AoS Animosity 3: Thalor Alari-Iakhu Alliance Prologue and brief background

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Sudsinabucket, Jun 5, 2021.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    hey everyone!

    So, this isn't entirely Seraphon related (although, in the campaign one of the allies to one of the Satrapies is Seraphon!) I wanted to share my prologue to the Animosity 3 campaign and spread awareness here on the forum about it. I know we have a lot of narrative-driven people and it's a massive narrative campaign with people from all over the globe. This year's campaign (my first time participating) takes place in Hysh, so it makes perfect sense that my Hathorians would possibly make an appearance.

    If you're interested you should check it out here: Animosity Campaigns | WHERE NARRATIVE COMES TO PLAY , you can participate in numerous ways and the background and everything is truly outstanding.

    With that said....and hopefully you checked out the site for at least some background... lets get to the juicey

    The Prologue opens up with Haset sitting on her throne....

    Prologue I

    Whispers of the Haixian Throne

    ““I have been a part of countless wars through the millenia, and one thing I have learned: War should be used to achieve Peace, one should always be ready for war and train in it, but one should not senselessly seek it out as these Idrelec do. Their war lust will be sated with their own blood. '' - Haset speaking to a Ruyalarian Emissary on the subject of the Idrelec.

    In the Hathorian capital of Iakhu Haset, the Goddess of the Hathorians and an ancient Primordial avatar of Hysh, sat upon her throne made of light. Her throne room sat deep inside the largest peak in the Twin Peaks mountain range in Ilithia, both the Goddess and her throne illuminated the whole chamber; no braziers were needed. No one, not even the Hasetians, the Priestesshood of Haset, knew if her throne was an extension of herself or simply a spoil from a war long past against primordial gods. Only once before in a moment of carelessness did Haset let slip in front of an Illithian confidant that her throne had a dark past, but then quickly changed the subject before it could get away from her. Her form was that of purest light, looked similar to the symbol the Lumineth use for their rune of Zenith, though from the shaft of the symbol grew four elongated hexagon arms and a large burning sphere above what would be a head if one were to guess. Though usually a blinding golden-white, her form instead now glowed that of a dark purple-blue that was dim. Her darkened form began to sink into the seat which she sat, all around her the large throne that of bright light that moved like magma from Aqshy. Next to the throne sat Haset’s war mask, the same worn by the Mountain Spirits, a gift from her Illithian allies.

    Haset was distraught, a feeling the avatar had come to know well in the recent weeks since her emissary to Ruyalar and to Caradryas Lightbringer himself had returned from their journey. The news from the Prime Dominion in Hysh was enough to make her look beyond just rebuilding in Ilithia, the Spirefall nearly ended her and her children the Hathorians, and she feared the beginning of something akin to it was again on the rise. It worried her more that it was not only in Vulgas, or Hysh as the Lumineth call it, but also in Haixiah itself. Haixiah being sacred to the Hathorians, but more so to Haset; it is home.

    It was in Haixiah in an ancient age that Haset and her sisters, the Surya, had come to be. The Lumineth speak of Haixiah and what lies beyond its shores, but only those few who have truly reached the light of Hysh have any idea. When they speak of the furthest reaches of Haixiah they speak of the likeness of white paper with sketches of light, then dots of light like those in eyes that have looked into the light, and then finally of waves of light that are also thoughts...memories. It was these very waves of light-thought which Haset came from, able to manifest into a form making it possible to break free from the outer rings pull to the very edge where the light gets trapped.

    News from the Prime Dominion pulled at the very core of Haset, she feared that one of the factions of Lumineth had come to find out how to harness the very light she came from into a Throne of Light, Ham-Galad. However, as unnerving this news was, it was only a theory that she hoped to explore herself in time. If the theory found to be reality Haset herself would bring upon those her wrath, no mortal should have the power that can create gods.

    There was other news from the region that however required more of a direct approach, the news of a war-hungry Lumineth faction that has seemed to have made a pact with the Blood God’s daemons themselves; this was unforgiving. She, a being of beyond ancient age, has seen many empires fall, but not quite like in the near-total collapse of the Lumineth, in particular Syar with their massive weapons of war. Haset, and the Hathorians themselves, were made for war but they did not view war in the same way as these Idrelec. These… Idrelec, Haset thought to herself, so wrapped up in the ecstasy of war, have forgotten that war is simply a tool of peace and for peace. Young races are so naive, even those of us made for war are that of a two sided coin, and the other side of that coin is peace. Her thoughts continued unabated until she heard footsteps, immediately her form and color began to shift and grabbed the war mask beside her.

    Sitting now on the throne sat the form of a beautiful aelven female with hooves of a bovine wearing the war mask, her true face never being shown to outsiders. Haset’s four arms rested upon each of the four arm rests of the throne, each hand holding and item: A Brazier that spouted unending shadow mist, her two weapons the Mace of Haixiah of bright light and stone and the Blade of Vari of Night and Shadows, and in her last hand hanging from a jeweled chain hung a decapitated Keeper of Secrets head; it’s eyes glowing like the throne behind it. Down the rich blue obsidian and marble hall walked two aelfs between seven large Hathorians towards the Goddess. Haset crossed her legs as she looked over the group, she recognized the Ilithian emissary who was helping mediate, his name was Eldir. The Goddess was fond of the Ilithian, his knowledge of diplomacy and of the Hathorian culture had been pivotal in recent years as knowledge of their existence began to reach out beyond Illithia and the shores of Syar. Eldir was an aelf Haset felt she could trust, and her trust of aelves is not easily won. The other aelf she did not recognize, he was tall, slender with pale skin and long wavy blonde hair. His gaze had not left her form since he had entered the chamber within the mountain, it was not surprising to Haset, anyone who sees something new has trouble looking away; especially that of a Goddess or God. His clothing was strange to what she had become accustomed to seeing other Lumineth wear, less traditional, but in its own way beautiful.

    Stopping several yards back from Haset six of the seven Hathorians drop back behind the aelves and a single larger Hathorian, who takes several steps forward. Clutching his war mace that burned with blades of light he tapped its butt to the floor three times before then lowering his head in respect,

    “Great Goddess of Ancient Light, Emissary Tulan of Ruyalar with word from Caradryas Lightbringer” the large Hathorians voice was deep, but his aelvish was flawless as he spoke the Lumineth language for better transparency while in talks.

    “You are generous with your time to escort the emissary here Honored High Warchief” Haset’s voice sounded light like a gentle breeze, she gave a slight bow herself to the High Warchief before turning her gaze to Tulan, her own aelvish even better than the High Warchiefs as she began addressing him,

    “I hope your travels outside of the Prime Dominion and into Ilithia has proven relaxing? I hope the convoy that was sent to retrieve you was to your liking?” Haset’s eyes glowed with a relaxing hue of light as she locked eyes with the aelf.

