AoS 2k Thunder Lizards!

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by KibaWildFang, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. KibaWildFang

    KibaWildFang New Member

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    So my local Seraphon master at my LGS helped me make a really solid list, and I wanted to share it. I’ve bought everything but one stegadon (which is on the way, and its to replace the one I mucked up), so I just have to build and paint it all after.

    Thunder Lizard, 2 Battle Regiments (3 drop army because of the Engine not fitting in the battalion)

    Scar Veteran on Carnosaur (general: Prime Warbeast, Celestite Warspear)
    Oldblood on Carnosaur
    Engine of the Gods (prayer: Heal, artefact: Fusil of Conflagration)
    Slann Starmaster (lore: Stellar Tempest)

    5 Saurus Knights (spears)
    5 Saurus Knights (spears)
    5 Saurus Knights (spears)
    5 Saurus Guard
    Stegadon (skystreak bow)
    Stegadon (skystreak bow)

    Couple strategies/thought processes to note:
    -The Saurus Knights are fantastic screens/countercharge walls. With the new coherency rules, they can be lined up long ways and, in MSU, stay in unit coherency. This takes up a good chunk of space, and prevents getting charged too early.

    -Not only can the Engine of the Gods use the Thunder Lizard command ability on itself to use Cosmic Engine twice (since it is a leader), the FAQ cleared up it does have the Priest keyword and can thus use prayers. I was going to initially go with Curse, but I realized the main chunk of my army is multiwound monsters, and could really benefit from the Heal Prayer as well as the heal from Cosmic Engine.

    -The Oldblood could be swapped for a Skink Oracle on Troglodon, for access to another wizard (who in turn has access to Hand of Glory), and can be used to aim the Slann’s Stellar Tempest up the field easier, but I feel it isn’t worth the trade off of the raw killing power of the Oldblood on Carnosaur. Having two of them enables me to still deal decent damage in case one goes down.

    -The Saurus Guard are attached to the slann’s hip, who is in turn always near the Engine as much as it can be for the extra dice on Cosmic Engine.

    -Should be common knowledge, but this list can break the “4 behemoths” limit because Thunder Lizard make Stegadons battleline and not take the Behemoth role.

    Overall, I’m fairly confident in this list and cannot wait to get it all built, painted and on the table!
  2. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    You can make it a two drop as the engine can go into an artillery slot
  3. KibaWildFang

    KibaWildFang New Member

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    Unfortunately, its a “behemoth or artillery” slot, and the stegs take those up. The stegadons still count as behemoths for the purpose of battalions, because it revolves around keywords, not army roster slots.
    LordRibbit likes this.
  4. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Fortunately (or unfortunately if you wanted to use an alpha beast battalion) this isn't true! Behemoth isn't a keyword, its a battlefield role and in thunderlizard stegadons battlefield role is permanently changed to battleline. In thunderlizard, regular stegs do not slot in under the "monster" (behemoth thats not a leader) to fill out battalions. They slot into the "troop" role (units that are not leader, artillery, or behemoth).

    In terms of the list, personally i think a skink hero would do you wonders. Finding a way to fit a starpriest in there will give your knights a lot more punching power and give you a way to crack open 3+ saves, something thunder lizard is going to struggle with.

    Could drop the unit of guard (or a single knight unit) and drop a steg down to a basti to fit the starpriest in (or a priest and an endless). basti's REALLY want a priest, so might need to do a bit more finessing but its a thought. Like the monster mash tho, 2 stegs, an engine, and 2 carnos will be fun to run around with.
  5. KibaWildFang

    KibaWildFang New Member

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    Oh wow, you’re right. That turned this into a true 2-drop list. Thanks!

    On the note of the Starpriest, maybe. He would be out in the open on his own a lot. I considered the Bast but I couldn’t fit it. Wanted both stegs to be fair. And I definitely don’t want to remove the guard, because that would for sure leave the Slann unguarded.

