't hit very hard. Be careful if they have the razor standard though as it makes them significantly more killy. You cannot win against either of those units in an even fight. Double up your combats and never let them get to your temple guard at full strength. Your slann is key in this battle. The high elves have great magic but the slaan is usually better. Don't be scared to spend up to 500 pts on a slaan here. I like to go with FoM and switch strictly in to light, you need light spells if you're going saurus heavy to take away the elves strengths. Tempest does pretty good damage against high elves cast it early and start swapping. Depending on the opponents lore drain magic can do excellent work agaisnt high elves. salamanders also do great and chemo skinks are necessary 2 is 1 and 1 is 0 take away his shooting and make him come to you. The last thing ill say is if he brings a frost chicken I have no answers in how to beat it. I find it to be the hardest unit to deal with in all of warhammer. That being said I did kill one with 2 rounds of skink shooting once. I hope thats helpful, that is ny all means just my experience.
    Good luck!
  6. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    Going to write my army tomorrow. We have a thing from the past where we ask our opponent if we are allowed to bring a special char. He said it was not a problem, so i'm going to bring kroak :D

    Should i bring a flying skink priest to act as a vassal or not? Probably also a scar vet for atleast some hitting power no?

    Ps i changed my username to morglum now, hope it doesn't cause confusion
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
  7. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    Quickly wrote an army list, you can find it at the top (first post)
  8. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    Loss for the lizzies, but a very close one, at the end he only had 10 phoenix guards left, 10 swordmasters, 4 bowmen and 1 special char. Will write a full battle report soon.
  9. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    I gotta say I liked that list. It looks solid. Any game that ends that close must have been a great time. Can't wait for the bat-rep!
  10. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I'm a bit late to the party I know, but I agree in large part that Saurus are your way to go here, High Elves may have ASF but for the most part will still be wounding on 5s, especially with their bows, and have only Strength 3 so you'll be laughing with your 4+ armour saves. Additionally their own feeble Toughness 3 means ordinary Saurus will wound them on 3s and Temple Guard will butcher them with S5 halberds helping them to wound on 2s. Of course White Lions and Swordmasters are a nuisance, but have low armour so can be nuked with magic and shooting from Razordons and Salamanders. War machine-hunting units like Chameleon Skinks aren't going to have so many uses here because the only artillery piece they have is Bolt Throwers, which aren't the best artillery piece around, even the super-duper Repeater versions of the High Elves. They can contribute to killing off White Lions and Swordmasters but their small unit sizes mean they'll need some help in reducing units of these. Having a Skink Priest without a babysitting unit is a gamble because so long as he can use flight to hide outside of their unit arcs he'll be fine, but if they turn just one unit around to shoot him he'll be dead and buried. A Bastiladon with a Solar Engine would be a nice unit to take here because even at its lowest power the Engine will still be able to do significant damage to an army with such low Toughness, and at its highest power will decimate them. All the while its Toughness 5 and 2+ armour save means it'll be extremely difficult for High Elves to shoot in return.

    To be honest @Cptn Timmy a Frostheart isn't too difficult for Lizardmen to beat given you'll be striking last anyway - a Temple Guard unit will be able to overwhelm it with sheer numbers of bodies and Strength 5, Saurus Cavalry could also be successful if they get the charge due to Strength 5 spears and the fact they'll still have an armour save.
    Morglum likes this.
  11. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    Very much agree with @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl
    Chipping away at white lions and sword masters is a great way to mitigate them, they are expensive so tend to not have a lot of ablative wounds in the units. A skink priest can always hide in your saurus warriors early game as well.

    The asl doesn't bother me much with lizards but it's the -1 strength that makes it so brutal. Even with s5 you are only wounding on 6's due to the t6 of the frostheart and it effectively makes the white lions t4 when combo charged. And with the fly it is pretty difficult to reign it in to a fight it doesn't want to be in. Also with st6 it has no problem taking out saurus infantry although its damage output is relatively low. I think that the only reliable way to damage it in combat is with gw characters and even they will struggle to take it out in 2 turns.
  12. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    I dont know if answers for the frostheart would merit its own thread but I would be very interested in the discussion, I would love to smash a carnosaur in to one and watch it munch but again, good luck trying to catch it while dodging bolt thrower fire. I once had a dragon ogre shaggoth flank charge one after pinning it in place with the unkillable chaos lord, they both proceeded to fluff their attacks and the shaggoth ended up fleeing the combat lol. Although I think that was a statistical anomaly.
    To be clear thats 5 st 7(6) and 5 st8(7) attacks lol.

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