    “Your people are most accommodating, I wanted for not, and excellent story tellers! The stories they tell i could listen to for human life times” the Lumineth smiled and himself gave a more gracious bow towards the avatar before him before clearing his throat, “What has your ancient wisdom concluded on the matter of joining the Ruyalar against the Idrelec and whatever foes we may face down this path of war?”

    Haset gently leaned forward her mask changing her what was once gentle facial expressions to what was now a more hardened and focused expression, her voice clear and precise in the words and their meaning,
    “You say that they call themselves… a Satrapy of Valour, yet they destroy the very realm they claim to defend, even allying with those greenskins”, She spits, “They openly welcome Chaos into Vulgas, or what you call Hysh, to seek battle for no better reason other than to claim victory, in fear of victory of others over themselves. There is no victory in endless war, even those bred for the battlegrounds know this. Peace must be the goal of War, War must be a tool of Peace. There is no valour in seeking out senseless battle, there is no valour in starting conflicts to only sate your own bloodlust. Valour is found in the defense of peace through war. The War Folds of the Hathorians will march with you of the Ruyalar”. The eye slits in the warmask began to glow of a red hot sun and the whole glow around Haset began to also glow and burn like that of a sun’s core, “Our sacred duty is to defend this realm of light, against any and all who may threaten it. Welcoming Chaos into the realm is to welcome my blade upon your throat.” Sitting back down the Goddess nodded to the hathorians behind the two Lumineth, the six bovine motion for Tulan to come with them, Eldris was to stay behind, which by his facial expression was not expected.

    The emissary could not help but smile in awe, and bowed before being dismissed to bring word to Caradryas Lightbringer of the joining of the Hathorians to their cause. The Terms were simple: We join not for gold or reputation, we join for the good of the realm we all inhabit. The Idrelec have fallen to the depths of the Spirefall, or nearly, and they must be corrected if not by diplomacy then by the spilling of their blood.

    These terms were of course what were spoken, Haset however among her own council whispers from the Haixian throne of other unspoken motives within the Prime Dominion. The will of Haset does not end simply with ridding Hysh of a war-craved Lumineth Satrapy and its Chaotic allies, no, her sights also lie within the satrapy of the Dornayer…

    To Be Continued….
  2. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    I really like this introduction, especially Haset's character and her convictions. It seems like to me she'd chase her belief even if it means she has to kill thousands of peps. It reminds me of a quote from one of my all time favorite movies, Fury: "Ideals are peaceful, history is violent"

    I think you could possibly improve this intro by removing a lot of the exposition and back story. IMO, the pacing for the story is very slow for what it is. In an intro, I don't need to know everything in one-go, I just need enough to get me hooked to the setting and characters.
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! It is fun to finally kinda delve into who Haset is beyond just the basic layer of, "Shes a goddess and created this race", adding some flavor if you will.

    She is definitely that as you describe, she is burdened with the drive to protect Hysh at all costs (and in a greater sense the Mortal Realms), no matter what tuat course may end up being. In some ways shes like the Slann, sees a bigger picture and does what she must to reach goals or diminish threats. She however has emotion, unlike the Slann, so sometimes that gets in the way (she really avoids slaughtering innocence when she can, changing plans at times even). With emotion she also gives second chances, which can cause issues as we all know (Slann I don't think would give second chances. As comparison). In the end, if it came down to it, she would go up against Teclis himself with no hesitation if she felt he was no longer in Hysh's best interests.

    As someone who may be more aware of the Hathorian lore, I can understand where you're coming from about the explainations, etc. Does it change your mind if I told you this was part 1 of 2 or 3? In gonna read through it again and see what all i could change, do you have any examples specifically or is it just more of a general sense?

    Thanks for the feedback!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    maybeeee, idk. I think I'd like to see the rest of the story in its complete form before giving you more suggestions/advice on the introduction. But I do have some specific suggestions and general ones for the intro in itself I can give you.

    I think this could've been condensed into a more brief paragraph that expresses her feelings, but doesn't explain them. Her feelings were already explained in a quote at the start of the story, so why explain them further? It doesn't really further my understanding of her beliefs and motivations. What you probably could've done was to use imagery to hint at her feelings, things like facial expressions and body language.

    This sentence was a really good usage of imagery that hints at the Lumineth's shock and awe at Haset, but do I really need the explanation that comes later on in the sentence to understand what he's feeling? With the explanation, at least in my opinion, it's harder to connect with him because there's no room to impart my own imagination onto the character and the situation.

    In general, I think in my opinion with this intro, you should try balancing your exposition in the stories you write, so that readers can still understand what's happening, while still leaving room for interpretation. That's an incredibly fine line many writers often fail at meeting, including me (I sometimes fail at providing enough info on what's happening in my stories). But I think you're completely capable of doing so, it just takes practice and experimentation :)

    IMO, i'd suggest finishing the story first before making any changes. It probably won't be perfect, but actually finishing a story/project is so much more euphoric than making sure your piece is 100% perfect but writing it at a snail's pace.

    (Definitely not speaking from personal experience here...:shifty:)
  5. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    Oh my, Animosity lives again?! :eek:

    I remember the good old days when the Chaos Gods were killed off, the Horned Rat became ascendant, one of my characters got dragged away by the Skaven Inquisition, and there was a religious and culture war in an Ind city state. Shame that there seems to be no archives at all from back then. :(

    Obviously this is an ongoing series with the turns of the campaign, so you will have plenty of time to develop (I alway found trying to get a proper ending laid out from the start of a campaign would never work out, especially if you end up stuck in the ruins of Barak Varr spamming fortify all campaign (Sentinels of the Shadows))

    I do agree you are a little overly slow paced at times, cutting some of the heavy descriptions might help the flow a little. Although the slowness could be a thematic reference to effectively basking in the sun. :p

    I won't pretend I know much of the lore, i've only really been getting a little bit into AoS lore with playing Soulbound and painting ghosts. But I do like your concept here. Best of luck with the campaign. :)
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Updated and mostly finished (minus one character profile) of my faction for the upcoming Animosity Campaign! Registration is tomorrow if you're interested in joining (New Player’s Guide | Animosity Campaigns)!

    Let me know what you think :)

    Google Doc Version (recommended, but comment on this forum):

    The Mountain’s Path

    Sinaraipaints25/Sudsinabucket’s Homebrew faction and Prologue for Animosity III

    Prologue Part I

    The Dawn of War

    ““I have been a part of countless wars through the millenia, and one thing I have learned: War should be used to achieve Peace, one should always be ready for war and train in it, but one should not senselessly seek it out as these Idrelec do. Their war lust will be sated with their own blood. '' - Haset speaking to a Ruyalarian Emissary on the subject of the Idrelec.