    Also, did you mean the Starseer? Control Fate is the one that reduces or adds to save modifiers.

    Also... if the stegs lose monster keyword like that... does that mean they can’t monstrous action?
    Putzfrau likes this.
  6. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Nah ment starpriest for the mortals. Starseer could work too, same idea just different execution. Sounds like you're digging the vibe of your current list tho so try it out as is and go from there. Just have a plan for those 3+ base save, I think that'll end up being a pain point but who knows!
  7. KibaWildFang

    KibaWildFang New Member

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    Okay. But now I’m worried about the Stegadons not getting their monstrous rampages haha. I’ll think of something for 3+ saves. I’ll test what I have, and down the road I’ll add more to the collection! A recent list for Thunder Lizards did surprisingly well, by the way. No Carnosaurs, sadly, but they had:
    Command Entourage + Regiment
    Skink Priest (heal)
    Skink Starseer
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer
    Skink Chief on Stegadon

    5 Saurus Guard
    10 skinks
    20 skinks

    2 Salamander hunting packs
    2 Bastiladons.

    Personally, I want my knights and Carnosaurs, but I can appreciate a list like that as well.
  8. xoid

    xoid Well-Known Member

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    Stegadons are still monsters, as that is on their warscroll, and get their rampages, they just don't have the behemoth battlefield role.

    In fact, since they are just normal troops for battlefield role, you can put them in a hunters of the heartlands battalion making them immune to roar and titanic duel.
    Tyranitar and Putzfrau like this.
  9. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    I like the list other than the oldblood on carnosaur, I just can't get behind them at 270 points. I'm not big on carnosaurs in general sadly, rend -1 and the jaws hitting on 4+ base leading to 3+ at best is a killer for me. I'd spend those 270 points elsewhere, likely a starpriest or seer plus something else, or 2 salamanders.
  10. KibaWildFang

    KibaWildFang New Member

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    Honestly, I’m still looking forward to the carnosaurs on the table, personally. Rend -1 and a 4+ hit, yes, but 5 damage on the jaws. I’m mainly using it to push aggressively up the table. The Knights also help screen out so I can make sure the Carnosaurs get into combat on my terms. I’ll probably mainly use it for more friendly games. Eventually I’ll save up to get other models, maybe Starpriest/seer and Bastiladons.
  11. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    I agree the models are awesome. If it's just friendly games they'll do fine. Our book is strong enough overall that we can give up some point efficiency and still be effective in casual games for sure
  12. KibaWildFang

    KibaWildFang New Member

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    I also heard that one or so Carnos aren’t so bad this edition compared to last. Granted, they’re admittedly better in Koatl’s Claws for that innate +1 to hit on the charge army trait. Eventually I’m gonna try a build a list that replaces them for Bastiladons and maybe squeezes in a Starpriest/Starseer
    Tyranitar likes this.
  13. KibaWildFang

    KibaWildFang New Member

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    I couldn’t stop thinking about this, and honestly, I’ve decided to shake a few things up thanks to this.

    Thunder Lizard (Command Entourage/Regiment/Regiment)
    Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (general, Amulet of Destiny)
    Engine of the Gods (fusil of Conflagration, heal)
    Slann Starmaster (stellar tempest) [command entourage]
    Skink Starpriest (Hand of Glory) [command entourage]
    Skink Starpriest (Hand of Glory) [command entourage]
    5 Knights
    5 Knights
    5 Knights
    5 Guard
    Stegadon (bow)
    Stegadon (bow)

    I elected to find a middle ground and keep the cheaper Carnosaur. To make up for the loss of Carnosaur redundancy, I decided to put the slann and starpriests into a command entourage to get magnificent and put the Amulet of Destiny on the Scar Vet so he’d last longer. The Starpriests can easily keep up with Knights, and can use Serpent Staff and Hand of Glory/Blazing Starlight wherever needed.
    Tyranitar likes this.

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