ah so you just flubed the quoting. definitely looked like you where responding to kilvacar you are counting a chair and trees? scenery seems to be stretching it just a tad no one counts the realm shaper when we talk about the seraphons lack of new models or the rat trap when we talk about skaven. and why are you discounting the older books that came out before 2nd? we still got entire new armies back then. also the 2 books you mentioned are 7 armies that didn't get anything and in the case of cities lost a good chunk of their range. oh and you forgot doKs 2nd edition book it released without any of that all it's new models came with BR morathy. and if you count the BR books to avoid that then you throw a bunch of armies in to the didn't get anything pile. im loth to even count the single hero models, the ogre hero did nothing for beast claw raiders.
Ok, I guess to be more specific, I mean that most new battletomes don't have new *units* released alongside them. Yes, a lot of AoS battletomes got things like terrain and endless spells, but most battletomes for existing armies don't have any new units to go with them. And I'm pretty sure that's what the vast majority of people are talking about when they say "no new models." Seraphon, Skaven, Beasts of Chaos and Cities of Sigmar are the most glaring examples of armies with no new *units* released in AoS. Now to be fair, none of those armies need brand new units, they just need new models for current units. But hopefully we'll start to see more of those since AoS has to be running low on ideas for new factions. Or, at least I hope so. Umbraneth is the only new faction we know is probably still in the works.
I forgot to post last week's Rumour Engine: This looks pretty Choas-aligned We will see, eventually. Grrr, Imrahil
Agreed. The lion heads on the sword's hilt feel more SCE. I think this is a pic to go along with the recently revealed celestial hawk for Underworlds. But it could also be MORE Lumineth.
The pommel reminds me a lot of Narsil/Anduril , but the lionheads break that. Agreed, some new elvish warband...even though they just got a new one this last season. ...then again, the scabbard has a vampire-ish armor aesthetic meaning those could be dragonheads and this could be another vampire mini. They also have weapons that look more like real medieval weapons, a description that definitely fits that hilt. Maybe a lost Forgotten City expansion being spun as an AoS hero?
Ha ha ha. I was flat wrong on my guess for the most recent Rumor Engine pic (the sword on the characters back). I thought it would go with the new SCE Underworlds warband. But those were revealed today and it doesn't match.
Usually the Rumour Engines are being solved over half a year after appearing So for another SCE release in the future you might be correct Grrr, Imrahil
I added today's Rumour Engine: At first I got a high Nighthaunt vibe of it, but then I noticed the boot in the top left corner. So perhaps these are some sort of tree roots or stam. What do you guys think? Grrr, Imrahil Grrr, Imrahil
I added Yesterday's Rumour Engine: This looks like a hull from a ship or the lower end of a ribcage from some sort of monster. Grrr, Imrahil
That would be awesome though. Perhaps sky pirates as an opposite to the Kharadron Overlords Grrr, Imrahil
I've added today's Rumour Engine: Yet another picture of some sort of packaging this time on (what I think is) a horse or mount. Grrr, Imrahil