    In the Hathorian capital of Iakhu Haset, the Goddess of the Hathorians and an ancient Primordial avatar of Hysh, sat upon her throne made of light. Her throne room sat deep inside the largest peak in the Twin Peaks mountain range in Ilithia, both the Goddess and her throne illuminated the whole chamber; no braziers were needed. No one, not even the Hasetians, the Priestesshood of Haset, knew if her throne was an extension of herself or simply a spoil from a war long past against primordial gods. Only once before in a moment of carelessness did Haset let slip in front of an Illithian confidant that her throne had a dark past, but then quickly changed the subject before it could get away from her. Her form was that of purest light, looked similar to the symbol the Lumineth use for their rune of Zenith, though from the shaft of the symbol grew four elongated hexagon arms and a large burning sphere above what would be a head if one were to guess. Though usually a blinding golden-white, her form instead now glowed that of a dark purple-blue that was dim. Her darkened form began to sink into the seat which she sat, all around her the large throne that of bright light that moved like magma from Aqshy. Next to the throne sat Haset’s warmask, the same worn by the Mountain Spirits, a gift from her Illithian allies.

    Haset was distraught, a feeling the avatar had come to know well in the recent weeks since her emissary to Ruyalar and to Caradryas Lightbringer himself had returned from their journey. The news from the Prime Dominion in Hysh was enough to make her look beyond just rebuilding in Ilithia, the Spirefall nearly ended her and her children the Hathorians, and she feared the beginning of something akin to it was again on the rise. It worried her more that it was not only in Vulgas, or Hysh as the Lumineth call it, but also in Haixiah itself. Haixiah being sacred to the Hathorians, but more so to Haset; it is home.

    It was in Haixiah in an ancient age that Haset and her sisters, the Surya, had come to be. The Lumineth speak of Haixiah and what lies beyond its shores, but only those few who have truly reached the light of Hysh have any idea. When they speak of the furthest reaches of Haixiah they speak of the likeness of white paper with sketches of light, then dots of light like those in eyes that have looked into the light, and then finally of waves of light that are also thoughts...memories. It was these very waves of light-thought which Haset came from, able to manifest into a form making it possible to break free from the outer rings pull to the very edge where the light gets trapped.

    News from the Prime Dominion pulled at the very core of Haset, she feared that one of the factions of Lumineth had come to find out how to harness the very light she came from into a Throne of Light, Ham-Galad. However, as unnerving this news was, it was only a theory that she hoped to explore herself in time. If the theory found to be reality Haset herself would bring upon those her wrath, no mortal should have the power that can create gods.

    There was other news from the region that however required more of a direct approach, the news of a war-hungry Lumineth faction that has seemed to have made a pact with the Blood God’s daemons themselves; this was unforgiving. She, a being of beyond ancient age, has seen many empires fall, but not quite like in the near-total collapse of the Lumineth, in particular Syar with their massive weapons of war. Haset, and the Hathorians themselves, were made for war but they did not view war in the same way as these Idrelec. These… Idrelec, Haset thought to herself, so wrapped up in the ecstasy of war, have forgotten that war is simply a tool of peace and for peace. Young races are so naive, even those of us made for war are that of a two sided coin, and the other side of that coin is peace. Her thoughts continued unabated until she heard footsteps, immediately her form and color began to shift and grabbed the war mask beside her.

    Sitting now on the throne sat the form of a beautiful aelven female with hooves of a bovine wearing the war mask, her true face never being shown to outsiders. Haset’s four arms rested upon each of the four arm rests of the throne, each hand holding and item: A Brazier that spouted unending shadow mist, her two weapons the Mace of Haixiah of bright light and stone and the Blade of Vari of Night and Shadows, and in her last hand hanging from a jeweled chain hung a decapitated Keeper of Secrets head; it’s eyes glowing like the throne behind it. Down the rich blue obsidian and marble hall walked two aelfs between seven large Hathorians towards the Goddess. Haset crossed her legs as she looked over the group, she recognized the Ilithian emissary who was helping mediate, his name was Eldir. The Goddess was fond of the Ilithian, his knowledge of diplomacy and of the Hathorian culture had been pivotal in recent years as knowledge of their existence began to reach out beyond Illithia and the shores of Syar. Eldir was an aelf Haset felt she could trust, and her trust of aelves is not easily won. The other aelf she did not recognize, he was tall, slender with pale skin and long wavy blonde hair. His gaze had not left her form since he had entered the chamber within the mountain, it was not surprising to Haset, anyone who sees something new has trouble looking away; especially that of a Goddess or God. His clothing was strange to what she had become accustomed to seeing other Lumineth wear, less traditional, but in its own way beautiful.

    Stopping several yards back from Haset six of the seven Hathorians drop back behind the aelves and a single larger Hathorian, who takes several steps forward. Clutching his war mace that burned with blades of light he tapped its butt to the floor three times before then lowering his head in respect,

    “Great Goddess of Ancient Light, Emissary Tulan of Ruyalar with word from Caradryas Lightbringer” the large Hathorians voice was deep, but his aelvish was flawless as he spoke the Lumineth language for better transparency while in talks.

    “You are generous with your time to escort the emissary here High Warchief Helaku” Haset’s voice sounded light like a gentle breeze, she gave a slight bow herself to the High Warchief before turning her gaze to Tulan, her own aelvish even better than the High Warchiefs as she began addressing him,

    “I hope your travels outside of the Prime Dominion and into Ilithia has proven relaxing? I hope the convoy that was sent to retrieve you was to your liking?” Haset’s eyes glowed with a relaxing hue of light as she locked eyes with the aelf.

    “Your people are most accommodating, I wanted for not, and excellent story tellers! The stories they tell i could listen to for human life times” the Lumineth smiled and himself gave a more gracious bow towards the avatar before him before clearing his throat, “What has your ancient wisdom concluded on the matter of joining the Ruyalar against the Idrelec and whatever foes we may face down this path of war?”

    Haset gently leaned forward her mask changing her what was once gentle facial expressions to what was now a more hardened and focused expression, her voice clear and precise in the words and their meaning,
    “You say that they call themselves… a Satrapy of Valour, yet they destroy the very realm they claim to defend, even allying with those greenskins”, She spits, “They openly welcome Chaos into Vulgas, or what you call Hysh, to seek battle for no better reason other than to claim victory, in fear of victory of others over themselves. There is no victory in endless war, even those bred for the battlegrounds know this. Peace must be the goal of War, War must be a tool of Peace. There is no valour in seeking out senseless battle, there is no valour in starting conflicts to only sate your own bloodlust. Valour is found in the defense of peace through war. The War Folds of the Hathorians will march with you of the Ruyalar”. The eye slits in the warmask began to glow of a red hot sun and the whole glow around Haset began to also glow and burn like that of a sun’s core, “Our sacred duty is to defend this realm of light, against any and all who may threaten it. Welcoming Chaos into the realm is to welcome my blade upon your throat.” Sitting back down the Goddess nodded to the hathorians behind the two Lumineth, the six bovine motion for Tulan to come with them, Eldris was to stay behind, which by his facial expression was not expected.

