With the FAQ last week I'm updating my list Warlord #1 Slann Starmaster - Command Trait: Ancient Knowledge, Godbeast Pendant Starseer - Spell: Hand of Glory Astrolith Bearer 10x Skinks Warlord #2 Engine of the Gods - Amulet of Destiny (5+ ward), Prayer: Curse Skink Priest - Arcane Tome (Bind Endless Spell), Prayer: Heal Skink Starpriest - Tide of Serpents 10x Skinks Hunters of the Heartland 2x Razordons 2x Salamanders 10x Skinks Misc. Shackles Chronomantic Cogs Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery (keep a WIZARD alive) Triumph: Inspired Extra Command Points: 2 1800/2000 Engine of the Gods is a PRIEST now, which is great because he can Bless himself with a 6+ notward that stacks with the 5+ ward. He can also Curse enemies, and he is likely to be within range eventually since he is so durable. I am liking a regular Slann more than Kroak since both get Comet's Call and 1-3 casts of Celestial Deliverance (without a Balewind Vortex) doesn't seem to be worth the extra points. You really want to cast Mystical Unforging every turn until you destroy the opponents Amulet of Destiny, and Celestial Equilibrium is a great cast every turn to help your other WIZARDs consistency with endless spells and such. I'm moving Cogs up to a "must have" status because getting an extra cast with each wizard is amazing even if you just use it for summoning points or a Mystic Shield. I am left with 200 points to spend. I could upgrade each squad of Skinks to Saurus Knights (better mobility, durability, damage) for 35 points per unit, upgrade a unit of Skinks to Guard to make the Slann more durable for 40 points, add another Endless Spell (Geminids? Burning Head? Pendulum?), upgrade 2x Razordons to 2x Salamanders for 50 points, or just toss in more Razordons/Salamanders. What do you guys think?
Seems like a solid list, just keep in mind that Bless is absolutely a ward save of 6+, so it will not work with the Amulet, but either one of those will work with the Astrolith aura. As for the Slann vs Kroak, for me it will depend on who I'm up against, but Slann is solid. Overall, I want to try this list soon, and share some of my findings.
So they stack, but its only specific wording. Because Bless and Amulet of Destiny both used the updated "ward save" wording, they wouldn't stack. Because astrolith (and a frostlords stone skin, etc etc) use a slightly different wording that specifies at the "time of" allocation, not before they do stack. So wards = before allocation and you can only have one of these. Other DPR = at allocation and these can stack with each other and with wards. And eotg with amulet, astrolith and bless on it would basically get his armor save (4+) ONE of his ward saves (probably amulet 5+) and then the astrolith save (6+). However, i think this is a massive oversight and will be adjusted quickly to consolidate them all into simple ward saves. But this faq proved to me that you can't really guess how they'll go with things so who knows. Generally not a fan of the eotg in dracos but i could see it being strong with curse for your razors. In my opinion you need 1 unit of saurus guard for dracos. I don't think bind endless spell is doing you any favors and certainly not worth wasting an artefact on. The razordons are the only reasonable unit to put your starpriest buff on, but ideally you want your damage dealers in the sky so you can protect them and have more control over where they go. If you like this eotg with curse/starpriest combo for max mortals i would run more razordons or a unit of 30 skinks. I could see that being a lot of fun and punching SUPER hard under the right circumstances. I run a basti in my dracos tail list and i like it a lot. provides a lot of flexibility and lets you do something while all my salamanders are still off the table.
Total brain fart - I meant to write that the Amulet stacked with the Astrolith notward. I was considering giving the Arcane Tome to the Astrolith Bearer since he is always in range of his own aura, but having the Skink Priest as another Vassal is useful as well. I will probably end up keeping it on the Priest and giving him Hand of Glory since he should be following the unit that he is buffing anyway. I considered a Bastiladon to give me a 2nd MONSTER to help with Battle Tactics and to provide a big wall. Not sure where to cut 35 points, though, especially if I run some Saurus Guard. EOTG with Amulet is a great wall unit, but there's definitely some serious strategic value in having a second wall unit, especially a MONSTER wall that shoots. Other useful options I was considering are a Knight-Azyros to get a fast flying hero that lets me reroll 1s in shooting and combat, or a Battlemage to give one of my units +2 run/+2 charge (really good for teleport charges).
I do think the list feels a little disjointed, like it's trying to run synergies for things it doesn't have. I'd probably swap the eotg for a second slann, upgrade the razors to sallies, upgrade a Skink unit to guard, cut the starpriest for a single salamander, and then I think there'd actually be 120 points left for a 6th salamander
Extra ccp, not being as vulnerable to an alpha, having more spell options. Celestial equilibrium is a nice spell to cast, and being able to have a second slann to benefit from the bonus is great. 6 global unbinds at +1 base is no joke either for magic defense. I do think going this route I'd want burning head tho to ensure they don't run out of things to cast.
Putting 530 points in two slow 7 wound wizards with weak combat and redundant spells seems like a bad idea. I would rather run EOTG with Arcane Tome, or Kroak, or even a Troglodon.
IMO i would simply try to get more stuff on the table. you have 6 heroes, 2 control/support endless spells, and basically 2 sources of real damage in the razordons and salamanders. You need something to give you a little more output.