    The emissary could not help but smile in awe, and bowed before being dismissed to bring word to Caradryas Lightbringer of the joining of the Hathorians to their cause, having already spoken to the Ilithians in Yriquell. The Terms were simple: We join not for gold or reputation, we join for the good of the realm we all inhabit. The Idrelec have fallen to the depths of the Spirefall, or nearly, and they must be corrected if not by diplomacy then by the spilling of their blood. These terms were of course what were spoken, Haset however among her own council whispers from the Haixian throne of other unspoken motives within the Prime Dominion. The will of Haset does not end simply with ridding Hysh of a war-craved Lumineth Satrapy and its Chaotic allies, no, her sights also lie within the satrapy of the Dornayer.

    Leaning forward towards those that still remained, Haset waited until the large doors to the chamber had sealed to begin speaking,

    “I do not doubt there will be losses on both sides, no doubt, especially if what we have been told of these war hungry aelves is true. In the last month I have spoken with the Matriarch of the Yriquell and we have both agreed that we shall call upon once more the Mountain’s Path.”

    Silence was broken by a single question from a commander in the back, asking who should lead, after a short pause Haset let out a single name, “Asana”.

    At the sound of the name Helaku began to clench his teeth and his eyes closed as a wave of anger rose through him, though his mask hid this from everyone around him. Though he would follow the aelf blindly into battle, and he knew that she would do the same for him, he could not forget the history between them. Regaining his composure he could feel the goddesses stare on him, like a beam of light you cannot escape, and then a voice,

    “Did you hear me High Warchief?” Haset’s voice ringing in his ears, “You are to head to Yriquell ahead of the army and speak with the Matriarch and her general before leaving on their stone fleet. I head alone into Haixiah, there is something I must retrieve before joining in the campaign”. Helaku blinked his eyes, barely visible through the mask's slits, simply responding with a nod. With the simple gesture the haulking Hathorian warrior turned and began to walk out of the chamber and into the greater city of Iakhu,

    Haset’s body language did not shift and no hints of what she sought were given, but her orders were clear. Soon she turned her attention to the Ilithian emissary that still stood amongst the bovine council. Motioning for him to step forward, Haset releases her two weapons that now rested on the arms of her throne and clasped her hands together gently,

    “Eldir, sweet Eldir '' her voice innocent sounding but behind the pleasantries the aelf could feel a sense of enmity in her tone, “Word from your matriarch on what was spoken between us?”, her voice steady.

    The aelf cleared his throat and gave a nervous smile, “The Matriarch has agreed to your terms, that if we do find battle with the Dornayer and the throne is won to us, that it will be given to you, the Primordial Avatar of Hysh. It is also agreed that any land winnings will be granted to both nations, but those of Thalor Alari will receive double that of the Hathorian nation. She has also agreed to she said, ‘very intriguing proposal’”.

    Smiling, though hidden under her own mask, Haset nods at Eldir and gives a slight bow from her throne,

    “It is settled then, our two nations will once again march to war. But do remind Matriarch Asarra Whitespear that if my theory about the throne is correct that she will need my knowledge to acquire what she seeks''. Giving a nod, Standing up Haset raises all four of her arms into the air, and around her the red glow like a sunset shown brighter until it blinded all in the room that did not close their eyes. As her glow began to fade, Eldir noticed after his eyes opened that he now glowed with the light of a sunset’s colors, the natural magic that flowed through him also felt empowered, “and so the dawn of war is upon us” Haset said before clearing the chamber of all but her High Priestess.

    Part II

    “Even once hardened enemies can become fast friends”

    The Huntress and the Warrior

    Helaku walked the dirt streets of Iakhu in a housing district, the dust from the road rising from under his feet shimmering like miniature suns. Long houses made of light and shadow birch lined the streets, behind them high totems of venerated Hyshian spirits and animals dot the skyline above the busy eastern market and war districts in the distance. The Hathorian capital had exploded in growth after the Spirefall and Helaku was reminded every time he walked the busy streets, and he was thankful for it. Taking his war mask off, his long fur covered most of his face but even so he navigated the streets without error, he had helped build the capital long ago. Lumineth and Hathorian passed by him, his stride steady as he walked towards the western entrance to the city to where he would enter into the Garden of the Mountain.

    The Garden of the Mountain is a feat of a joint effort between the Lumineth of Thalor Alari and the Hathorians of Iakhu. The mountain valley that serves as a natural path between the two capitals has been made into a giant garden, terraces of flowers and extoic trees dot the sloping mountain sides, gardens of vegetables and other crops line the side of the road for travellers and the cities. At the Hathorian entrance the High Warchief came to a stable that held both land and aerial mounts. With haste needed Helaku secured one of the flying hyshian bulls from a handler and took off for Thalor Alari, the trek would only take a few hours compared to a day on a land mount, or several days on foot. Below him all the flowers were in full bloom, a sight he had seen hundreds of times before in his travels between the capitals, still he enjoyed it all the same. Sweet scents filled the air even several hundred feet in the air, the high mountain walls trapped the flowers' scent creating a corridor of never ending spring smells. A few hours later in front of him at the horizon of the skyline Helaku could see the rising towers and walls of Thalor Alari.

    Landing a hippogryph roost along the eastern wall, Helaku dismounts his tauronox and for a brief moment greets the hippogrpyphs who rested there; including one not older than a few months. Gently rubbing their beaks and running his hands through their feathers, the high warchief paid his respects to the war mounts and helped continue to build a familiarity with Hathorians. Turning towards his mount, Helaku begins to lead it outside the roost that connects to the mountain, and towards Mt. Alari. In what could only be described by those of Thalor Alari as “Hathor Speak” or “Bovine Tongue” the High Warchief begins to speak with the tauronox and it with him, and soon the great beast took off towards the green mountain.

    “To see how naturally Hathorians and their natural companions coexist, almost as if they are the same. It is a marvel and an inspiration! It truly sparks wonder when I see one of your kind speaking directly with any of the many wild bovine species of the realm”, a voice came from behind Helaku, it was Eldir who had just arrived on his hippogryph.

    “You aelves are quick of feet, I will have to leave obstacles next time”, the Hathorian turned around and gave the aelf a smirk and wink before a powerful laugh ensued. Both gave a bow before walking down the path behind the walls that lead to the city.

    “To war again our nations march it seems old friend, I do hope it is worth it, though the idea of an aelf allying with a chaos commander does not sit well. It brings back memories from those dark times. I just worry that this will set back our rejuvenation, and now with a new God of Destruction on the loose?”, a somber look came over the aelf for a brief moment before he caught himself and corrected it, “Nothing our bond cannot endure, I’m sure however”, confidence returning to him.

    Looking down at Eldir the High Warchief nodded in agreement, “The Mother Spirit and the Queen Matriarch seem to know what is at stake, and I personally look forward to testing the resolve of the war-crazed satrapy. I partook in wars that happened before the Age of Aelfs, long ago before any Lumineth was alive, I doubt even the Dornayar have records of them”, Helaku gave a head shake, “I want to see if this self proclaimed ‘Satrapy of Honour’ can teach me any more lessons on what they claim to have, for i see no honour in their wars for wars sake.” Stopping in their tracks both looked up at what they thought was Thunder of a mighty storm breaking upon the mountains, but in the distance instead they saw the tops of the smaller mountains begin to form into giant floating islands. It was the first sign that the Ilithians were preparing to march for war, when their Stone Mages began to form the mighty stone fortresses of Thalor and Alari, named after the two Volcano spirits that the mountain range belongs to. A wonder to see, and still the spirits themselves still needed to be roused from their mountain home; Helaku had only seen the process a handful of times.

    Upon reaching the inner city walls the two easily entered given the status of Eldir and the giant plaque he held up to the gate guard. The City of Thalor Alari was busy, and it felt that more Vanari marched throughout the streets than normal, and there were. It was clear that the city was preparing for war, fresh blades made from the fires of Mt. Thalor were arriving in large carts, large numbers of Stone Guard walked along the Vanari towards the floating islands, even overhead Hippogryphs and feathered dragons began to fly towards the same islands. It was never a surprise to the High Warchief how quickly the Ilithians mobilized, not after the Spirefall.

    Walking through multiple districts the pair finally reach their destination, the Queen Matriarch's palace, where yet another council awaits. Four of the matriarchs guard give a signal as the two walk forward and the large door begins to open. Before walking into the entrance helaku puts back on his war mask, taking a few steps forward he catches up with Eldir right inside the doors. Torches made with gems of light dot the walls, creating an identical feel of daylight even inside the palace, for the torches mimicked Hysh’s natural rhythm.

    Reaching the inner chamber Eldir parted with Helaku who noticed that no one else had arrived yet, looking around the Hathorian stands and began to meditate in silence. After no more than ten minutes had passed one of Helaku’s ears twitched towards a sound to his left, and a door opened and out walked Asana. The bovine could smell the aelf, instantly his eyes opened, though the anger he felt earlier did not surface in her presence. Turning towards the aelf he could see she still sported her simple armor compared to other Lumineth vanari generals. An aelf of beauty, by Lumineth standards, her long wavy hair and moonkissed skin were showing without her usual head garb; she walked up until they were within arms length. Both looked at one another, neither spoke but both could feel the tension in the room. It had been many years since the two had commanded with one another, to have their shared army called upon was only done for campaigns that both the Queen Matriarch and Haset felt needed

    “Fine, you stubborn upright shaggy Ymertrica Longhorn, I will begin this glorious meeting”, Asana’s words breaking the silence, her sarcastic tone picking at the Hathorians' animal appearance. As if a part of a song Helaku chimed back, without a beat being missed and clearing his throat,

    “The Ymertrica Longhorn is a majestic creature, one which has the reverence of all in Hysh. So much so in fact that your mountain spirits take on the appearance of one! You honor me”, the High Warchief’s voice sly, deep, and also deeply sarcastic in tone, gave the aelf a side eyed look.

    Asana raised an eyebrow before continuing on, seemingly shrugging off his response,

    “I am told we are to go to Haixiah to fight once more against my kin who seek out mindless war, somethings do not change. The Stonemages work now to create their fortresses, which you no doubt saw on your way here. I have also been given word just moments before walking into this chamber that your War Fold is already nearly to the walls, which does not surprise me”, her voice steady and confident in the towering hathorians presence, “my Vanari and other sections of the Thaloralrian army should be ready in mere hours, and then we will head towards the Prime Dominion”

    Giving a nod Helaku acknowledged what was told to him before revealing what the vanari general already seemed to know,

    “We had sent the War Fold forward in anticipation of the agreement of war, our nations so connected it is easy to anticipate the movements of each other... and I may have been given word of the agreement by the Goddess herself days prior ”.

    Smiling and nodding, Asana began walking towards a large table to the side of the Queen Matriarch's throne, on it were two maps, one showing all of Hysh and one of the Prime Dominion. Walking around to the top of the table the general points to a place on the map, the eastern tip of the satrapy that bordered near Elesha of Teclandec,

    “This is where my Stonemages will take us and where we will set up our first outpost, we will be in launching range of the Idrelec and able to keep eyes on the Teclandec also” continuing to go over plans for leaving for the Prime Dominion Asana looks over to see Helaku studying the map as he begins to comment on the region picked,

    “Seems like a defensible area, near the sea which is also good. I look forward to seeing this new land”, a snort of excitement leaves the bovine's nostrils, “The Primordial Goddess of Hysh will join us in time, though she has not told me why, she travels first into the depths of Haixiah first before joining with us on the campaign. It is a shame that our alliance dictates that one leader must always stay behind, to have both the Queen Matriarch and Goddess on the same battlefield would be a sight to behold again, bloody days they were”.

    Smiling Asana begins to walk towards the doors leading to the city, “It would be, however, the day both our leaders leave for battle is the day that th motioning for the Hathorian to follow. As the doors open their sight is greeted by the meeting of two mighty floating island fortresses over the city, floating stone stairs slowly forming to allow the army and those who would accompany them to board the Islands.

    “In a few days time we will be within the Prime Dominion my old friend, and again together we will fight for the good of Hysh and for a better future for our peoples”, both looked on as both the Ilithian Warhost and the Hathorian War Fold began to combine into one entity and join the Alarith and River Temples on the Floating islands high above.

    Days later the Army and all those who traveled with it were ready and forward they went towards the Prime Dominion and their destination, forward to war.

    Part III

    “Behind closed doors secrets are whispered, even by Gods and Goddesses, plans are spun away from even those we trust the most”

    Whispers of the Haixian Throne

    Haset sat still upon her throne, in front of her stood Heba, her first daughter and High Priestess of the priesthood. Between them they talked of the possible events to come: Loss of life, victory, defeat. Among the many subjects spoken about, the one that was spoken the most was the possibility of a new fold being built within Haixiah. There hadn’t been a Hathorian settlement within the continent since the Age of Primordials when the Hathorians were first created. pockets of stability were more common than they are now, not that the volatility of the continent impacted the bovines much like that of other races. Soon conversation moved to battle, and the few worries regarding the battle prowess of the Idrelec

    “Will you wake him?” Heba asked cautiously.

    Haset didn’t answer at first, the question came a bit surprisingly, she did not think anyone but herself would even consider what was asked. Acknowledging with a nod of her head the Goddess confirms the suspicion,

    “You my children are made for war, but you are not the only ones bred for it. I sense that this fight within the Prime Dominion will require all possible advantages, and he is a great warrior.” Standing up and beginning to walk down the steps of her throne Haset looks down at the Priestess next to her,

    “I leave you in charge of Iakhu, if all goes well within the Prime Dominion...our future plans with Asrra Whitespear should move forward within the region and into coastal Syar. I will send word of our progress” Haset’s form begins to change again as she walks towards to open chamber doors, this time into a golden white winged longhorn, her wings angelic in appearance. Soon the Goddess is seen entering the clouds of the Ilithian skyline high above the mountains, below she could see the armies of Thalor Alari and Iakhu moving onto the large floating fortresses, she knew they would soon leave.

    On the winds she thought of what was to come, but she knew where they went they were needed, if only she could be sure the allies they found were on the right side. Haset questioned Caradryas’s morality as the aelf did steal the mate of another, such an act was unheard of within Hathorian society. If one was willing to steal that which one longs for the most, what else are they capable of? She also wondered of the other nations and travelers who would ultimately join the cause on all sides, what worthy foes would they meet? She began to clear her mind as she disappeared into the horizon, back to where she had come to being, Haixiah.

    The Thalor Alari-Iakhu Alliance: The Mountain’s Path

    The Ilithians of Thalor Alari and the Hathorians have an intertwined history since the Spirefall, one that has forged an unbreakable alliance. From the Matriarchal Wars during the Spire Fall, the Battle of Autumn Plains, the Green Tide Wars and countless others, in the defense of Ilithia the two Nations have travelled together unquestionably into war. Two nations with a shared soul, they formed a handful of shared armies that among the many others they hold. These armies consisted of the best that both races had to offer, elite armies capable of penetrating deep into enemy territory or tackling the most savage fronts. The Largest and most battle hardened of these armies is known as the Mountain’s Path.

    Travelling on floating islands of mountain tops, the Mountain’s Path appears in the sky without warning. Atop a mountain top in the center of the Island sits a Temple to the mountain, here a Alarith Temple Mage or Kaibab Whisperer propel their stone fortresses forward, even the winds breaking before them. The army and those that support it on the campaign form villages or cities depending on the size of the island, often fortifying them as the island provides recurring stone and timber for building. Living rivers of river aelementals form on the islands, truly these are not ordinary fortresses but living fortresses able to self sustainment.

    The Leadership of these armies is broken down like other Lumineth armies, however the role of General varies between a aelf or a Hathorian depending on the campaign. Examples of this can be seen in the Green Tide Wars in Ghur where the Hathorian High Warchief Helaku was given the role of General over that of Asana the Huntress. It was thought that the Orruks and other wild tribes of Ghur would respect the appearance of brute strength of a Hathorian over the more fragile look of an Aelf. This may have been proven when in a Duel Helaku was able to cleave a Orruk Warboss clean in half with one swing with a rusted blade after dropping his own mace. Upon seeing their leader so clearly beaten the tribe of savage orruk swore fealty to the Hathorian, though ignoring any aelven orders. Though during the Spirefall it was Aelven command that was used almost extensively, as Hathorians were being killed on sight as they were thought to be Beasts of Chaos outside of the Twin Peaks region. The success of these armies at their core is the ability of both races to trust in the leadership of the other without question.

    Together the Ilithians of Thalor Alari and the Hathorians create the perfect balance of agility, intelligence and brute strength.

    Thalor Alari in The Prime Dominion of Animosity III Campaign:

    Named after the two mountain spirits in which the city sits in the shadows of, Thalor Alari is the regional capital of the Twin Peaks region in Ilithia. A naturalist faction of Lumineth, those of Thalor Alari strive to coexist with Hysh in natural harmony with the realm and that which dwells within it. Where others have massive forges, the Lumineth of Thalor Alari use Mt. Thalor as their forge with its active fires, the living volcano allowing a natural smithing process.

    Although on the surface they call themselves Lumineth, the aelves of Thalor Alari do not recognize the Twin Gods of light as their own, but instead worship Zenith Dragons and Haset; The Queen Matriarch claiming to be of a dragon bloodline. With the perceived abandonment by their creators, the aelves sought out new allies in which they found Haset and the Hathorians, Zenith Dragons, Hippogryphs, and the Aelemental spirits.

    The Twin God denying Ilithians have a history of military dominance and using that strength to maintain balance within their region of Ilithia and greater Hysh. Where seeds of corruption are thought to be found, the armies of Thalor Alari do not shy from marching forth, and rumors of corruption are coming from the Prime Dominion. [​IMG]

    Their interest in the Prime Dominion on the surface is simple: Land, Payment and to root out and destroy those who would welcome those outside of order into Hysh. However, beyond what is spoken in the halls of diplomacy, the matriarch of Thalor Alari has grander plans that she wishes to achieve. Where Asarra Whitespear feels that Teclis and Tyrion failed her people while the Matriarchal Wars during the Spirefall raged, that same rage towards them is what drives her to never do the same; at any cost she will see her people prosper.

    Hathorians in The Prime Dominion of the Animosity III Campaign:

    The Hathorians: Created by the Goddess Haset, an Avatar of Hysh, the Hathorians live amongst the mountains and highlands of Hysh. An ancient bovine shamanistic race, they have stood guard in defense of the realm of light since before the Age of Myth and the arrival of the Twin Gods Tyrion and Teclis. [​IMG]

    Although the Hathorians were made for war, the race with Haset’s guidance does not shy away from diplomacy and will seek peace before war in most instances. Treaties and peace are valued, even if at times as a tool in bidding time, putting off the demise of one to focus on the annihilation of another. Being highly skilled in both war and diplomacy has allowed the Hathorians to survive when others have fallen, to rise when before on the brink of their destruction. In the defense of Vulgas, Hysh in the Hathorian language, the Hathorians have clashed with Chaos, Greenskin, Gods, and Mortals alike, including the Lumineth, over the millennia.

    The Spirefall nearly brought the annihilation of the Hathorians and Haset, this near annihilation was not only brought upon by mistaken identity of being Beasts of Chaos by the Lumineth, but also by the chaos armies of Slaanesh and Khorne in particular towards the end of the Spirefall. If not for an alliance with an Illithian matriarch the Primordial Goddess and her children may not have survived.

    To see Khornites on the battlefield, no less in Hysh, makes the Hathorians filled with rage and even more so when aelves are swayed into allegiance with them. Such Allegiances are what made the Spirefall that much more bloodied and prolonged, and such offenses should not be repeated nor unpunished in the eyes of the Hathorians.

    Their Ilithian allies describe the Hathorians as stoic, embodying the strong and silent type with their quiet contemplation. This quiet thoughtful disposition is highly respected by the Aelves of Hysh, Ilithia in particular, as they respect sound and thoughtful thinking. This high intelligence and calculated reasoning combined with the immense size and strength also make them to be considered dangerous by many, even their own allies and in particular those of the Great Nation of Sayr. A highly spiritual and shamanistic society, the Hathorians pay homage to the Ancients, or Aelements to the Lumineth, they live in the shadows of. Among the mountains and within the highlands where they live one can hear the throat singing Whisperers, and the Ancients delighting in their songs, all worship Haset above all else, the Mother Spirit.

    Core Characters


    Haset: A being of pure light and a primordial avatar of Hysh, Haset commands the light and magic of the realm as a master weaver controls a needle, all with the sound of her voice. On the battlefield, the foe is mesmerized, not only by the slaughter before them as she is potent in melee but also because of the hymns and blessings she weaves with her voice. As whole enemy regiments burst into searing light or worse, her destructive power causes veteran and new recruit alike to flee. For her people, the Hathorians, she is the Mother Spirit and a beacon of hope that does not falter. Her charge is to maintain the fluid natural balance of Hysh with the Mortal realms, in particular with Ulgu, at any cost. Without balance, there can only be Chaos. [​IMG]

    The Goddess Haset of the Hathorian Nation is an ancient goddess, possibly as old as the realm itself, the goddess has seen the realm grow and evolve more than many. Eons before the Age of Myth there was a Great Awakening throughout the Mortal Realms, if this was the first or one-hundredth time no one can be sure, but life sprang forth. From the smallest insect to Gods and Goddesses, life seemed untamed and its expanse continued for generations. These Gods and Goddesses were physical manifestations of the realms themselves, imbued with the realm’s natural raw magics. Among the mad expanse of life came the goddess Haset and the five Surya or five Light Avatars (or also known as Solar Gods) in the realm of Valgus, or what would become known as Hysh.

    Haset’s existence, along with the other Surya, began in a burst of light, and at that moment consciousness was born, with Haset being the strongest of the five. Each Surya had a calling, Haset’s was War and Knowledge and so was her name among the other Surya. According to Hathorian legend, Haset and the Surya came into being when beams of purest light from the highest reaches of Valgus raced downwards, willing itself to take form instead of being absorbed by the realm. With conscience and awareness, the new Goddess and the other Surya began to travel the lands as one, in golden fields met by forests of permanent autumn leaves the Solar Gods walked. The purity and natural balance about them made these beings of light joyous, their radiant light helping to promote the growth of the realm about them. To Haset’s knowledge, only one other Surya survives.

    Haset’s form glows with the light of Hysh as her spirit within is pure light itself, blinding and purifying it is only when she dims her light can mortals look upon her. As light is and can be an infinite number of colors Haset also is and can be numerous different forms, no one however but the High Priestesses of Haset know her true face. Rumors spread of an Aelven woman with a bovine head with six horns, within the two top horns a large disc is held. Others say they see the form of a beautiful white bovine, not dissimilar to the Ymetrica Longhorn. The most outlandish tales tell of a symbol that dances in radiant shades of light as it whispers messages of Wisdom. Only one thing is constant in any of the sightings beyond the raging light: The Sphere above her head.

    Helaku, Honored High Warchief of Haset:

    “As the large Hathorian charged towards them, the Gors and Bullgors did not know how to react. At first, they thought him one of their own, for the form was that of their own, or seemed to be. Instead of patches of fur, he was covered in long thick fur that even covered part of his face, or was it a mask? They could not tell from the distance they stood, it was not until they realized that his weapon radiated with pure light and that his armor bore both Lumineth and strange symbols that he was not one of their own. With a horrendous warcall the raiding party begins their own charge at the yak like minotaur in front of them. Before combat was met, man sized bolts whistled down from the sky skewering a few gor and a bullgors where they stood. With a thunderous war cry of his own Helaku, Honored High Warchief of Haset, crashed into the gors like an avalanche crashes into a building. Swinging his mace, its pure piercing light energy cauterizing and melting armor that it struck. The remaining Bullgors rushed the Hathorian, almost as large as he and more in number, seeking the blood and flesh of their assailant. Helaku raised his shield to the first one, its green crystals pulsing outwards with his own push, sending the first bullgor flying back several meters, crashing into a highland boulder. Swinging his crude axe, the second Bullgor is parried by the Honored High Warchief’s own weapon. As the bullgor raised his axe to strike the sense of pain raised through his back, and then his chest; a beam of light soon shown where the bullgors chest cavity once was. Lifeless body fell before Helakui, blood shown on his war mask, he again wades into the remaining beasts, none are spared.” - First Encounter of Beast of Chaos and Hathorians, outside of Iakhu, Capital of the Hathorian Nations [​IMG]

    Helaku, meaning “Mountain Strength” or “The Mountain’s Strength” is the personal High Warchief of Haset, and the first Male Hathorian to be made by the Goddess. Created for war, Haset imbued in him all of her own combat prowess and knowledge, he is war made manifest. Since before the Age of Myth, Helaku has commanded over the Avatar’s armies, or War Folds, and has crushed many in her name.

    Over the ages many High Warchiefs have challenged the ancient Honored High Warchief for his position, and to be Haset’s personal High Warchief; they soon realize their folly. Though all male Hathorians are bred for war specifically, none can match Helaku’s strength or tactical intelligence, they are soon overpowered and sent back to their own war folds.

    Pivotal to the battle of Yriquell-Lunia, Helaku lead the charge of the Hathorian Elite Guard, The Mountain Guardians, to repel the Slaansh warhost that had been carving a path of death through Ilithia during the Spirefall. The Hathorian war fold caught the Slaaneshi forces off guard, being able to hold them long enough for the remaining Ilithian forces to regroup and join back into the battle. The ferocity that the Hathorians fought with inspired the aelves, but it was Helaku’s own martial prowess that inspired them even more. Cutting down even the largest of Slaangor, the High Warchief seemed unstoppable, it was only until a Keeper of Secrets emerged that the tide began to shift again. If it was not for the Warchief’s own tactical foresight the battle would have been lost. His own forces holding back the Keeper of Secrets and elite center, allowing the Ilithian infantry to flank the weaker sides of the piercer formation of the Slaaneshi force. Enough time was bought for Haset herself to engage the greater daemon of Slaanesh, soon the village was won and the Hathorians disappeared again, like the myths of old. It would not be for another passing of Ulgu that the Hathorians and Ilithians of the region would become military allies.


    Asana the Huntress & Ilithian War Hippogryph, Vanari General

    Diplomacy within the Prime Dominion:

    Ally Coalition: The Ruyalar

    Shared Reason: Being the most cultured of the Satrapies within the Prime Dominion, Haset and Asarra Whitespear reasoned that it would be them more than any of the others that would accept the bovine goddess and her children into their ranks and society.

    Hathorians: The Hathorians in particular find the Ruyalar intriguing, always trying to push boundaries and try new things. However, it is also noted that in Syar this was a part of their downfall: Always wanting to try and create better war engines. As much as the Hathorians view the Ruyalar as allies in a fight for the Prime Dominion, they also feel this innovation must be watched from the outside with new eyes, striving for ever new heights is what led to the dazzling fall.

    Thalor Alari: As the Ilithians have denied the Twin Gods and many of their teachings they have in many ways been on their own, for this reason they seek to learn what they can from the Ruyalar; knowledge is what Thalor Alari seeks. Aside from knowledge and payment, the Thaloralrians seek out to test their own military might against such foes as the Idrelec. Proud of their own military prowess, they seek to prove the superior force and take land to prove it.

    Respected Coalitions: The Celandec & The Teclandec

    The Celandec: Both the Hathorians and the Thaloralarians have sympathy and understanding towards those of the Celandec satrapy. Both nations coming from against-the-odds-histories from the Spirefall, the plight of the Celandec resonates with them and common cause could be found.

    The Teclandec: If there was a place within the Prime Dominion that reminded both the Hathorians & the Thaloralarians of their home in Ilithia it would be the Satrapy of Teclandec. In particular for the Thaloralarians who have built a large trading empire, the Teclandec are a possible new trade partner to expand into Haixiah and other routes in between. The Hathorians respect the level of culture and civilization that the satrapy has achieved, however are wary that they have not yet found the humility to sustain such great heights of talent; did they learn from the fall that was the Spirefall?

    Prime Enemy Coalition: The Idrelec.

    Shared Reason: Although The Hathorians, Thalor Alari and the Idrelec are similar in many ways, they also differ in such fundamental ways that to Haset and the Matriarch that peace between them could never be. The welcoming of chaos into Hysh can not be tolerated.

    Hathorian Reason: Although both the Idrelec and Hathorians are bred and made for war, where the Idrelec seeks it out and does not accept peace as a natural part of the cycle of war, the Hathorians seek peace but prepare for war. The true victory to the Hathorians is peace and bringing honor to both sides for not just peace, but lasting peace.

    Thalor Alari: Sharing the same views as the Hathorians of the war hungry Aelves, the Ilithians also seek to expand their own territories in Haixiah, although until now were unsure if that would even be possible with the volatility of the continent. Now with the reality that a port city within Haixiah is possible Queen Matriarch Asarra Whitespear tries her hand at grabbing that which she wants.

    Secondary Enemy Coalition: The Dornayar.

    Shared Reason: Both Haset and Asarra share an opinion of Elusedrod the Deathly and his throne of light: He should not have it. The main common thought is that the leader of the Dornayar should not be able to see what the throne allows him to see. To have such an advantage not only in war but even in peace is too dangerous to allow.

    Hasets reason: “Ham-Galad, the Throne of Light of Elusedrod the Deathly is carved from Hysh’s radiance”, per the words of her Ruyalar emissary, has awoken a fear within Haset that she has not felt but a few times in her very long life. She fears that the throne is made of the very light which she came from, and therefore that the aelf upon it may unlock the secret of godhood.

    Thalor Alari: Although the Throne of Light is a concern, the Thaloralarians do not care for the presence of the star lizards, and wish to expel them from the realm and steal their ancient knowledge. The Thanalarians are always wishing to expand their knowledge of history so they can avoid repeating it, for partly this reason they wish to take on the Dornayar: To raid the great libraries of the Satrap.

    Asarra Whitespear also has her own agenda, which except to a handful of trusted individuals, no one knows about.
  7. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    I didn't mention this before, but this line is really badass. This kind of word play is something I always try to do in my stories.

    Is that all? I'd like more story, but the way you ended on a cliff hanger was still satisfactory. Also, do your hathorians have yaks? I somewhat remember you were talking about them, but idk.

    It's these bovines:



    They look so extremely cool, and i'd like writing fluff based off them some time in the future, including using your ideas of matriarchal beastmen and a culture based largely on making peace, which is interesting. Good work!
    Imrahil and Sudsinabucket like this.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks man! I also like trying having some cool lines here and there lol. I will be adding to it once the Animosity campaign ends, and just in general after. This was just the very beginning (and a bit rushed lol), so I'll definitely be filling it out more in the future.

    They do indeed, they have both Yak Cav and Mountain Bear Cav (Mountain Bears are much easier to kitbash, so focused on them atm, but yes they have both!). My Hathorians are largely based off a few species: Highland Cow, Yak, and Longhorn. Theyre big Beasty atm, the Ovibos (or Living Mountain Shrine) is loosly based off the Muskox, as its name Ovibos, is just literally the scientific name for Muskox. Its kinda a mammoth, Rhino, Muskox hybrid I'd say.

    In some ways, monster wise, I view them very loosely a hyrbid of Mawtribes, Norsca, Beastmen & Lumineth? Using Large Mountain/Highland/Tundra/wooly beasts to carry around the Spirits of the Realm which they commune with.

    As example, my Living Mountain Shrine carried by an Ovibos below. A large creature that carries the heart of the mountain on its back via a large armored Shrine. The Mountain’s heart empowering the creature with the mountains strength. One of these strengths is turning the fur hard as stone, allowing the creature to withstand even more than it naturally could already.
    Screenshot_20210607-194714_Instagram.jpg Screenshot_20210607-194731_Instagram.jpg
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I would say, in addition, Hathorians are really Heralds of the Natural Order and seek to return the realms to a time before even the Age of Myth, before Chaos and ruin entered the Realms. When the only true threats were what naturally occured/appeared/evolved within the Realm itself; such as the bug race aka The Burrowers which are a top enemy to my Hathorians whom live below and inbetween Hysh & Ulgu. And yes, eventually, a story about a war between them.

    They also really don't like Kragnos.
    Imrahil and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Mock up of said bear cav, except they would have Halbards, this is a Hathorian I had that could be used to test the fitting. Im tempted to wait and see how the Kislev bears look for the Old World when they come out, they may be a better fit. 20210728_115850.jpg 20210728_115812.jpg
    Imrahil and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  11. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    I somehow doubt that bear can withstand the weight of that mountain of a man bull, but I still like the gnarly looks the model espouses :D
    Imrahil likes this.

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